Colorado is at it again
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Nyati 09-Apr-24
Live2Hunt 09-Apr-24
Missouribreaks 09-Apr-24
MichaelArnette 09-Apr-24
Orion 09-Apr-24
MichaelArnette 09-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 09-Apr-24
greg simon 09-Apr-24
HDE 09-Apr-24
70lbDraw 09-Apr-24
TGbow 09-Apr-24
Scoot 09-Apr-24
Painless 09-Apr-24
TRnCO 09-Apr-24
Orion 09-Apr-24
Glunt@work 09-Apr-24
MichaelArnette 09-Apr-24
Orion 09-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 09-Apr-24
Jaquomo 09-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 09-Apr-24
Glunt@work 09-Apr-24
RutnStrut 10-Apr-24
Nomad 10-Apr-24
TGbow 10-Apr-24
Catscratch 10-Apr-24
MichaelArnette 10-Apr-24
Orion 10-Apr-24
Buckdeer 10-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 10-Apr-24
TRnCO 10-Apr-24
8point 10-Apr-24
kentuckbowhnter 10-Apr-24
Supernaut 10-Apr-24
TGbow 10-Apr-24
Jaquomo 10-Apr-24
From: Nyati

Nyati 's Link
Where politics and hunting collide

From: Live2Hunt
Again, hunters voting the Demo's into office are not hunters.

Throw the dems out of your circle, They are strict antihunters in sheep's clothing.

Seems pretty healthy to me, similar to Pittman-Robertson and makes gun owners pay for some of the mental health issues that guns sometimes allow to be deadly situations

Gun bans are infringement, documentation and taxes are not IMO

From: Orion
It's all an infringement Michael. You probably also think nobody needs an AR 15

No I don’t think “nobody needs an AR15” I just think laws that allow for mental health to be funded are a good thing. One of the doctors I work with was gunned down in his office a couple years ago by a patient who purchased an AR15 that same morning down the street from the hospital and executed the Dr and PA and a security guard.

We’ve got a mental health situation unfolding and none of us are truly safe from it even if we think we are. If taxing guns helps fix the problem I’m all for it.

Fine example of why our grandchildren will live in an America fundamentally different than the current state.

I never will understand why free people think freedoms do not come with responsibility. You want the right to carry, deal with the guaranteed fact someone is going to abuse it. That’s just the way it. You want the right to bear arms if necessary against a tyrannical government yet expect those guns only be used for that purpose? Don’t get mad when someone picks up an Armalite rifle and kills people. It’s going to happen. And, only fear will curtail it.

Execute perps on the spots. Don’t glorify them. And don’t bow to the pressure that your rights are worth the “peace of mind” you get from feel good legislation.

That’s being an American.

From: greg simon
Maybe tax vehicles to fund mental health. Keep untreated mental patients from running down innocents with their car!!! Mental Illness should definitely be treated. Selecting one specific group to pay for it is not the answer.

From: HDE
MichaelArnette - no. This is no different than the illegal Poll Tax. A tax cannot be placed on a Constitutional Right above and beyond any other sales tax for any other good or service. Also, it's none if your business why anyone needs ore wants an AR-15.

Firearm transactions are not the fault of a poor family life or other deranged social experiment (trans gender crap) and should not fund it.

From: 70lbDraw
“We’ve got a mental health situation unfolding and none of us are truly safe from it even if we think we are. If taxing guns helps fix the problem I’m all for it.”

The first “unfolding situation” is the fact that you think “taxing guns” is going to help with mental health issues. It’s that very logic that put us where are right now. Maybe we can use our gun-tax money to secure our borders and screen illegal aliens for mental health issues?!?!

From: TGbow
Penalize the innocent for the guilty...makes a lot of sense.

From: Scoot
"I just think laws that allow for mental health to be funded are a good thing."

So... using that logic, you'd be in favor of a law that mandates anyone who owns a cat or a dog paying an additional 11% to help fund mental health issues? If the answer to that is no, why? Hell... dogs cause tons of physical and mental trauma to attack victims- tax he hell outta their owners!!! Just because a law funds a worthy cause doesn't make the law a good one.

...and for the record, I'm all for better funding mental health issues. But, that's not the way to do it.

From: Painless
Penalize the innocent for the guilty...makes a lot of sense.

Why not, that's what Biden plans to do with his "Student Loan Relief" . My wife and I not only scrimpted for years paying off our student loans at 7.5% interest, we now will have to pay off some deadbeat's student loan. I wouldn't mind that at all if Biden will repay my loan with interest. Best I can cypher that comes out to about $275K.

From: TRnCO
Here's an idea, why not raise taxes on every single tax payer in the state by .0025% and pay for mental health, INSTEAD of singling out a group of people that you don't like. The state could easily find another "fee" some where they could tack on.

