Weirdest game animal part eaten?
General Topic
Contributors to this thread:
Bowfreak 07-Apr-24
JohnMC 07-Apr-24
t-roy 07-Apr-24
bowhunt 07-Apr-24
Glunt@work 08-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 08-Apr-24
bohunr 08-Apr-24
caribou77 08-Apr-24
Nomad 08-Apr-24
Bwhnt 08-Apr-24
Supernaut 08-Apr-24
DanaC 08-Apr-24
Bou'bound 08-Apr-24
elkmtngear 08-Apr-24
Supernaut 08-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
Rut-N-Strut 08-Apr-24
Griz 08-Apr-24
fuzzy 08-Apr-24
tobywon 08-Apr-24
Jaquomo 08-Apr-24
Old Reb 08-Apr-24
Shug 08-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 08-Apr-24
Lewis 08-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 08-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 08-Apr-24
bowonly 08-Apr-24
Huntcell 08-Apr-24
Wymuley 08-Apr-24
Will 08-Apr-24
wyobullshooter 08-Apr-24
70lbDraw 08-Apr-24
4nolz@work 08-Apr-24
yeager 08-Apr-24
Saphead 08-Apr-24
Brotsky 08-Apr-24
badbull 08-Apr-24
Norseman 08-Apr-24
70lbDraw 08-Apr-24
PeteO 08-Apr-24
butcherboy 08-Apr-24
MA-PAdeerslayer 08-Apr-24
buckeye 08-Apr-24
t-roy 08-Apr-24
Catscratch 08-Apr-24
Pat Lefemine 08-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 08-Apr-24
Catscratch 08-Apr-24
JohnMC 08-Apr-24
butcherboy 08-Apr-24
IdyllwildArcher 08-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 09-Apr-24
Pat Lefemine 09-Apr-24
Groundhunter 09-Apr-24
drycreek 09-Apr-24
drycreek 09-Apr-24
Zbone 09-Apr-24
butcherboy 09-Apr-24
70lbDraw 09-Apr-24
Stringwacker 09-Apr-24
Bwhnt 09-Apr-24
elk assasin 10-Apr-24
elk assasin 10-Apr-24
butcherboy 10-Apr-24
Killbuck 10-Apr-24
Grey Ghost 10-Apr-24
KsRancher 10-Apr-24
CFMuley 10-Apr-24
Mint 11-Apr-24
sbschindler 17-Apr-24
Tim Cousineau 17-Apr-24
Jim Moore 17-Apr-24
olddogrib 18-Apr-24
Dkretschmar 18-Apr-24
greenmountain 18-Apr-24
From: Bowfreak
My daughter showed me a Tik Tok video of someone preparing and eating cow vagina. It got me thinking, what is the weirdest animal part you have eaten? Also….I fully expect a few to knock it out of the park with their responses. :)

From: JohnMC
Cooked or raw? So many responses none can I keep "PG"

From: t-roy
My grandpa always said stuff was tuffer than a boiled owl turd. I can’t confirm if there’s any truth in that, though.

From: bowhunt
Bear paw liquor- my brother in laws mom makes a liquor made with paws from bears. I think she boils the paws, makes a concentrate, then adds that to store bought liquor.

Tastes like hell!

On a fall bear hunt 5-6 years ago me and 4 buddies all went for a weekend. I had some bear paw liquor she made after the spring hunt. I told everyone it was good luck, and we all drank shots of it the night before opening day!

I only got them to drink one round of shots.

From: Glunt@work
Anyone ever eat a hotdog?

Glunt beat me to it. If you’ve eaten a hot dog… you’ve eaten it all.

From: bohunr
Several years ago elk hunting in the blue mountains of Oregon, one of our guys got a nice bull and I decided we should have "true"rocky mountain oysters. They were delicious. However, my buddy's dad rightfully renamed them "blue "mountain oysters .I stand corrected.

From: caribou77
Raw scallops straight out of the ocean on a caribou hunt in Newfoundland. Caribou tongue soup up in Quebec. Raw lake trout in Quebec marinade in lemon juice for several hours ( I guess that technically “cooks” it). All of them were good, thought the caribou tongue I could only do once

From: Nomad
Caribou77.....As far as tongue goes, I subscribe to the sentiment that I don't want to be tasting something that might be tasting me back!

From: Bwhnt
Moose tongue is a delicacy. It's better than roast beef.

