Mathews Inc.
Spring on the trapline
Small Game
Contributors to this thread:
jmiller 17-Apr-24
buckeye 17-Apr-24
arlone 17-Apr-24
Corax_latrans 17-Apr-24
Buckdeer 17-Apr-24
greenmountain 17-Apr-24
midwest 17-Apr-24
t-roy 17-Apr-24
Dale06 17-Apr-24
Merriam 18-Apr-24
Merriam 18-Apr-24
olddogrib 19-Apr-24
t-roy 19-Apr-24
Catscratch 19-Apr-24
jmiller 19-Apr-24
Who Cares 19-Apr-24
t-roy 19-Apr-24
jmiller 20-Apr-24
Basil 20-Apr-24
jmiller 20-Apr-24
Stoneman 20-Apr-24
t-roy 20-Apr-24
jmiller 21-Apr-24
Basil 21-Apr-24
LUNG$HOT 22-Apr-24
APauls 22-Apr-24
Catscratch 23-Apr-24
cnelk 23-Apr-24
From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Getting close to my end goal on my North Dakota spring beaver trapline. For some reason this year I'm averaging a bit bigger than normal, tanning cost is the same no matter the size so it's a plus. I'll have plenty of meat for sausage as well. It's hard to beat a cool spring morning on the river.

From: buckeye
Nice Jeff.

From: arlone
Those are some dandies Jeff. Maybe the "nicer" winter was easier on them just like me, I'm a bit bigger than I used to be!

If there’s not an off-color joke baked into that…. ;p

From: Buckdeer
Nice job,All the beaver in Kansas moved to water since alot dried up from drought.It was crazy last summer where people saw beaver walking through a field and other places.

A wet beaver normally looks smaller but these guys look huge. Did you weigh any of them?

From: midwest
"A wet beaver normally looks smaller...."

Not in my experience. ;-)

I'm here all week.

From: t-roy
How’s the veal, Nick??

Looks like a couple of blanket beavers, Jeff!

From: Dale06
Midwest, I think you’re talking about a different species

From: Merriam
Nice work! Something about beaver trapping makes a guy feel like a true trapper.

From: Merriam

From: olddogrib
As a novice who has trapped (or tried) many critters excepting beavers, aren't the pelts way past prime by spring?

From: t-roy
Olddog……beaver stay prime much later into the winter/spring, than most other furbearers.

From: Catscratch
Oh man!!!! Soooooo many things I want to add to this thread about beaver, wet beaver, prime, and even cougars. MUST... REFRAIN......

From: jmiller
olddog, yep t-roy is absolutely correct. Early to mid spring beaver are at their prime, especially in the north.

From: Who Cares
They are nice and prime in he Spring here in northern Minnesota. sometimes though you can get some that are really bitten up fro fighting, being cooped up in the lodge for months of winter. You married guys understand that! Some may only have a bite or two and once in a while you get one so bad its of no value. Looking at these Spring trapping threads while layed up rehabbing knee replacement is killin me. Actually, enjoy them and helps the days along. Keep em coming and have fun!

From: t-roy
Hopefully, it incentivizes you to heal quicker, Chuck!

From: jmiller

jmiller's embedded Photo
jmiller's embedded Photo
Turkeys made a fool out of me this morning but the line paid off. An even dozen for the year, time to pull the traps. Now I need to put the fur up to send to the tannery and make sausage.

From: Basil
I guess most beaver goes to China these days. Prime is not as important as most of it is shaved. Used to put a lot of work into putting up perfect oval dried pelts. Now guys I know put just enough nails in to dry them & sell pelts by the pound.

From: jmiller
Most of the pelts go to the hatter market, mostly in America. I have all my pelts tanned and turn them into hats and mittens.

From: Stoneman
Jeff, I always enjoy your threads. Another productive season. One of these days I’ll have to try beaver sausage.

Thanks for sharing

From: t-roy
Do you have any use for the tails, Jeff?

From: jmiller
I get the biggest ones tanned and make them into wallets. Smaller ones are used as bait for fisher trapping.

From: Basil
I have a very nice beaver tail belt buckle. Versatile animals. Some guys I know sell them in the round. Buyer has a market for skulls, tails, castor, oil glands & the meat goes to dog sledders. Hides sold by weight in the hat market. Only way to be profitable at todays prices.

Solid work Jeff. Looks like a rewarding year.

From: APauls
Add shaved beaver to the mix Catscratch!

From: Catscratch
"Add shaved beaver to the mix Catscratch!"

I've been biting my tongue!!! Oh my goodness... prime beaver, wet beaver, shaved beaver, nailing beaver until it's dry, beaver sausage. I'm struggling here to be a good boy, but damn it's tough!

From: cnelk
Id like to get some beaver tail fat - it is really good lake trout bait

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