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Florida Bear Attack
Contributors to this thread:
JL 22-Jan-22
SteveB 22-Jan-22
Shuteye 22-Jan-22
Dollar 22-Jan-22
Bou'bound 22-Jan-22
SteveB 22-Jan-22
Bou'bound 22-Jan-22
Dollar 23-Jan-22
From: JL

JL's Link
This encounter is making news here in town. It appears the bear got startled when the guy quickly approached the bear to stop it from getting his little dogs. The second vid showing the bear running by doesn't show any cubs. Pretty good videos.....

From: SteveB
Guy is pretty lucky all things considered

From: Shuteye
I wonder if he had been toting a hand gun and shot the bear if he would have been charged? Since it was on video he would probably be okay with shooting the bear.'

From: Dollar
Last time we had a couple bear attacks here in Florida we got to hunt bears the next season.Lets hope the samething happens.

From: Bou'bound
I missed the part about the bear attacking the man I saw the man go after the bear and I understand why

But the bear didn’t attack the man at least not in that video

From: SteveB
It was on his inside patio Bou…and was attacking his dog. Dead bear at my house.

From: Bou'bound
Yeah I agree. I’d attack it too. But the bear did not go after the guy the guy went after the bear after the bear went after the dog

From: Dollar
What difference does it make which one went after which.The bear was on the porch just like a coon.You can get rid of a coon but can't touch a bear here.Just one of thousands in Florida.Bears have always been prevalent here just like the panthers.They are not endangered here.

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