Moultrie Mobile
Boar or sow
Contributors to this thread:
fubar racin 21-Aug-21
fubar racin 21-Aug-21
Rickm 21-Aug-21
Buffalo1 21-Aug-21
Bou'bound 22-Aug-21
RIT 22-Aug-21
fubar racin 22-Aug-21
Stubbleduck 22-Aug-21
drycreek 22-Aug-21
fubar racin 22-Aug-21
Bou'bound 24-Aug-21
From: fubar racin

fubar racin's embedded Photo
fubar racin's embedded Photo

From: fubar racin
Even guesses honestly lol

From: Rickm
Black bear, for sure! Other than that your on your own!!

From: Buffalo1
Young female for sure.

From: Bou'bound
Yes it is but narrowing it down further wi to that photo is nothing but a guess by whomever picks a gender

From: RIT
Gender neutral

From: fubar racin
My theory is that due to the number of bears we have on cam most are sows but none have cubs that we’ve seen. This one is the second largest and prettiest of them all.

From: Stubbleduck
Appears to be a nice sow that identifies as a why a bear would want to do that is beyond me but then I never have understood this "Identfies as" business.

From: drycreek
I’m not a bear hunter, but I fail to see how anyone can get farther than just bear with a front-half picture.

From: fubar racin
Dry creek Iv been told by experienced bear hunters they can tell by head and front shoulders. I have zero idea other than if that bear comes in we are planning to shoot it.

From: Bou'bound
Yes it is but narrowing it down further wi to that photo is nothing but a guess by whomever picks a gender

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