the phuk it, stage in life
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
fdp 03-Apr-24
Bou'bound 03-Apr-24
Blood 03-Apr-24
Bou'bound 03-Apr-24
BC 03-Apr-24
Charlie Rehor 03-Apr-24
RonP 03-Apr-24
sundowner 03-Apr-24
drycreek 03-Apr-24
DanaC 03-Apr-24
fdp 03-Apr-24
wisconsinteacher 03-Apr-24
Supernaut 03-Apr-24
KY EyeBow 03-Apr-24
BlacktailBob 03-Apr-24
HDE 03-Apr-24
be still 03-Apr-24
Will 03-Apr-24
Bou'bound 03-Apr-24
DanaC 03-Apr-24
Ambush 03-Apr-24
HDE 03-Apr-24
be still 03-Apr-24
2Wild Bill 03-Apr-24
Beendare 03-Apr-24
Will tell 03-Apr-24
Olde style 03-Apr-24
ahunter76 03-Apr-24
ahawkeye 03-Apr-24
Live2Hunt 03-Apr-24
Bou'bound 03-Apr-24
Pop-r 03-Apr-24
LeeBuzz 03-Apr-24
4nolz@work 03-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Apr-24
Will 03-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 03-Apr-24
TonyBear 03-Apr-24
bluedog 03-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Apr-24
be still 03-Apr-24
Knothead 03-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 03-Apr-24
nchunter 03-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Apr-24
Nyati 03-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 03-Apr-24
sundowner 03-Apr-24
sundowner 03-Apr-24
csalem 03-Apr-24
fuzzy 04-Apr-24
Bou'bound 04-Apr-24
Nyati 04-Apr-24
Ambush 04-Apr-24
Bou'bound 04-Apr-24
Beendare 04-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 04-Apr-24
Nyati 04-Apr-24
Z Barebow 04-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 04-Apr-24
4nolz@work 04-Apr-24
Groundhunter 04-Apr-24
RK 04-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 04-Apr-24
DanaC 05-Apr-24
fuzzy 05-Apr-24
DanaC 05-Apr-24
scentman 05-Apr-24
Jaquomo 05-Apr-24
Nyati 05-Apr-24
scentman 05-Apr-24
Bou'bound 05-Apr-24
Will 05-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 05-Apr-24
DL 07-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
Buffalo1 08-Apr-24
Paul@thefort 08-Apr-24
PECO2 08-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 11-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 11-Apr-24
bluedog 11-Apr-24
fuzzy 11-Apr-24
From: fdp
I get it.

From: Bou'bound
Not sweating the small stuff it doesn’t matter is the key

Not caring about anything is tragically sad.

Very wise person once told me that when you really think about it, there’s only two things in our lives, that matter, births and death. Everything else you just figure out and work around but people coming into and people leaving this world is what really matters

From: Blood
How old do you have to be to figure this out? :)

From: Bou'bound
I honestly believe it has nothing to do with age. It’s all about perspective and people generally have to go through a lot of junk that they find out doesn’t really matter to gain that perspective.

Some people go through a lot of trials and tribulations very early in their lives, and they deal with things that give them perspective

Others don’t get it until very late in life

The more so called challenges, you deal with the sooner you realize what a real challenge is, and that relatively speaking, there are relatively few of those in life compared to silly momentary made up challenges that are short-lived and irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

From: BC
Keep it simple.

I’ve had a lot of trouble in my life, but most of it never happened.

From: RonP
unfortunately, i think many people have this attitude when it comes to their work.

putting things into the proper perspective is one thing, not giving a F is another and imo, should not be part of anyone's mind set unless you are the ONLY person it effects.

From: sundowner
"unfortunately, i think many people have this attitude when it comes to their work. putting things into the proper perspective is one thing, not giving a F is another and imo, should not be part of anyone's mind set unless you are the ONLY person it effects."

Sound wisdom right there.

From: drycreek
I reached that stage some time ago. Life is just not important enough to stress over chit. I owe nobody, don’t care what anybody thinks, I have a wonderful wife that supports my hunting habits as well as my addictions. (She’s a good cook too) I ain’t scared of death, but scared for my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, mostly because they don’t even know the America that I grew up in. Besides the Democrats relentless punishment of the black race, it was a pretty good world I knew, it ain’t that anymore.

From: DanaC
I find that as I've gotten older I am more selective in what I do give a damn about, or not. And exactly whose opinions I value, or not.

personally...i hope i never get to "the phuk it, stage in life."

for sure...the older i get the things i give a "phuk" about change. when i was younger, the things i cared about revolved primarily around me. now...the things i care about primarily revolve around others.

quite honestly...if i ever get to the point where my only concerns are about death and rather be dead.

