Mathews Inc.
Giant 211 Inch Ohio Buck
Whitetail Deer
Contributors to this thread:
Bowboy 30-Nov-23
Scoot 30-Nov-23
drycreek 30-Nov-23
greg simon 30-Nov-23
Catscratch 30-Nov-23
Bou'bound 30-Nov-23
deerhunter72 30-Nov-23
Zbone 30-Nov-23
Cazador 30-Nov-23
BoggsBowhunts 30-Nov-23
t-roy 30-Nov-23
Iowa booner hunter 30-Nov-23
Bou'bound 30-Nov-23
Zbone 30-Nov-23
JohnMC 30-Nov-23
Hondolane 01-Dec-23
Bou'bound 01-Dec-23
Old Reb 01-Dec-23
Iowa booner hunter 01-Dec-23
Old Reb 01-Dec-23
APauls 01-Dec-23
Zbone 02-Dec-23
From: Bowboy

Bowboy's embedded Photo
Bowboy's embedded Photo

Bowboy's Link
What a stud buck! Attached is the story.

From: Scoot
Wow what a buck! Given there's only 1 arrow in his quiver I'm guessing there's a story behind that buck. Been there (although not with a deer like that)!

From: drycreek
Amazing buck ! The story upholds the “better to be lucky than good” axiom. Congrats due Mr. Stump, though, he still had to make the shot. I’m not sure I could on a buck that big.

From: greg simon
Great buck! First thing I noticed was the one arrow in the quiver. Been there done that on an elk! Congratulations!

From: Catscratch
Lol, I noticed the 1 arrow in the quiver right off the bat too. Hell of a buck!

From: Bou'bound
Better than one bolt in the quiver boys

From: deerhunter72
Incredible buck! Congratulations to the hunter

From: Zbone
That one is just a pup, we have Booners behind every tree here in Ohio, don't you know...8^)))

Congrats to the hunter, and so glad it wasn't killed with a xgun...

From: Cazador
Wow, Ohio is legit!

No X-Gun and not a market hunter, finally one I can applaud! Congrats all around

From: t-roy
Heck of a buck!

Ya, but it’s private property

From: Bou'bound
What is BTR scoring

From: Zbone
Bou - "What is BTR scoring"

Buckmasters, I think... Seems to be a recent trend, guys like their higher score rather than B&C and P&Y...

From: JohnMC
What is weird about the story to me is he guessed him to be 4 years old but said first saw in 2021 and he was far bigger than anything they were use to on their farm. He would have only been 2 at the time. Strange to say a 2 year stood out.

From: Hondolane
Iowa booner?? u don’t hunt on private?

From: Bou'bound
Anyone check to see if he supports Ohio bowhunters association. ?

From: Old Reb
BTR is Buckmasters Trophy Records. It was developed by Russel Thornberry in 1982 and adopted by Buckmaster in the 1990's. In a nut shell, the deer is given all the credit for the antlers that it grew. No deductions for asymmetry. Also the official score for ranking does not count the inside spread because that is a measurement of air not antler. For a more detailed explanation, vist their website. Just google Buckmaster scoring system like I did.

It is not really giving credit for all the antler, because it gives no consideration for the actual mass of the points

From: Old Reb
^^^^ Take the issue up with Russell Thornbery.

From: APauls
What a story. The guy obviously was really smart about his hunting.

From: Zbone
Not a fan of celerity hunters, never have been, especially these outdoor channel bozos, but I did like some of the old school classics like from the Wensels, Paul Pruner, and of course Fred Bear... Back in the 80's had a VHS video Russell Thornbery produced (I think he produced it) anyhow it was titled "Monarchs of Alberta"... I really liked it, especially the guy shooting a rifle at a big buck running full bore across open country... He'd miss, he'd swear, he'd miss again, he'd swear, and so on... If I remember correctly it was all rifle hunting via organized drives of their outfitting business.... Boy, they killed some whoppers... This was before Milo Hanson's buck and from the pix I seen of the terrain where Milo's was taken, looks much the same as in the Alberta video and that buck was taken the same way on an organized drive... So I liked the video so I guess I could say I liked Russel...8^) I also like his magazine articles back in the day...

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