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Who was shot while fanning this year?
Contributors to this thread:
Jaquomo 03-Nov-16
Franzen 03-Nov-16
drycreek 03-Nov-16
Jaquomo 03-Nov-16
Thill 03-Nov-16
KJC 03-Nov-16
The last savage 03-Nov-16
AndyJ 03-Nov-16
longbeard 03-Nov-16
BoggsBowhunts 04-Nov-16
Rick M 04-Nov-16
huntperch 04-Nov-16
kellyharris 04-Nov-16
kellyharris 04-Nov-16
greg simon 04-Nov-16
GotBowAz 04-Nov-16
Brotsky 04-Nov-16
t-roy 04-Nov-16
TD 05-Nov-16
writer 09-Nov-16
Grunt-N-Gobble 10-Nov-16
lineman21 10-Nov-16
APauls 10-Nov-16
Buskill 19-Apr-17
writer 19-Apr-17
stealthycat 19-Apr-17
stealthycat 19-Apr-17
Brotsky 19-Apr-17
Buskill 19-Apr-17
Ambush 19-Apr-17
Thill 19-Apr-17
Beendare 20-Apr-17
Brian M. 20-Apr-17
Tonybear61 20-Apr-17
Paul@thefort 20-Apr-17
drycreek 20-Apr-17
WapitiBob 20-Apr-17
PA-R 20-Apr-17
Buglmin 20-Apr-17
From: Jaquomo
Ok, after all the uproar by the Safety Police over the extreme danger of "fanning", do we have any examples of a hunter being shot while crawling behind a fan this season?

From: Franzen
If you are dead how do you post your negative fanning experience? ;>)

I made it out alive during this spring's turkey hunts. Had a prison work crew come through one day and I was lucky to survive that. Strange things you see in the woods. No fanning experience.

From: drycreek
I never fan. I always cock the hammer before I pull the trigger. Learned that watching the Lone Ranger ! :)

From: Jaquomo
Figured I'd ask because my cousin's wife's sister knows a guy at work who read something on the internet about somebody who was sure a hunter would get shot if he tried it.

Nobody shot me, so I wondered if anybody else is picking pellets from trying this dangerous tactic..

From: Thill
Once you start fanning you will never go back!. I didn't get shot, but I know a couple of turkeys that did. I am addicted to fanning.

From: KJC
I almost shot while watching Dakota Fanning. Does that count?

Kjc ,it counts........

From: AndyJ
I took a few rounds but I'm old school. Figured it'd just add character. Plus chicks dig scars. Specially NE chicks.

KJC- did you hit anyone? If so, yep-it counts.

From: longbeard
I'm with Thill on this one. When I first tried it a couple years ago I shot a turkey the very first time. Now I use it as an absolute staple of my arsinal. Its addicting!

You're right Franzen, if your dead you couldn't tell us. That explains a lot about a certain turkey hunter from Alabama whom we all know and love.

From: Rick M
I got shot on two different occasions by the same guy while fanning last spring.

I gotta find a different turkey hunting partner!!

From: huntperch
I'm dead but it was sure fun for awhile!

From: kellyharris
Was it behind a box fan

From: kellyharris
Was it behind a box fan, a ceiling, fan, or a oscillating fan?

From: greg simon
KJC might want to be careful around box fans while watching Dakota Fanning!

From: GotBowAz
Kelly, Maybe it was behind a Hillary fan...he dead.

From: Brotsky

Brotsky's embedded Photo
Brotsky's embedded Photo

From: t-roy
Shouldn't this be under the sheep threads?.......Oh, wait. That's Fannin. Never mind.

From: TD
Pretty sure I've been taken out behind the bar and beaten for it before...... wait.... what do you call fanning?????

If I do recall there were some turkeys involved..... must have been their girlfriends too.....

From: writer
Rick..may want to stop hunting with your wife's boyfriend if you keep getting shot. Just sayin'.... :-)

Our once famous turkey hunter from Alabama is now over on Rokslide spreading is wealth of knowledge. Based on a story he's telling, he did a 2 state elk hunt and killed at least one bull. I haven't been back in a couple days to read the rest. Of course, he didn't take any pictures.

From: lineman21
Actually a friend of mine had a guy pull up to the field he was using a scoot n shoot decoy in and pull a rifle out and aimed at him. He jumped up and the guy took off. Thankfully no shots were fired.

From: APauls
Next he wants to do the Montana unlimited sheep...tough odds but as he says that translates to 25% odds for him lol.

My money is that TBM is really a creation of Rowdy Dowdy.

From: Buskill

From: writer
Much more to the story than what's listed here. Much. I'm working on it.

From: stealthycat
a couple of guys from Arkansas shot in KS last week

From: stealthycat
a couple of guys from Arkansas shot in KS last week

From: Brotsky

Brotsky's Link
Buskill's link.

From: Buskill
Thanks for posting that link

From: Ambush
I was fanning an extra rich fart towards my wife and got a shot in the side of the head for it. Does that count?

From: Thill
Won't stop me from fanning. I get a rush - 2nd to only a bull elk screaming at me when those turkeys come in to the fan. 2 more bit the dust last week. I don't want to turkey hunt any other way!

From: Beendare
I dunno about turkey hunting....

Its common for me to sneak in on elk holding a Montana decoy in front of me....and I'm dodging arrows the whole way. I've become very good at recognizing the "Hiss" from Blazer vanes....patting myself on the back here for developing that trait without any internet help what-so-ever.

I was thinking of jury rigging a kevlar skin for "Miss September" but them reconsidered due to an arrows effectiveness. Now there an idea for you "Fanners" a kevlar backing.....as it will be effective against #6's. Or you could take it one step further for "Hands free"...and just pin the fan to your bulletproof vest and wear one of those rubber chicken hats [kevlar lined of course] Cabelas has them in jake $39...

From: Brian M.

Brian M. 's embedded Photo
Brian M. 's embedded Photo
Brian M. 's embedded Photo
Brian M. 's embedded Photo
So, you're all saying this may be a bad idea? I'm gonna do it anyway.

From: Tonybear61
If you hunt long enough you should be able to tell a real call from a fake one, real fan from a fake one with someone behind it. If everyone was that smart wouldn't need a rule like "it needs to have a visible beard" in order to be legal.

If people are getting shot just for wearing red, white or blue, black demonstrates how stupid some folks are. But only takes one idiot to shoot a person, thus why I won't fan , too many idiots. I like my face free of broadheads or pellets.

From: Paul@thefort

Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Paul@thefort's embedded Photo
Turkey hunters were being shot by other hunters long before decoys were utilized and that now includes fanning. I will continue to use my bow mounted decoy but always aware of my surroundings and other hunters in the area.

From: drycreek
To fan, or not to fan, THAT is the question

Whether to suffer the slings and arrows of ignorant slobs...........

From: WapitiBob
Years ago I made a 3D walk behind Antelope decoy, my partner used his 3D target. Our first evening hunting his took 4 bullets and mine went to the landfill.

From: PA-R
be careful out there, PAUL.

From: Buglmin
We use a fan on a stake, not a body. And its a hoot to watch the birds come running in... If someone can't tell the difference in a real turkey and a human, should they be turkey hunting?

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