From: fdp
"I find that as I've gotten older I am more selective in what I do give a damn about, or not."


Over the last month, I have learned a lot about what matters. My dad was in a coma for 8 days. In that time period, not one elected leader came by to see me or him in the ICU. The only people that came, called, or text were family and friends. I have learned pray more and to focus on things I can control. By doing that, I can sleep well at night and I can put my energy and focus into areas of life where I can see the results.

From: Supernaut
Growing up it was just me and my dad. My dad was a 1% biker and there wasn't much he cared about but I knew he loved me. I had to learn that there are things in life that are worth caring about and worrying over and then I had to learn the right way to deal with those things.

I'll be 52 in about a month. I have a beautiful wife and a great 17 year old son and we have our health. I still have my worries and problems but I confront them and deal with them and keep the shiny side up. I don't have any regrets about how I grew up and the stuff I dealt with as it made me who I am and I like who I am. Life is what you make it.

Memento Mori friends.

From: KY EyeBow
I hope I never get to that stage in life either where I don't give a f$#k about anything. Just as we enter and exit the woods for a hunt, aren't we supposed to try and make this world better than when we came into it? I'm not saying it is easy, but the minute you really quit trying, I believe that would be a sad day! Not sweating the small stuff is a whole different deal. This life we live is not all about us!

From: BlacktailBob
Unfortunately, the tax man is the same general entity you have to deal with regarding having all or any of your assets confiscated or stollen by government. An ever-increasing government is an evil trend in the growth of a Marxist, authoritarian cancer at the federal, state, and local levels that must be fought for freedom in America. Evil authoritarians depend upon citizens not being willing to fight for freedom. They have taken over our education system, growing government bureaucracies with Marxists ideologies, and are flooding the country with illegals to control voting districts and their ultimate objective, vote counts. Never give in, never give up!

From: HDE
"How old do you have to be to figure this out?"

Agree to the above, there is really no specific age. You know you're there when if still at the normal "working age" you can tell your employer to go pound sand and you won't lose the roof over your head, the vehicle you drive, or the bread off your table, then you know you're there.

I reached this point 8 years ago.

From: be still
I think some people on here misinterpret what Timex is saying here…sometimes when you get to the point of I don’t give a Phuk you’re truly giving a phuk.

Bet he stops and holds a door open for some elderly person taking their time coming up cause he doesn’t give a Phuk about his own time anymore.

Bet he stops beside the road to help some person fix a flat tire because he’s learned how to not give a Phuk about rushing around trying to gain material things for himself.

Bet if he hunted Kansas he wouldn’t bait cause he wouldn’t give a Phuk if he shot anything or not cause he’s got to the point in life he’s just enjoying the hunt.

I think he’s got to an area in his life where he’s now really GIVING a Phuk.

From: Will
I think I agree with Ricky on this one.

From: Bou'bound
then he should say that as that would b e very different than saying "I truly just don't care anymore,,,,,about the only two concerns in my life are the tax man & the grim reaper, anything other than that, I simply just don't care any longer."

If your interpretation of the above is accurate then he is responsible for misrepresenting vs. others misinterpreting. What he said is easily comprehended as presented.

From: DanaC
I suspect everybody's care/don't care buckets are different. And changing, and evolving. And maybe shrinking.

From: Ambush
In real life, I find the few people the OP claims to be, tiresome and not pleasant to be around. “I don’t care” is just another term for “it’s all about me” and that is then twisted into some kind of macho virtue.

In reality you come up way short of the John Wayne movie character that you think others see you as.

From: HDE
be still - it really means you don't get worked up over the petty things in life...

From: be still
True dat HDE.

From: 2Wild Bill
"& the grim reaper"

Taxes may break you financially, but what does the "grim reaper" lead to, for you?

From: Beendare
Well said @blacktailbob

From: Will tell
Had a Heart attack at the age of 42. After that I quit putting things off I wanted to do. Went to Hawaii and Alaska and did a lot of traveling. I’m 72 now and have been blessed to see my son grow into a fine young man, get married and now I have a beautiful Granddaughter. I quit worrying about other people and learned to forgive those who trespass against me. I don’t drink or do drugs and try to be a good person who doesn’t judge others for their beliefs. Love your neighbors and quit hating and you’ll have a better life.

