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Comfort Crisis--Michael Easter
Contributors to this thread:
Darrell 07-Jun-23
smarba 07-Jun-23
midwest 07-Jun-23
KSBOW 07-Jun-23
Scoot 07-Jun-23
elkster 07-Jun-23
yooper89 10-Jun-23
Hawkeye 10-Jun-23
goyt 12-Jun-23
From: Darrell
Just thought I'd put a book out for anyone interested. I found this book to be incredibly helpful in my own journey with managing my own weight, fitness, etc. I also work with men battling addictions (primarily porn and other forms of deceptive sexuality) and I am encouraging all my guys to read it. It is also a great book to point our non hunting friends and family to read as he addresses hunting in an incredibly easy form for non hunters to swallow. It's a fantastic read and/or listen if like me you enjoy audio books while driving, mowing, etc. Anyone else read it?

From: smarba
Never heard of it, but will check it out. Thx Carl

From: midwest
I was actually going to make a post about it, too, Darrell. One of the best I've read and really helps you understand why we Americans are mostly a bunch of fat sloths.

There is also hunting involved as the whole book revolves around the author's month long caribou hunt in the Alaskan arctic with Donnie Vincent.

Great read

From: Scoot
I liked the book, didn't love it. Some of it was great stuff, but some of it was a bit of a stretch. I love books that bring together a lot of things with a common denominator, but some of them just didn't work for me. That being said, I'm in search of am official misogi...

From: elkster
Read it, liked it, and it should translate to non hunters because it applies to everyone.

From: yooper89
Started it this morning on Audible and I’m about a third the way through it. Awesome so far even if he pumps Donnie’s tires a little too much

From: Hawkeye
Great book and ironically just finished it as well.

From: goyt
I just placed a hold with the Ohio library for an audio copy. 168 people ahead of me for 12 copies. It is in demand.

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