Mathews Inc.
Mark Drury or Lee Lakosky dream hunt
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
4nolz@work 19-Jun-23
Blood 19-Jun-23
midwest 19-Jun-23
fastflight 19-Jun-23
MQQSE 19-Jun-23
BoggsBowhunts 19-Jun-23
bigswivle 19-Jun-23
WV Mountaineer 19-Jun-23
RK 19-Jun-23
Slate 19-Jun-23
scentman 19-Jun-23
Missouribreaks 19-Jun-23
Jaquomo 19-Jun-23
WV Mountaineer 19-Jun-23
Smtn10PT 19-Jun-23
JohnMC 19-Jun-23
t-roy 19-Jun-23
buckhammer 19-Jun-23
MichaelArnette 19-Jun-23
thedude 20-Jun-23
Willieboat 20-Jun-23
ahawkeye 20-Jun-23
pav 20-Jun-23
Bou’bound 20-Jun-23
Bowbender 20-Jun-23
PECO2 20-Jun-23
tobywon 20-Jun-23
Carbon Defiant 34 20-Jun-23
Bowfinatic 20-Jun-23
Will 20-Jun-23
Michael 20-Jun-23
TonyBear 20-Jun-23
Buskill 20-Jun-23
Slate 20-Jun-23
Slate 20-Jun-23
spike78 20-Jun-23
bigswivle 20-Jun-23
JohnMC 20-Jun-23
hildyatwork 20-Jun-23
WV Mountaineer 20-Jun-23
midwest 20-Jun-23
Mule Power 20-Jun-23
KSBOW 20-Jun-23
Ned mobile 20-Jun-23
SaddleReaper 20-Jun-23
Slate 20-Jun-23
LTG 11 20-Jun-23
APauls 20-Jun-23
DanaC 21-Jun-23
carcus 21-Jun-23
Dale06 21-Jun-23
Kannuck 21-Jun-23
bigswivle 21-Jun-23
mallardsx2 22-Jun-23
Bent arrow 22-Jun-23
EmbryOklahoma 22-Jun-23
BC173 23-Jun-23
Michael 23-Jun-23
MichaelArnette 23-Jun-23
Boreal 23-Jun-23
Shug 23-Jun-23
Buckdeer 23-Jun-23
12yards 23-Jun-23
rattling_junkie 23-Jun-23
spike78 23-Jun-23
Rgiesey 23-Jun-23
WhattheFOC 24-Jun-23
Duke 24-Jun-23
midwest 24-Jun-23
HDE 26-Jun-23
iceman 26-Jun-23
Rut Nut 28-Jun-23
scentman 29-Jun-23
Whocares 29-Jun-23
scentman 29-Jun-23
Whocares 29-Jun-23
HDE 29-Jun-23
OK.... you are given the choice to hunt with either Mark Drury or Lee Lakosky on their farms. Who do you choose and why? Those are the only two choices.

From: 4nolz@work
Can they get me a Governors Tag?

From: Blood
Lee, he still bow hunts from tree stands….. not a shed on stilts in an alfalfa field. But I would not use Rages.

From: midwest
It would be an honor to hunt with either one. Self made, successful whitetail addicts.

From: fastflight
Easy answer is both but I have pry watched more Drury videos than Lakosky so if I had to choose it would be a Drury.

Midwest +1

Option C: The Lindsey’s

From: bigswivle
Lee, he still bow hunts from tree stands….. not a shed on stilts in an alfalfa field. But I would not use Rages.

Lol, lees killed a bunch of deer out of a shed on stilts

I’ll take Tiffany over either of those two.

From: RK
Neither. There are so many better hunter and more entertaining people to hu t with.

If those were the only hunters , does not matter. Flip a coin.

From: Slate
Neither. Both annoying. Rather hunt my own property

From: scentman
Lee, with the far chance he would get a I would have to settle sitting in a groundblind with Tiffany;0]

No thank you.

From: Jaquomo
I would pay good money to not have to sit in a blind listening to Tiff all day.

Who cares about listening to her? :^)

From: Smtn10PT
Id say Lee, he seems more likely to let a guest shoot a real top end deer.

From: JohnMC
What about Bill Busbice, Spook Spann or maybe Josh Bowmar.

From: t-roy
John……the question was basically who would you rather hunt with, NOT who would you rather shoot. As to your choices, can it be multiple choice??

Less of a fan of Mark Drury, but I’d not pass at the chance to hunt with either him or Lee. Like em or not, they know their stuff about whitetails.