From: Supernaut
My friend's pap used to eat fresh, uncooked squirrel brains as soon as he'd kill one.

He never did talk us into trying it but he sure liked the taste and said it made him think like a squirrel.

From: DanaC
Fish cheeks.

From: Bou'bound
Supernaut that is absolutely nuts

From: elkmtngear
(Boiled) Chicken Feet. Apparently it's a Chinese delicacy, I was not impressed !

From: Supernaut
Bou, it was crazy.

Nuts are a bit lower.

From: fuzzy
For some reason the original question reminds me of my relationship with my 1st wife.

From: Rut-N-Strut
First kill ever was a big ol PA groundhog. Old man cut out the liver and made me take a bite. Then smeared the blood on my cheeks.

From: Griz
Guides in a northern Alberta bear camp cooked some beaver tails in the fire. Convinced us to try it. It was like eating the white cartilage in a chicken breast and not as tasty. We could hear the guides laughing in their tent later!

From: fuzzy
Timex I eat em. Use them the heart and liver trimmings in boudain sausage

From: tobywon
I’ve had cow vagina before, then I got divorced!! :)

From: Jaquomo

Jaquomo's embedded Photo
Jaquomo's embedded Photo

From: Old Reb
^^^ I guess bonless rectums would be better than ones with a boner in it. Only a guess.

From: Shug

Shug's embedded Photo
Shug's embedded Photo
Guy in camp cooked up moose brain .. I just watched him eat it

Yeah, Lou… Never order Calamari from a place that doesn’t serve the tentacles. Juuuuuust sayin’.

Interesting what passes for “weird”, though. Organ meats used to be totally normal. We’ve just gotten squeamish as we’ve gotten richer is all. My favorite lunch as a kid was a beef tongue sandwich. Good liver is wonderful, but I won’t eat it anymore if it’s not organic. My mom loved steak & kidney pie, though I think maybe I would enjoy kidneys more if there were cooked more gently. Like liver, they toughen up quickly when overcooked. I’m told they’re excellent when taken hot & fresh from the gutpile, but honestly, I just haven’t gone there.

From: Lewis
Spam just saying lol Lewis

1997 Joy of Cooking. My MIL’s copy from early ‘50s has about 1/2 dozen recipes for most of these, and other “old-fashioned favorites” like Calf’s head, head cheese, etc. I have a copy from the ‘80s which has a lot more recipes for game (squirrels, woodchuck, beaver, muskrat, IIRC)….

Come to think of it, I remember eating sandwiches made from Oscar Mayer head cheese. It’s all the same stuff as Bologna, I suppose, but in still-recognizable bits.

I have a feeling that if I were to check the lunch meat section, I might find that the inventory has changed in the last 50 years….


Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Corax_latrans's embedded Photo
Think I forgot to add the pic…..

From: bowonly
Raw caribou liver dipped in seal oil with Alaskan natives. I declined the raw stomach strips. Looked like yellow astroturf.

From: Huntcell
still served in Mongolian eating establishments, go out back there is a pile of goat and sheep heads to pick from. in a fire pit, slow roasted a head and when done, start eating by picking out the eyes and on to other pieces,

From: Wymuley
I ate a mongoose I caught in a snare during SERE training. Not a part, but ate the whole thing minus the insides. I had no seasoning... it was the toughest meat I ever ate.

From: Will
Game animals - I've been pretty tame... Though I did have venison hot dogs one time...

But I've eaten enough hot dogs that I've probably eaten every part of a cow ha ha ha!

Absolutely no way I was ever going to join in, but back in the day, whenever my dad or granddad would shoot a deer, elk, or antelope, the next morning it was scrambled eggs and brains.

From: 70lbDraw
Had some Muk-Tuk (whale blubber) when we were in Alaska a few years ago. It’s like eating a flavorless white, chewy, thick rubber mat, that’s attached to a black, even chewier, thin rubber mat. Other than pure survival, I wouldn’t be wasting any efforts to stock the fridge with it!

From: 4nolz@work
Deer mountain oysters

From: yeager
Not really a game animal, but a Balut when I was in the Navy stationed at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. It is a fertilized developing egg embryo.

From: Saphead
Whale eggs, in the Philippines. About the size of a Chicken egg yoke

From: Brotsky
Rectums??? Damn near Killed 'em!!


Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo
Ricky The Cabel Guy's embedded Photo

From: badbull
Possum for me but tastes a little too greasy to try it again. Probably tastes a bit like Lou's pork rectums. I ate fresh mountain oysters plenty of times gathered while growing up at roundup time at my grandparents ranch.