I call it fine tuning like an arrow.I have tuned my life to retirement and set myself up with the things I think we need to survive to the end.Now I am fine tuning ( don’t care anymore ) on things that I don’t have control over that use to STRESS me to no end.Basically restarting my life from all the mistakes and knowledge I have learned thru-out 68 years I have been here.Slowing everything down -enjoying more and watching more as others stress.Part of this newer life is being able to help others which seems more important than before - I guess a sort of giving forward in a way - lessons learned as you age.Feels good at this point.I understand

From: ahunter76

ahunter76's embedded Photo
ahunter76's embedded Photo
I have been blessed with a great life & had a awesome mom that raised 4 kids on her own. I am honest & caring. I also tell it like it is & that offends some (I don't give a chit about that). I'm one that worries about little as I keep enough faith that the man upstairs will & has provided for me in some very tough times (Not real religious but do believe). I have a great family but it has come with sadness too. Loss of a Nephew (17) at Christmas, many years ago now. Loss of a Grandchild at 12, 3 years ago in a few days (still crushing pain). I pretty much give thanks daily but as we grow older, realize longevity comes with difficulties & passing of friends/family is one. As they say, growing old is not for Pus--ys. I have worn Navy, Marine & Army uniforms & busted my arse 32 years in a steelmill providing for my loved ones & helping hand for a few others along the way. I have weathered many storms & as I said, know somehow, I will be provided for. Now, I am looking forward to warm weather & attending some out door Archery events. I'm guessing Timex will do just fine..

From: ahawkeye
I've not read most of what is posted but for the most part I don't stress too much over things. The loss of my mother a couple of years ago had me sideways for a bit, there's another relative that's in bad shape that I worry about but other than that not too much gets to me. Help people when I can, try to keep the wife happy (good luck!). God knows where my heart is, hug my kids every chance I get. That's about all I worry about, everything else is just noise.

From: Live2Hunt
I'm at that stage almost also. 3 years from retirement and the Woke society has pushed me.

fwiw…the grim reaper doesnt concern me one iota. im not in control of the day he comes…and when he does…I win.

From: Bou'bound

From: Pop-r
I believe I welcome drycreek and Ricky at my fire anytime.

From: LeeBuzz
When people are at the stage in life where good friends and family members are gone they may feel wayward. And move deeper towards self-reflection when those supports are just not there anymore.

Still, things can come along to rob you of your remaining joy at any moment. Two effective ways are BAM (big azz moment) or Pepper-Shot (many annoying things happening all at once for days on end).

Thankfully there is Jesus who became living proof; Proverbs 16:9 In their heart's humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

From: 4nolz@work

4nolz@work's embedded Photo
4nolz@work's embedded Photo

I’m to the point in life that the things that matter most to me besides God and family, are the things my kids and grandkids have coming at them.

Fiscal responsibility isn’t what scares me. It’s whether they’ll have the ability to exercise it is what scares me. I could type 5 pages of things the future is bringing our kids and grandkids. But, I’ll just leave it at this isn’t the land of opportunity it once was. It never will be again if we don’t fix government spending.


WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
WV Mountaineer's embedded Photo
Ugly as you are timex, you don’t get to compare yourself to WV hillbillies. We are too pretty. lol

From: Will
Will Tell: "Had a Heart attack at the age of 42. After that I quit putting things off I wanted to do. Went to Hawaii and Alaska and did a lot of traveling. I’m 72 now and have been blessed to see my son grow into a fine young man, get married and now I have a beautiful Granddaughter. I quit worrying about other people and learned to forgive those who trespass against me. I don’t drink or do drugs and try to be a good person who doesn’t judge others for their beliefs. Love your neighbors and quit hating and you’ll have a better life."

I'm glad you recovered so well, and have lived such a life. Your "spirit" is awesome, and I really appreciate your message here. Well said. Keep healthy and loving life!

From: Grey Ghost
Timex, "IDK" stands for I Don't Know. LOL! Maybe that applies, as well?

From: TonyBear
The petty shit that people come up with these days does bother me. They just don't understand life is about the bigger things. Like how much government tries to rip off citizens, steal life savings for pet projects, pass stupid rules to control us.

Just listen to a Congression testimony or state Legislature session, my God a lot of these people are full of themselves while being complete idiots.

The ones I care about are my kids and hopefully someday grandkids, what idiots will they have to deal with.

From: bluedog
idk and idc..... ;)

Grey Ghost for the win.

Timex says, “ IDK what it stands for to you. I know what it means to me.”


From: be still
7.3 is a good one.

