Sitka Gear
Add Movement to Your Spread
Contributors to this thread:
UltimatePred 05-Apr-18
UltimatePred 05-Apr-18
UltimatePred 05-Apr-18
UltimatePred 05-Apr-18
kadbow 06-Apr-18
AlleninNM 06-Apr-18
Ole Coyote 06-Apr-18
UltimatePred 06-Apr-18
UltimatePred 06-Apr-18
tobinsghost 07-Apr-18
UltimatePred 07-Apr-18
AlleninNM 08-Apr-18
UltimatePred 09-Apr-18
UltimatePred 10-Apr-18
longbeard 10-Apr-18
UltimatePred 10-Apr-18
From: UltimatePred

UltimatePred's Link
What two things does an animal do in nature when it is scared??? 1 - Immediately Bolts 2 - Freezes (so it is not seen by the threat or so it can analyze the situation) WITH THAT BEING SAID, WHY ON EARTH DO YOU HUNT WITH DECOYS THAT MIMIC FEAR???? I love seeing the "lightbulb come on" every time I ask that

I also love to ask, "If you walk out of Walmart and see 5 people frozen with their hands up in the air, are you going to go join the party?' Well.......that's exactly what you are asking your gobbler to do. haha

Do Wind Drifter Turkey Decoys Really Work? from Ultimate Predator on Vimeo.

From: UltimatePred
BTW.....several of these clips are from Bowsite members. :)

From: UltimatePred
We just received footage from Florida of our Wind Drifters doing the trick for another customer.

Chip's Turkey from Ultimate Predator on Vimeo.

From: UltimatePred
We just received footage from Florida of our Wind Drifters doing the trick for another customer.

Chip's Turkey from Ultimate Predator on Vimeo.

From: kadbow
These decoys work!

From: AlleninNM
Yes they do. Will be deploying them today.

From: Ole Coyote
Actually setting up some hen decoys if you can get them to dip forward and down to look like a feeding movement it really works very well to bring in the larger Toms. I have been doing this for years and it honestly stops the boys from holding back they come right in looking for love with what the think are live birds, lol!

From: UltimatePred
Glad to hear you have fun with them Kadbow and Scoot. Good luck AllenimNM!

From: UltimatePred
Glad to hear you have fun with them Kadbow and Scoot. Good luck AllenimNM!

From: tobinsghost
I hope so using ours today in Nebraska. I know the snows I bought worked last week in Ogallala.

From: UltimatePred
Tobinsghost, I hope you have great luck! Congrats on the snows. Did you happen to snap any pics of your snows?

From: AlleninNM
The Wind Drifter turkey decoys did the trick again on opening day for my daughter. Set up near a pond with the hope of catching some high mountain Merriam's coming into water. About 30 minutes before sundown, a group of 4 jakes and 2 toms came down to the water about 100 yards off. Two of the jakes immediately spotted the decoys and began to make their way over to us. The remaining four took a quick drink and ran to catch up with the two jakes.

As my daughter shifted into position, the two closest turkeys must have seen movement and started to get nervous. Which made all the others nervous. I can't say for certain, but I think the fact the turkeys saw the decoys continuing to act in a "normal" manner may have helped calm the nervous birds down a bit, and the entire flock continued towards us.

My daughter waited for the jakes to clear from the largest tom and dropped the hammer at 30 yards. (Yes, shotgun. She is not confident enough in her archery skills yet) The tom flopped into the pond and died. As soon as it dropped, my daughter made a quick fist pump and gave a quick "YES!!!" Made my day.

So thanks, again, to Ultimate Predator for a product that makes my daughter think I know what I am doing.

From: UltimatePred
AlleninNM, we all need as much help as possible keeping up those sherades with our What an absolutely AWESOME story. It made my day too! Thanks for sharing.

From: UltimatePred
I love, love, love being even just a small part of a hunters first harvest of a species. It doesn't get any better than that!

From: longbeard
I will vouch for their effectiveness also. I bought a set of them last year and was successful right away with them. They work great!! Their customer service tops also. Thanks for such a great product Lance!!

From: UltimatePred
That's fantastic to hear LongBeard, and thank you for the kind words.

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