From: Orion
Michaels gone

From: Glunt@work
Some of you seem doubtful that higher taxes will improve mental health?

Sometimes proper regulation of a thing is what makes it such such a value to society. I think some people forget about the “well regulated” part of the second amendment.

From: Orion
Your obviously one of those "hunters/gun guys" that votes Democrat. Tell us again about common sense gun control.

“Hell... dogs cause tons of physical and mental trauma to attack victims- tax he hell outta their owners!!!“

Scoot, here in Calirado they literally just tried to pass exactly what you said above (got voted down). They wanted to make us pay a registration fee for each dog, cat, pet etc…. This state has lost its dam mind.

From: Jaquomo
Wow. A Bowsite constitutional scholar disagreeing with the SCOTUS interpretation of the 2A.

"A well regulated militia" has nothing to do with the "right of the people to keep and bear arms." The first is an acknowledgment of the importance of a military to secure the state (well, except for the southern border).

The second part is a declaration that "the people" can keep and bear arms.

Just had this conversation a few days ago with someone about the 2A. Lou is correct. The “Well Regulated Militia” has zero to do with “The Right of the People to keep and bear arms”.

From: Glunt@work
Taxing rights is a dangerous path. Words cause plenty of hurt feelings, stress, etc.

Heck, as a straight, white, conservative male who likes hunting, shooting and traditional values, I get maligned and insulted regularly by the President, media figures, folks on social media, etc. What should the tax be on speech?

From: RutnStrut
Better start taxing migrants who come into the country LEGALLY. They should shoulder extra burden for the illegals. That's the mindset we are going with here.

From: Nomad
"I think some people forget about the “well regulated” part of the second amendment."

To quote Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

"Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Jack Rakove, Coe Professor of History and American Studies and Professor of Political Science, Emeritus A.B., Haverford College, Honors in History (1968) Ph.D., Harvard University, History (1975)

From: TGbow
I think the 2nd amendment is very clear as to what it means. The problem is it gets in the way of agendas, just like other amendments do.

" If taxing guns helps fix the problem I’m all for it."

how many billions of dollars have been spent (or want to be spent) in student loan debt "relief?"

instead of eliminating that debt...why dont we earmark all federal student loan payments to funding mental health?

hell...if biden were to come out tomorrow and say all payments on student loans will remain in effect...and just interest paid will be used to fund mental health programs. who would be against that?

make no mistake...this is not about funding mental health...its a way of punishing those who buy guns and ammo and ultimately reducing their numbers.

"Many of the bill’s proponents made it clear during testimony that they view gun owners and hunters as an undesirable segment of Colorado society and are intentionally targeting them with this tax to reduce the number of gun owners and hunters in the state."

From: Catscratch
It's a direct and obvious attack on a segment of the population based on bias. Most people call that discrimination. Remove the words "gun owner" from any line in the article and replace it with an ethnicity to see just how wrong this way of thinking is.

I’ve never voted for a Democrat in my life. All I’m saying is now anytime Colorado wants to ban guns they’re going to take a hit in the wallet. Meanwhile Gun owners can dispute right back that they fund mental health. The Democrats shot themselves in the foot. Just don’t realize it.

From: Orion
JQM, nope nothing but transplants and spineless government sheep. People like soccermom now reside in this once great state

80% of the Western slope is red. But like alot of states the city's hold all the population. Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs has more voters that the rest of the state combined. Those areas are very liberal. Alot of lifetime residents are bailing. Lots going to Oklahoma. Im guessing just for political reasons.

From: Buckdeer
What makes people think that the mental status has changed for any reason except the way kids are raised now compared to when we were in school with guns in the racks of our PU trucks?There wasn't mass shootings then, we didn't dare abuse the privilege we had of being able to have the gun as we knew it would be taken away and we got our butts beat.The difference between a servant and a citizen is if you can own a gun.

From: Grey Ghost
Yeah, any self-respecting NR hunter should show the strength of their convictions and boycott Colorado this fall. Put your actions where your mouths are.

From: TRnCO
mental health isn't a "gun owner" issue, it's a problem that affects everyone, so let everyone help pay to address it.

From: 8point
Tax social media usage, everybody does it and IMO they are the leading cause of mental health problems.

I think liberals should be taxed for mental health treatment as they are the primary cause.

From: Supernaut
Take some of those billions upon billions the government is sending to fund the war in Ukraine and use it here to help.

I'm tired of getting my balls taxed off.

From: TGbow
Jim, I agree 100%. Besides, when has any nation taxed n regulated their way to prosperity.

They want to screen every one before buying a gun. That way the government can determine if your stable enough to own one.

From: Jaquomo
Except mental health records are not included in the "screens", so there's that..

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