Mathews Inc.
I drew a Utah NR bighirn sheep tag!!!
Wild Sheep
Contributors to this thread:
Slickster 19-May-12
Slickster 19-May-12
YZF-88 19-May-12
Bill in MI 19-May-12
'Ike' 19-May-12
Slickster 20-May-12
Bill in MI 20-May-12
BOWUNTR 20-May-12
BB 20-May-12
Bill Obeid 20-May-12
city hunter 20-May-12
TMA1010@home 20-May-12
AZBOW 20-May-12
elknuts2 20-May-12
Buzzard 21-May-12
Rick M 21-May-12
BoonROTO 22-May-12
Lost Man 22-May-12
BB 23-May-12
AZStickman 23-May-12
BB 23-May-12
huntingbob 08-Jun-12
From: Slickster

Slickster's embedded Photo
Slickster's embedded Photo
Not bad huh!

From: Slickster
Bighorn (sorry dumb guy, smart phone)

From: YZF-88
I drew a coveted General Archery permit. Trade straight up?

From: Bill in MI

From: 'Ike'
Woot! Congrats...

From: Slickster
Well thats as close as i will probably ever get even with 13 points.

From: Bill in MI
Apparently literalism is a lost art. I work with a guy who does this crap all day. Good one.


I took the bait.... Ed F

From: BB
Just in case any bowsiter ever does draw a bighorn tag from the UDWR and plans on hunting it with a bow, I will always be happy to help you.

Here's a photo I took last fall, during the hunting season of a ram who swam the Green River to join up with a couple of ewes and two smaller ram that I was photographing. Notice his wet coat.


Have a great bow hunt. BB

From: Bill Obeid
GOT ME !!!!!!

From: city hunter
hey not bad can u draw one for me also !!!

From: TMA1010@home
I wonder what the DOW will say when you go to get your ram plugged!?!

Thx, I got a little laugh out of that. Havn't seen any CC hits for sheep or goat yet either. BB, How do you get such sharp pics ?

Hook, line and sinker!

Good one!

From: elknuts2
And his bad karma just assured that he'll never draw a sheep tag in this lifetime....

From: Buzzard
Usually the lucks nonresident sheep tag holders had few points... Becuase there are so many of them... And it takes a second permit in an area for one to go to the max points pool. Hasn't been a lot of that...

From: Rick M
Nice, let me know how that works out when you check in your ram:) I was thinking about a note from my mom, but that looks better.

I fell for it as well.

Rick M

From: BoonROTO
Nice.............Oh nevermind

From: Lost Man
Can't believe they send the tag like that...I thought it would look much more official.

From: BB
Last night I got a test that read. "Hey Billy I drew my Utah Desert tag!"

It was from my good friend and hunting partner Shane, who I mention many times on this forum.

In 1996 I was helping him on his Utah Rocky hunt on the Rattlesnake. The day he killed his ram we had split up and I went up one canyon and he another. I found a good band of sheep with a great ram in it and I went back and found Shane and we came back and he shot it with his muzzleloader. It was the largest ram killed in the state that year and was 2nd only to the world record muzzle loader ram.

Shane is a great hunter and even a better friend and hunting partner. He is alway up beat and gives his all to all he does. I doubt he will bow hunt his ram, but nonetheless I wish him the very best.


Have a great bow hunt. BB

From: AZStickman
BB..... Do you have a picture of his ML ram?..... Terry

From: BB
Terry I do have a few photos of that ram, but they are on an old computer than now longer works. Back at that time I sent the photo into Doug Miller Outdoors show and won the Photo contest with it. But I don't have a way now to post that photo, sorry!

As a side note to that, Shane turned around the very next year and drew a goat tag and that too was the 2nd largest goat taken at the time with a muzzleloader. I was not on that hunt with him so don't have photos of that billy either.

Have a great bow hunt. BB

From: huntingbob
I was taken in too but fun. BB nice pics as always.

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