From: Norseman

From: 70lbDraw
@Not really a game animal, but a Balut when I was in the Navy stationed at NAS Cubi Point, Philippines. It is a fertilized developing egg embryo.”

lol! I couldn’t even get close to that stuff it stunk so bad!!!

From: PeteO
Heard of balut, hahah. My worse was guinea pig while stationed in Peru.

From: butcherboy
RMBS oysters plus lots of beef oysters. Kidneys, liver, tongue, sweetbread, beef brains. Raccoons, beaver. Turkey and chicken tail or the part that attaches right to the backbone. Bird giblets. In fact, growing up, my mom would cook them and shred them up and add them to her stuffing along with chopped onion, chopped celery, and chicken broth or turkey broth. Best dang stuffing ever!

The worst is getting a mouthful of hot beef or pig blood while on the kill floor.

Rocky Mountain oyster, brains, tongue, kidneys I’ll pass lol. Only oysters I’ll eat are from the northeast shoreline and they live their life under the ocean haha

From: buckeye
Coon and muskrat, that's as weird as I've eaten so far.

From: t-roy

From: Catscratch
"The worst is getting a mouthful of hot beef or pig blood while on the kill floor."


From: Pat Lefemine
So I had to google the pork rectums. It’s actually an Asian delicacy called pork bung. They are also sometimes substituted for calamari and reportedly used in the McRib sandwich.

Wish I never googled that.

“getting a mouthful of hot beef or pig blood while on the kill floor."

Sounds like a guy who works in a packing house.

Rocky Mtn Oysters…. Calf Fries are wonderful. Bull Fries can be a mixed bag, so to speak….

I personally would not be too keen on harvesting a meal from anything In Rut, but a button-buck or early season Mulie would probably be fine. Just my preference; I’m sure there’s an argument that I’d be missing the full aphrodisiac benefit, but I’m feeling Studly Enough, given that I just added another 1/2 plate to my leg press max…. ;)

From: Catscratch
Teepee for my bung hole!

From: JohnMC
Pat give us screen shot of what that google search brought up.

From: butcherboy
Yep, manage my family’s custom slaughter and meat processing plant. Killing 16 animals tomorrow.

The tongue is the best part of the animal.

I also save any lungs and stomachs I don't shoot through to make haggis.

I ate a Red Hot once. The ingredients listed Beef Lips and Anus.

It actually said that in the ingredients

“getting a mouthful of hot beef or pig blood while on the kill floor."

Sounds like a guy who works in a packing house.

Rocky Mtn Oysters…. Calf Fries are wonderful. Bull Fries can be a mixed bag, so to speak….

I personally would not be too keen on harvesting a meal from anything In Rut, but a button-buck or early season Mulie would probably be fine. Just my preference; I’m sure there’s an argument that I’d be missing the full aphrodisiac benefit, but I’m feeling Studly Enough, given that I just added another 1/2 plate to my leg press max…. ;)

From: Pat Lefemine
So I had to google the pork rectums. It’s actually an Asian delicacy called pork bung. They are also sometimes substituted for calamari and reportedly used in the McRib sandwich.

Wish I never googled that.

From: Groundhunter
I'm like WyMuley,, for me it was monkey.. . Needed hot sauce, ha ha

From: drycreek
I loved squirrel brains as a kid, but they were cooked. Cracked that noggin open with a knife handle and scooped them out. The little rascal just didn’t have a big enough head.

From: drycreek
Double post

From: Zbone
Alligator, rattlesnake, frog legs, tried some chocolate covered insects once (not much taste but chocolate) Rocky Mountain oysters, mountain lion (was great), and I luv calamari and pickled tongue, I have some tongue in the fridge right now, but the one I had a hard time keeping down was one of the 17-year cicadas... Had been planning on eating one to say I had but didn't think it through as to how... Then when one landed on me once I though now or never, so I picked it by the wings, looked it in it's beady orange eyes, pulled the wings off and popped it in my mouth, crunched down and swallowed... I was able to keep it down but wow, never again... I might try deep frying or air flying them but it will have to be cooked and coated with something adding spices the next time they're around, but will never eat one alive again... Yuk...

You guys that haven't tried pickled tongue don't know what you're missing...

From: butcherboy
The only thing I’ve had so far that I struggled keeping down was raw liver. Bit off a chunk from a beef liver just to prove to my niece that I would do it. That was rough!