From: Knothead
"7 months no shave or haircut, haven't decided if it's the WV hillbilly look or the old school biked dude look I'm going for but either way, I like it,,,,,"

Coming from a guy who has never stepped foot in WV I only have images rolling around in my head of what a West Virginian looks like. Timex, I would say you have nailed the WV look. Either you or the guy playing banjo in the movie Deliverance.

From: Grey Ghost
Holy hell, Timex, for a guy who claims to not like "" types, you sure talk about yourself a LOT!! ;-)

From: nchunter
Somehow I find myself in almost the exact opposite. I see the country being destroyed and it drives me crazy. I want my grandkids to grow up in a country with some semblance of morals and respect for the law.

Knot head, I’m a WV hillbilly. I’m not pretty. But, when compared to timex, I’m a solid 8. :^)

From: Nyati

Nyati 's embedded Photo
Nyati 's embedded Photo
Y’all are amateur WV mountaineers. Can’t be a real one without a coonskin hat

My 6.0 is getting new injectors. 4 and 7 ain’t buzzing. Holy smokes that hurts!!!!

From: sundowner

From: sundowner
"Holy hell, Timex, for a guy who claims to not like "" types, you sure talk about yourself a LOT!! ;-)"

What I was thinkin! :-)

From: csalem
Timex. I doubt most people care one way or the other about what you do or who you think you are or who you really are, any more than anybody else. You are not particularly unique or that different than a lot of people

No big deal. If you like your life good on you As stated above you are a me, me, me person. At least yiu are based by what to contribute here

From: fuzzy
Timex I knew this was you when I saw the title. I'm there, as you know. Sorry I missed your calls I'll holler back soon.

its been my experience that people who truly dont give a phuk...spend very little time trying to convince others that they dont give a phuk...they just go about their lives not giving a phuck.

From: Bou'bound

do they sell razors in WVA?

From: Nyati
There was a razor store but I think it went out of business for some reason?

From: Ambush
Judging by your picture, you should maybe start cooking just 400 clams instead of 900 ;)

From: Bou'bound
Razors failed due to lack of a heavy duty option. Black and decker hedge trimmers will get the job done so go to a lawn and garden store

From: Beendare
Timex, I get it; if a guy wants to check out from the daily hustle and or stupid politics in retirement, …it can get frustrating. I regularly checkout for short periods to recharge.

I have lived my life caring…and I’m not changing. Caring about my businesses and the quality of life for my employees, my kids and friends. It gives me a purpose.


I have enjoyed every day of my 68 year old life. Nothing I would change or ignore.

From: Nyati
I’ll be 67 in a couple months. I was an ER doctor until i had had enough when I was 54 and quit. We didn’t have kids so wife and I went on hunting trips every year but did save enough to retire early. Bought a farm that I manage for hunting and timber.

From: Z Barebow
Hard to articulate. On a very basic level, I care about my family and what goes on under my roof. Outside of that sphere, I don’t have much influence. I don’t sweat the small stuff.

Yes I have opinions regarding the world outside my sphere. But I also recognize and I am humble enough to recognize I am a sum of my life’s experiences. If I grew up in the inner city of Chicago, I would be the same person physically. But would I have the same opinions of the world? To be honest, I suspect my family and what goes on within my house would still be my priority.

Yep. But, the facial hair keeps me warm during cold months. In about a month, I’ll be smooth faced.

Working outside in the elements is a far cry from office work. You do what you can to stay warm or cool.

From: 4nolz@work
If you phuck it and don't participate in daily things you lose your right to complain or opinionate.Live in the bubble even if it bursts.

From: Groundhunter
After June 23 1970, the rest of my life has been a piece of cake. I shake my head on what so many worry about. I was lucky, retired at 57, now 74, and still love my hunting.

From: RK

It's not the WV Hillbilly look not the old Biker looks, dude it's the perfect Santa Claus look. Great beard and Rosy complexion. You have nailed it

Thanks RK for making that known. Greg did us hillbillies no favor when he posted his mug.

From: DanaC
"it's more like giving societal standards the bird..."

Sort of contradicts the whole gist of this topic. >;-)

From: fuzzy
I reached "the IDK stage" in life early and stayed there.

"Sort of contradicts the whole gist of this topic"

i was thinking the same thing. dont you have to care enough about what society thinks in order to consciously give it the bird...especially if doing so makes you uncomfortable? :)

"If ya can't understand I feel sorry for ya."

why would you "give a phuk?" :)

From: DanaC
^^ ;-)

From: scentman
From the smile on your friends face, I'd say he looks pretty happy... stress agrees with him;0) scentman

From: Jaquomo
I'm learning as I get older that I care more and more about things I can control, and less about things I can't.