From: buckhammer
Take me back 10 years and I am hunting with Bill Winke on the farm he sold a couple of years ago. He owned 960 continuous acres in S.E. Iowa.

Dang deer season need to get here lol

From: thedude
I'd sit on my couch and fart on myself. Just more dipshits using other dipshits to support their grift.

From: Willieboat
Which one likes to drink beer ? That’s who I would pick

From: ahawkeye
Nothing against Mark Drury I just think Lee would be a better fit for me. Both have accomplished what I could only dream about.

From: pav
Dream hunt? Either would likely be fun, but not what I would consider a "dream hunt".

If Lee could swing me an Iowa archery buck tag, considering my current points total, that's my choice! No offense to Mark...but I'd choose Iowa over Missouri every time!

From: Bou’bound

From: Bowbender
Sorry, hunting deer over manicured food plots, from heated box blinds, while listening to Drury's doe eyed daughter whisper advice, or Tiff's nasally whiny voice, ain't my idea of a dream hunt.

Honestly, I'll take the two weeks I get to hunt with my son chasin' whitetails on a new piece of ground we got. If pressed to name a dream hunt, it would be spending 10 days or so hunting elk with some of our elk killers on here.

From: PECO2
Lee and Tiffany.

From: tobywon
It would be either for me. Both seem like good people from what I've seen. Maybe I'd edge towards the Drurys. They have fun and seem like good people/family to be around.

Lee & Tiffany here. This couple truly are whitetail addicts and have them figured out.

I grew up watching the Drurys and have learned so much from Mark I would pick him. Agree I'm not a fan visually of watching the box blind hunts but a appreciate Mark's personality and approach to continually learning and using data to becoming smarter hunters

From: Will
Flip a coin. I'm a diy woods hunter, so the whole thing would be weird for me. But as a once in a life time experience, hard to go wrong. I think I'd err to Mark if pressed though. Only because years and years and years ago I thought he and Terry had the best VHS tapes money could buy. Ironic as I dont know that I've watched anything they have put out in about 10 yrs!

From: Michael
Depends if it’s a pre rut or a rut hunt.

Pre rut I would say Mark. Rut hunt I would say Lee.

From: TonyBear
Neither, how about one of the Wensels instead? Or if one really wants to dream how about Ishi, Aldo Leopold, Fred Bear, Roy Case or Pope & Young.

If we really want to dream, just one more time out with my Dad who passed away 30 years ago this year, or even my grandpa who I never met. Died when my Dad was 7. Oh wait, I am thinking he and all my ancestors, God are with me in Spirit on most hunts, which is more important to me than any hunting personality.

From: Buskill
I’m reading a lot of negative opinions on here about box blinds over food plots. Is that the new thing that separates real hunters from wannabes now? It’s hard to keep up with what I need to bitch about according to several on this page.

From: Slate
You guys could all kill deer like them if you had their property. They don’t know anymore than most. Just hunt the best of the best properties. Location location location

From: Slate
Marcus lol

From: spike78
Do you mean dream shoot?

From: bigswivle
I’d rather go elk hunting with Lee. lol

From: JohnMC
Tony Bear I am going pheasant hunting this year with Ishi. I am excited about it too.

From: hildyatwork
Tim Wells

I apologize to the OP for trying to be funny. Looks like everyone run with it.

I don’t know who I’d choose. I’d hunt with most anyone so it doesn’t matter much.

From: midwest
"You guys could all kill deer like them if you had their property."

Yeah, but we don't have their property soooooo...

From: Mule Power
Probably Lee. Has nothing to do with the hunt. I’m sure I’d be happy with both. I think I’d have more fun at night shooting the shit with Lee though.

If you have followed Lee in anything besides the tv show, youtube, podcasts, etc... He constantly talks about the show and all be a means to end. Have heard him say several times would rather have no cameras or everything that goes with it but it has allowed him to live his dream and own the property we all dream about.

Wonder if either has supported the Iowa Bowhunters Association. Ever?

From: SaddleReaper
Lee seems like a genuinely good dude. Not that the Drurys don't seem to be genuine, but hunting with Lee would be an easy choice for me.

"You guys could all kill deer like them if you had their property. They don’t know anymore than most. Just hunt the best of the best properties."

Maybe so..... but I'd bet since they get to work at this stuff 365 days a year while focusing on and perfecting every facet of hunting/ land & deer management, that they could probably teach most of us a thing or two.

