Face , neck issues??
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Venom16730 17-Apr-24
WV Mountaineer 17-Apr-24
DanaC 17-Apr-24
Olde style 17-Apr-24
Venom16730 17-Apr-24
Ron Niziolek 17-Apr-24
Bowaddict 17-Apr-24
grossklw 17-Apr-24
Keefers 17-Apr-24
Buckdeer 17-Apr-24
From: Venom16730
Well I started having some numbness on my left side of my face, saw my family doctor week and a half ago. Sent me for a MRI and a CT scan had that done last week, went back to see her about the results. I was diagnosed with Scoliosis when I was like 16 and wore a brace for like 2 years. The CT scan of the head/brain looked good , but MRI of the back shows a lot going on, Im hoping it's just a nerve pinching in my neck giving me the numbness, Got two appointments set up with two very good Neurologist .

Anyone have any issues like this?? TY

No issues. Just a heads up that I’ll pray for you.

From: DanaC
Good luck, hope it's minor and easy to treat.

I had my neck injury from sheetrocking for 30 years and my bottom 3 vertebrae deteriorated pinching the nerves going thru the neck.In the end my left side / eye,hand,feet stop functioning and numbness thru out my body eventually putting me on the floor from the pain .This was years ago so they did not know how to approach a neck issue so pain management (drugs) and experimental treatments for 12 years.Finally meet a sport medicine neurologist that fused and added a titanium cage to support everything.He told me that the nerve took tremendous damage from years of compression and it will never be normal again and will not heal itself .The operation helped tremendously as pain is gone and numbness / tingling in hands is a 2-4 and blurred vision is 2-4 out of 10 .Rest of body has recovered.All the shots/drugs/tens system/ therapy/rubs/botox for muscle pain/ chiropractor/ice,heat /steroids are a mask.In my opinion you need to address the nerve issue asap as once the damage is done it is not reversible .In my case it was older medical knowledge now for you it will be the insurance/ medical system that will want to start you on the easier/ cheaper options first and work their way up.Probably an anti inflammatory mixed with a cortisone shot —- mask —— you need a neurologist and release pressure on the nerve.I feel for you as I have been thru it and hope you get to the right doctor without the long path they push.Good luck and God Bless

From: Venom16730
Ty for responding Olde Style, and the well wishes . I was in construction over 30 years and played ball at a high level . My body is beat up . left knee replacement , two wrist done , both shoulder were done had torn rotor cuff.

From: Ron Niziolek
Sounds rough! Has anyone mentioned the possibility ofBell’s Palsey?

From: Bowaddict
Was gonna suggest what Ron did. Wife was diagnosed with that a few years ago. Along with numbness she experienced some sagging of facial tissue. Lasted few weeks and cleared up.

From: grossklw
Sounds a lot more like a palsy of some sort. Facial nerve innervation comes directly from your brain via facial nerve, it doesn't come out of your neck; an MRI of your cervical spine wouldn't tell you much of anything about the nerve supply to your face.

From: Keefers
Sounds exactly what my brother got and Drs were thinking it was Lyme decease but after lots of testing couldn’t speak right and eye wouldn’t close and had to wear a patch they finally said it was from the Covid vaccine .exactly why I won’t get the damn shot . I got Clovid 3 times now and funny so did my brothers who did get the shot as well. I absolutely don’t Trust the government period and every time I go to my Dr. they try pushing other sorts of vacs. And I simply say No I’m good . My brother had a relapse of it about 8 months later and he even said he will never get another booster or anything .He wished he never got Maderna or whatever that one was called .

From: Buckdeer
I know a guy that 20 years ago he went to bed and one eye wouldn't shut,it was Belles palsey. He had to tape shut every night and still does

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