"Ricky.......your a money man.......I'm sure you'll tell me why my point of view is wrong."

not sure im a "money man but i dont think i ever even suggested that your point of view is "wrong." now...whether or not your stated point of view is actually sincere is a completely different subject.

wealth...real or not a very good barometer of someones level of happiness...contentment...or satisfaction with their position in life. there are happy people and their are miserable people on both sides of the well as every level in between.

"And to be perfectly clear,,,,phuking with someone on the internet for kicks,,,, absolutely doesn't imply that one cares."

i agree.

however...the extent to you seem to feel compelled to explain and or justify your situation...right down the most minute detail...suggests that you really do care what others here think.

buy they do you.


From: Nyati
I don’t think anyone has truly reached the phuk it stage of life till they start wearing pajamas to Walmart

From: scentman
Guess you could say this thread has literally gone to shit... you ain't right, TMI ;0)

From: Bou'bound
Razors failed due to lack of a heavy duty option. Black and decker hedge trimmers will get the job done so go to a lawn and garden store

From: Will
Fair comments, Timex. The moment you feel the paper rip, deep and hollow sadness envelopes you, fueled by disappointment in yourself, a paper company, and the disgust of yesterday's tacos under your fingernails.

Ill never grow to a point where I could just say: f it... To that.

I love it Will.

From: DL
I’m 74, 25 orthopedic surgeries. My wife gets upset about kids, grandkids, crazy government and progressive politics. Then gets upset at my not my monkeys not my circus attitude. “Why is it that when I want to go somewhere you’re in to much pain but if you want to go fishing or hunting you feel well enough?” I’d explain it to her but I don’t want to deal with that fallout.

From: fuzzy
Like so many things, those who aren't there will never understand those of us who are.

From: Buffalo1
Time and life experiences are great teachers !

From: Paul@thefort
"You only go around once in this life so grab up all of the gusto you can because the life you are now living is NOT a dress rehearsal for you next". My best, Paul

From: PECO2
I have felt that way my whole life, and I'm 62 now.

"Like so many things, those who aren't there will never understand those of us who are."

on that we can agree. i will never understand people who "dont give a phuk" about anything...or even more confusing or those that just want everyone to believe they its some sort of badge of honor.

From: fuzzy
"Woof woof!"

From: Grey Ghost
Timex, I learned long ago that nobody beyond my circle of friends and family cares about my life. What makes you think you are different? Again, you claim to not like the "me, me, me" types, but every single post you make is about yourself. Think about it.

"Ricky I'm gonna "try" to explain my point of view to ya..."

this thread has been dead for 3 days but seeing that you brought it back to life and addressed me directly, ill respond. youve explained yourself at least a half dozen times and quite frankly it seems to change a little each time. thats ive said before..."you do you."

as for me...i care about a lot of some cases very deeply...and some of them have no impact whatsoever on me directly. i sincerely hope i never get to the point where i dont. if i rather check out.

From: Grey Ghost
"For whatever reason, certain folks take offense to my openness...

I don't take offense to your openness. If you want to treat the Bowsite like your personal confessional, I don't give a phuk. Sound familiar? But I'm not alone in saying it's gotten real old. Do you honestly think anyone cares that your penis doesn't work anymore, or how many drugs you've done, or how many run-ins with the law you've had, etc, etc...? We all reach a point in life when we are either comfortable in own skin, or we die miserable and dissatisfied. You aren't unique in any way, brother. In fact, you are extremely average, just like the rest of us.

" Do you honestly think anyone cares that your penis doesn't work anymore, or how many drugs you've done, or how many run-ins with the law you've had, etc, etc...?"

this begs an interesting question.

i dont know of anyone...including myself...that doesnt have things in their past that they may not be particularly proud of...or even ashamed of...but they dont feel the need to advertise them over and over again. they leave them in the past...where they should be left...and go about trying not to make the same mistakes again.

whenever i see a person bringing up the past on a regular basis...i cant help but think they arent as satisfied with their present as theyd like others to think. kind of like the "glory days" syndrome. either that or they are actually trying to convince themselves how content they are.

its why i dont particularly like going hs class reunions. i lived it all once...i have no interest in living it all again (only exaggerated) every 5 or 10 years.

i want to "give a phuk" about living new stuff.

From: bluedog
I enjoy reading about Timex8's journey down the path of stoic serenity.... sometime too much info but entertaining with a touch of seriousness.

Beats hell out of usual bickering that's too many of the current posts.

From: fuzzy
"Cecil don't have no worries, Fuzzy don't have no care. He refers to himself in third-person, except when he's kilt a bear".

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