Mathews Inc.
Moose hunting: Alberta vs. Newfoundland
Contributors to this thread:
dhaverstick 28-Jan-14
prezboys 28-Jan-14
XMan 28-Jan-14
Sage Buffalo 28-Jan-14
bossmann 30-Jan-14
bhunter 30-Jan-14
bhunter 30-Jan-14
From: dhaverstick
I am planning a moose hunt for 2015 and my initial location choice is Newfoundland due to the number of moose they have and the average price of the hunt.

That being said, I have seen several posts by folks who say Alberta is the place to go if you are hunting moose with a bow. Some Alberta hunts I looked at were comparable in price so now I am undecided.

I am not particular about moose size or sex; if it's got moose hair on it and it's legal then that is good enough for me. I will be using a longbow and want the animals CLOSE if that bears any weight on your opinion.

What are your thoughts on this matter? Alberta or Newfoundland for bowhunting moose?



From: prezboys
Too many locals and Indians that road and atv hunt in Alberta.

From: XMan
I have only been to Newfoundland once and never to Alberta. However, I was told that with a bow the ideal dates are last week of Sept or first week of Oct. The guides beleive they are much easier to call in those weeks. Sorry can't answer your question but thought I would mention this in case your looking at dates

From: Sage Buffalo
I've heard more negative about Alberta then positive and have been to Newfoundland twice (with rifle) and never regretted it.

I know a place that's virtually 100% during the rut with bow if you are interested. You HAVE to be in shape for Newfoundland that's for sure!

From: bossmann
lets get this straight alberta has lots of road hunters in places yes (some places don't even have roads though) and "indians" yep that too

here is the thing you have to do your research. each area has different regulations that can be good or bad for a bow hunter

i have never in all my year in alberta though... "look at all those road hunters" during bow season it just doesn't happen anywhere i hunt although i saw an "indian' shot an elk once in bow season with a rifle (back in 1998 ish)

just remember that the peak of the rut usually falls in sept 20-oct12 in that period there are 6-10 days of pure magic. not saying you can be successful over a salt lick or water hole from opening day to close, but aren't you coming for the whole package?

as for newfoundland over alberta???? i best theres some fantastic outfitters in newfoundland (never been there so i don't know) and i know theres some great ones here too. its your job to find them

what i think you should do is call a bunch of guys don't fall for some sales pitch. you will quickly find someone you trust.

i personally like the guides that say things like " ya catch a marlin today, maybe but we are going to kick some but trying" thats realistic

From: bhunter

bhunter's embedded Photo
bhunter's embedded Photo
I have done both newfoundland and Alberta, you may want to give mark at BSC a call.

From: bhunter

bhunter's embedded Photo
bhunter's embedded Photo
This one is from NF

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