Mathews Inc.
Fairbanks Known Shipper Wanted
Contributors to this thread:
Kevin Dill 19-Aug-14
Russell 19-Aug-14
Kevin Dill 19-Aug-14
Russell 19-Aug-14
huntingbob 31-Aug-14
From: Kevin Dill
I'm looking for a Known Shipper in the Fairbanks area, who can handle the Air Cargo shipping of meat, capes, antlers etc down to the lower 48.

Thanks in advance.

From: Russell
There's a cold-truck that departs Ak to Michigan in mid to late Sept. Cost $750 or so per moose. He's posted on here last year.

From: Kevin Dill
Russell, I know that service. What I'm looking for is a registered "Known Shipper" (registered with an air cargo company) who can arrange to fly stuff down to me. Thanks.

From: Russell
I figured you knew.

I'm flying into to Kenai early next month. If successful, plan on checking rack as baggage on return flt.

From: huntingbob
PM sent. Bob.

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