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Ned Greer's Year!..........
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
medicinemann 21-Feb-10
medicinemann 21-Feb-10
Bowboy 21-Feb-10
Charlie Rehor 21-Feb-10
Horn Donkey 21-Feb-10
Bou'bound 21-Feb-10
JM 22-Feb-10
loesshillsarcher 22-Feb-10
Owl 22-Feb-10
iowaarcher74 23-Feb-10
Genesis 23-Feb-10
Sandbrew 24-Feb-10
medicinemann 25-Feb-10
loesshillsarcher 25-Feb-10
Sandbrew 25-Feb-10
Tom inPA 25-Feb-10
loesshillsarcher 25-Feb-10
Tom inPA 25-Feb-10
JM 25-Feb-10
loesshillsarcher 26-Feb-10
From: medicinemann
First, Ned Greer (Loesshillsarcher) grows a beard as a good luck charm in Mexico and he kills a dandy desert Bighorn Ram in Mexico.

Second, the beard is now firmly escounced on his mug, and his social life has turned for the better. We shared a room at the GSCO convention and this guy was getting calls and text messages from women at 0230 in the AM!!

Third, he wins the GSCO sponsored, Texas hold'em poker tournament at Bally's. They adorn him with cash, a very nice cherry case full of poker chips, and gold bling to compliment his choice of camo. This guy is on a ROLL!!

Bravo Zulu (well done), Mr. Greer!!

From: medicinemann

From: Bowboy
With his good luck he'd better buy some lottery tickets!

Good things come to good people!! What's next Dr. Ned?? Charlie

From: Horn Donkey
Good things come to people with beards! 8^)

From: Bou'bound
good things come to people who hang with good people.

From: JM
So how do you explain Ned? : )

It has got to be the beard baby!! Driving me crazy however. Pros beat the cons so I will keep it for awhile. LOL!!

From: Owl
It never ceases to amaze me what chin hairs and horseshoes can do for hard working, diligent

From: iowaarcher74
Jake since Ned went on the Sheep hunt and now the Vegas trip all can tell you there is some pep in his step back home here in Iowa...Guy is on a roll or what? Good to see him smile now and then..."Fear the Beard"

From: Genesis
Jump back Ned!

.....can't read my p-p-p-poker face mum,mum,mum p-p-p-poker poker face.... :)

Lady GaGa would be proud

From: Sandbrew
Hey Guys

Great time in Vegas good to see some of you there.

Some of you where there and saw it happen. Some you did not so here is the rest of the story On Saturday Feb 20th in Las Vegas at 80 years young Mr Tom Pinello was drawn as a winner of one of the raffle desert sheep hunts with Javier Artees. Tom and have been chasing this dream since 1966 when Tom killed his first ram in Colorado. For the last 39 years Tom has entered as many state license draws and raffles he could afford. He has attend all GSCO conventions in hopes of drawing a desert sheep license. This year it was Tom's year! The smile on his face and tears in his son's eyes said it all. I'm sure he was the happiest man in Las Vegas that night. On Monday David Tom’s son posted a quick note on the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Society forums about his Dad's good luck. Sheep hunting fanatic Terry Marcum knowing the additional added costs (approx $7-$8000) of this "free" hunt pledged $500 to help offset the costs of this hunt. Due to his Dad’s age and health Dave also needs to accompany his dad for support. Dave and his family have scrapped together some of the money but Dave has been out of work for the last 6 months and his Dad’s income is very limited. This hunt will likely take place next month so there is no any time to save up a few extra dollars. Since the ball started rolling others have also chipped in to help.

I know he's not a bowhunter but he is a fellow sheep hunter.

I am hoping some of you can help raise some additional money. You can mail a check or money order direct to Tom or anonymously to me and I will forward the money.

Shoot me and email.

[email protected]


From: medicinemann

Could you please post the contact info for Tom....and for Terry Marcum?


Tom's address can also be found on the GSCO website. It was exciting to see him win the desert hunt. I believe they said he got his first sheep in 1966. Have a good hunt Tom!!

From: Sandbrew
Jake- I sent you an email.

Looks like we are up to $2675 so far.

Nice job!

Thanks to all that contributed.


From: Tom inPA
I don't believe this beard BS. I want to know where the shoe is. Ned are you having trouble walking these days?

Tom, I am limping a little today but it was because of last night's soccer game. Nothing to do with the golden object. I had one last long look at it before returning it to its owner. Hopefully that will get me through August and British Columbia Stones sheep. Do not discount the beard, it has been my own little magic piece as of late. LOL. Ned

From: Tom inPA
Good Luck with it. I think I may start to cultivate one myself :-)

From: JM

JM's embedded Photo
JM's embedded Photo
I am not too sure about the beard! : )


Thats funny John. Not far from reality actually. Look like a mountain man.

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