Mathews Inc.
Vital Shot - I Phone App
Contributors to this thread:
milnrick 19-Dec-14
midwest 19-Dec-14
Canuck 20-Dec-14
WapitiBob 20-Dec-14
Bowfreak 21-Dec-14
From: milnrick
I'm curious if anyone else has checked out or heard of a new iPhone App called VITAL SHOT? It's a shot placement aid for both bow and gun hunters.

I wish it was available when Millie and I were actively teaching Bowhunter Education and explaining shot placement and animal anatomy to new bowhunters and hunters transitioning from firearm to bows.

I Googled 'shot placement apps' a few weeks ago while trying to help a friend prepare for an Oryx and after finding what I needed, I browsed other APPs and found Vital Shot. I downloaded it to my wife's iPhone 'for the heck of it' and was pleasantly pleased at the quality and ease of use.

Here's a link for anyone interested:

From: midwest

midwest's embedded Photo
midwest's embedded Photo
Whaaaa....??? ;-)

From: Canuck
Whaaaa...??? are you asking Midwest? IMHO I agree, are you saying that you don't? No offense whatever, just curious. regards from Canada

From: WapitiBob
That bull's laughing at all the negative nancy's.

From: Bowfreak
He is not saying don't....midwest is all about full frontal. Yikes!

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