From: 70lbDraw
I believe I’ve just discovered the “problem” with The Bowsite. 50 + posts, and not one single mention of eating a beaver!?!?

From: Stringwacker
I grew up having pig chitterlings (chit'lins) as a food staple. The family would have a reunion and all were present for the chitterling fry. Like them all ways...except boiled.

My grandfather put on big squirrel fry's; but he mainly just ate the brains. My father would eat the brains also; but just in front of his dad. I come from a long line of 'chit'lin and squirrel brain eaters; but the brain eating skipped a generation with me.

You 'aint lived until you have grown up in the extreme backwoods of Mississippi. The culinary delights never stopped coming.

Pat, that’s why McDonalds and other advertise 100% ground beef. If you read between the lines. Or read it a different way. It means the grind the WHOLE beef

From: Bwhnt
I eat beaver all the time for real. It's super good!

From: elk assasin
Years ago while I was in college, I worked summers in packing plants in Nebraska doing USDA meat inspection. While working in Lincoln at Areican Stores beef kill, the other inspectors kept telling me I needed to have breakfast with the guy that stuck, basically bled the stunned beef. Anyway they took me to the place that the beef were stunned and bled. The guy with the knife got a glass, filled it as it gushed out added salt stirred drank it down. Needless to say I declined, but asked what it tasted like. He said just like the best rare steak you ever had.

From: elk assasin
Years ago while I was in college, I worked summers in packing plants in Nebraska doing USDA meat inspection. While working in Lincoln at Areican Stores beef kill, the other inspectors kept telling me I needed to have breakfast with the guy that stuck, basically bled the stunned beef. Anyway they took me to the place that the beef were stunned and bled. The guy with the knife got a glass, filled it as it gushed out added salt stirred drank it down. Needless to say I declined, but asked what it tasted like. He said just like the best rare steak you ever had.

From: butcherboy
^^ I would do that for the shock factor. Trust me, it doesn’t taste like a rare steak at all. Lol

From: Killbuck
Lake Trout Shasimi (sp). NWT 6months ago

From: Grey Ghost
Growing up we had a neighbor lady who made delicious tripe soup. The rest of my family hated it, so she always invited me over for a meal whenever she made it.

From: KsRancher
I watched my brother pull out a deer eyeball and eat some piece of something that was behind it. He said he seen a video of people doing it. No thanks

From: CFMuley
I’ve eaten sheep nuts, plenty of tongue, and a deer eyeball on a $20 bet. All of those were more enjoyable to me than liver. I don’t get how people like it.

From: Mint
When I worked as a tour guide I was in the Soviet Union controlled city of Samarkand I believe I bought what i thought was grilled chicken and it ended up being cat. It did "taste like chicken!"

From: sbschindler
Back straps off a rattle snake

Boiled moose eyeballs. Yeah we were young kids in the Alaskan bush and quite gullible.

From: Jim Moore
Being in several asian countries while in the military, I probably ate some pretty gross stuff that tasted good at the time. You know, after several local beers, and whatever kinds of the regional jungle juice that was available. Also, growing up with and around Basque people, there were delicacies tasted and some rejected. Boiled sheeps head, oysters, sweet breads, kidneys, tongue. Not much wasted by those people.

From: olddogrib
badbull, You have my sympathy. Your opinion of possum was corroborated by a coworker of mine many years ago. During his dating years as a teenager his folks made him keep a sack and stick (for the "coup de gras") for any "grinners" he might run over. He said it was horribly greasy and vowed to never eat it again as an adult, after he was able to leave the nest. But he said the worst part was when his mother pulled the pan out of the oven, and it was swimming in a pool of its own grease with its eyeballs looking at him! Our factory nicknamed him "the possum-eatin-mf", but I had pity on him and probably only called him that a couple thousand times. You can imagine how likely it was for a date to wanna jump in the backseat after a romantic experience like that! He's probably 70 now and I'm relatively certain he's still a virgin! For you young'uns, there was no CPS on those days!

From: Dkretschmar
Fat off of the brisket of the first moose I killed in Alaska right after I shot it. It was warm from body heat and was actually ok. I was with some native friends at the time, they shared with me as it was tradition on a first moose kill.


I think my "adventure" meat was porcupine. I had the "steak" and it was pretty good. I am told that the liver is a delicacy. My brother smoke the porkies out from a hollow tree so the meat had a distinctively smoky flavor.

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