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NV early season night temps
Mule Deer
Contributors to this thread:
rjlefty3 19-Jun-21
tkjwonta 19-Jun-21
Tilzbow 19-Jun-21
WV Mountaineer 20-Jun-21
TravisScott 20-Jun-21
rjlefty3 20-Jun-21
From: rjlefty3
I drew an early season mulie tag in NV this year. My first velvet mulie hunt!

For anyone who's familiar with early season hunts, what are the average temps at night (and day for that matter)? My tag is for area 6 (NEish corner of NV) and I'm still looking at maps so I'm not exactly sure of my elevation, but likely 7-9K. From what weather data I've seen shows around 40ish degrees as an average, but i don't really know how accurate that is, especially at any elevation.

I currently have a 15 degree bag that is just about perfect when it's mid-20s so I'm thinking it might be a little overkill. I know I could leave it open, but I imagine after being in the heat all day the last thing I'll want is roast all night too!

And yes, I realize there are quite a few roads and this isn't what most would call a true backpack mulie hunt and we'll most likely be mobile depending on what we find - but either way I gotta sleep somewhere!

From: tkjwonta
I had that tag last year. It can definitely get hot during the day, 80s even up at elevation. It still gets chilly at night 40s-50s, but you can make a 15 degree bag work. We were sleeping in the the truck just to stay mobile and used 15 degree bags as more of a half blanket and that seemed to work.

From: Tilzbow
Check out historical temps for Wildhorse Reservoir online. It’s at 6,200 feet in elevation. Subtract 5 degrees for every 1,000 to 1,500 higher you’ll be than that and you’ll have a good idea.

It’s normal to have 40 degree swings from day highs to night time lows and 50 degree overnight drops aren’t uncommon. Also, your location can make a big difference. If you’re down in a canyon or other low spot it’ll be colder than an open west facing slope. There are lots of aspen patches in that country and I’d camp in those if available.

It’s a dry climate. Which means the high temps are very comfortable and the low temps will feel much warmer.

I’ve never been there for that hunt. But, you can take it to the bank that without humidity, that’s the way it is. And, I’m guessing your bag will be perfect.

From: TravisScott
I’ve hunted this tag a couple of times and it gets pretty darn warm during the day.

It cools down at night but your bag will be fine. You will have to open it up but you will be comfortable.

Off topic but I can’t stress sunscreen enough. That high elevation sun is different. I was living at 3500’ and it still kicked my butt when I was at 7k plus.

Good luck!

From: rjlefty3
Thanks for the insight guys, I appreciate the responses!

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