Mathews Inc.

Custom Take Down Long Bow

Detailed Description and Photos:

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This is a custom-made long bow by Rick Giles out of Spokane Wa. I got this as a gift several years ago, but due to recent shoulder surgery, I can no longer shoot it. It was never used for hunting, only the occasional target practice in the back yard. It's in great shape. It's a 64" AMO, 53# bow. I was told it is made of African Mahogany, Bamboo & Yew wood. Comes in a "custom" case with a Selway 5 arrow quiver. It's always been strung with a bow stringer. It will also come with a baker’s dozen arrows I inherited, not used with this bow. 7 28.5” wood arrows (6 with BH) & 6 29.5” Easton XX78 2114 aluminum (4 with BH). 125 grain Snuffer Broadheads on the aluminum. Email for more pictures.

Make: Rick Giles
Price: $525.00
Condition: EXCELLENT
Contact Seller: samman - email at [email protected]
OR Send Seller a Private Message samman
Seller's State: Colorado
Submitted: 14-Apr-22


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