Moultrie Mobile
Shooter 3D Targets
Contributors to this thread:
midwest 09-Jan-24
Murph 09-Jan-24
JTreeman 09-Jan-24
midwest 09-Jan-24
808bowhunter 09-Jan-24
RutnStrut 09-Jan-24
midwest 11-Jan-24
Bou'bound 11-Jan-24
wooddamon1 12-Jan-24
Venom16730 12-Jan-24
From: midwest

midwest's Link
Anyone ever try one of these? Very reasonably priced, just wondering what the life expectancy might be.

From: Murph
I’ve had a couple of them, easy arrow removal, the elements are tougher on them then self healing foam, fairly small in size comparable to a small doe, I would have trouble getting through a summer with the vital if a guy is shooting that as a primary target if you don’t shoot a lot or wanna pound it before season prob be more then sufficient

From: JTreeman
I have a couple. I would not be as gracious as Murph with my review.


From: midwest
Can you expand on that Jim?

From: 808bowhunter
Piece of junk. If you shoot them very little they will do ok. Very thin in areas and get get pass through when you hit there. Rhinehart 1/3 size elk/moose/caribou much better value

From: RutnStrut
They suck.

From: midwest
Thanks fellas. Sounds like you get what you pay for.

From: Bou'bound
Or less in many cases

From: wooddamon1
I have a Big Shooter buck and the bear on my little 8 target 3D course. They're ok for some variety. Easy arrow pull. I mostly shoot field tips at them until season approaches. Broadheads will chop them up quick, but that goes for every brand I've owned, from cheapies to holy shnikey that hurt. Going on 3 years now. An old Delta gets the brunt of the broadhead hammering, though.

From: Venom16730
they dont last very long , imo I have used the Glendel and to me hold up well

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