I also don't particularly care to watch box blind hunts, seemingly nonstop (*cough* Drurys), but that doesn't mean that these guys have forgotten how to kill deer the "regular" way.

From: Slate
There always has to be a wise ass. Sooooooo

From: LTG 11
I think this is a dumb exercise in general but im bored, so I'll play.

I know a guy who hosted the drury brothers for a hunt. The hunt was supposed to be a trade. They came up and hunted. Both shot good bucks and said come on down whenever you want.

After spending 5-7 days with them, he said he would rather chalk it up as a loss than spend another minute with either one of them.

I've never heard him bad mouth another human being.

I pick Lee.

From: APauls
I hope their tractors are fuelled by jealousy and not today's fuel prices. They can prob farm the entire US lol Don't know much about either one, other than that they seem to love hunting whitetails and in fact are quite fanatical about it which seems a lot like me. So I guess either.

From: DanaC
"He constantly talks about the show and all be a means to end."

Sounds like he's figured out how to make his passion pay for itself. Good marketing. Not many can do that on a high level (although a lot *try*.)

From: carcus
either, I used to love watching dream season episodes as the season approached.

From: Dale06
Both are quite successful hunters, on land that’s super groomed for trophy hunting and growing big bucks. Nothing wrong with that. But I’d much rather hunt with my son, friends or brothers. I’ll pass on the celebrity hunts.

From: Kannuck
Neither. Thanks, but no thanks.

From: bigswivle
Good lord at the house lee and Tiffany just built. Thing looks amazing

From: mallardsx2
I would be afraid I would try to start talking like lee while I was talking to him. You know that annoying voice he has, that I would FOR SURE try to replicate in person. lol

From: Bent arrow
I call those sheds on stilts.OUTHOUSES. Both are arrogant if u meet um at a trade show. Know lots better people to hunt with.

No knock on either of those families, but I’d like to go hunt with the Hunting Public guys. Just more my style.

From: BC173
That’s me too Embry, or the Wensels.

From: Michael
Zach from the hunting public knows his stuff. With that said I tend to not watch any content with him in it now days. Too obnoxious for me.

I'm with Rick, would love to hunt with the hunting public guys. They may have just about ruined public land but deer hunting needed the shot in the arm and a diversion back to its roots that they offered. I'm just not a big fan of the big landowner/guided hunt media presence. Nothing against those who do it

From: Boreal
I wouldn't hunt one of the best pieces of private whitetail ground in existence because I don't like the owners voice...sheesh!

From: Shug
Ned for the win!!!

From: Buckdeer
Sounds like some jealousy floating around today,if you can't say something nice you shouldn't say anything at all

From: 12yards
Heck with those two, I'd pick t-roy! LOL. Just kidding, I'd never pass up an opportunity to hunt with either one.

I'd hunt their farms, but not with them per se.

From: spike78
Too easy hunting with either one. I like a challenge.

From: Rgiesey
I was going with nothing at all but I failed. Would be cool to get permission on their places. But wouldn’t be interested in hunting with either.

From: WhattheFOC
Weird question. Nothing personal, but no way I’d trade a day hunting at home with my peeps for a day with the celebs. I have no desire to go fishing with Taylor Swift either.

From: Duke
Lee. I’ve only met him once and watched their shows, but seems like he’s my pace of person and hunter and would enjoy learning from him.

From: midwest
I have no desire to kill their big bucks but would be happy to do some doe control for them and experience the rut on their well managed farms. I bet the stories they have are epic. Always like listening to highly successful people who took all the risks and worked their ass off to achieve their dreams.

From: HDE
Which one of those two is the one that used to be a "Rockstar"? That's the one I'd go with.

From: iceman
what midwest said originally. Both are self made and outstanding at it. I'm good with either one.

From: Rut Nut
Buck deer: ;-)

From: scentman
Ok, how about Hunter Biden or Don Jr. ? I might pic Hunter as he probably has some really good campfire stories ;0)

From: Whocares
Been thinkin bout this during this dumb thread. I'd rather just dream bout Tiffany than hunt. You guys do whatever ya want. Lyin bastards.

From: scentman
Uhm, if some one replies to a " dumb thread" what does that make you?

From: Whocares
Dumb I suppose. But with a sense of humor.

From: HDE
"Been thinkin bout this during this dumb thread. I'd rather just dream bout Tiffany than hunt. You guys do whatever ya want. Lyin bastards."

Who cares...

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