Mathews Inc.
Alaska 2016 - Quick Caribou Hunt
Contributors to this thread:
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
pav 05-Sep-16
KDC 05-Sep-16
Bou'bound 06-Sep-16
INbowdude 08-Sep-16
bschwein 08-Sep-16
hoosierhunter 08-Sep-16
sticksender 14-Sep-16
INbowdude 18-Sep-16
Buck Creek2 20-Sep-16
woodsy 06-Oct-16
Florida Mike 02-Jan-17
From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Just returned from Alaska following a successful DIY bowhunt for caribou. The hunt itself started at dawn on Monday 8/22. Two of the three tags were punched by noon and the third tag filled the following morning (8/23).

We were individually dropped on a remote ridge between Fairbanks and the Yukon Territory via a two man (hunter and pilot) Super Cub on Sunday afternoon (8/21).

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Setting down on a short ridge top landing strip was a new experience for all three of us.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
View from atop the landing strip.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Another view from the landing strip. Little did we know the role this particular drainage would play on our hunt over the next few days.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Caribou camp was located on a hillside to avoid the strong winds on top. We did utilize an electric bear fence on this trip...and of course, never saw a single bear.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Not far from camp was this wonderful view of the valley.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The area was loaded with ripe blueberries.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
Ahh yes, fresh fruit on a fly-in bowhunt!

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The tundra was just beginning to change colors.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
At roughly noon on Monday, Herb arrowed this P&Y caliber bull using his longbow while hunting the drainage mentioned earlier.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
At approximately the same time, Gerald connected on a great bull while hunting the ridge opposite our camp.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The next morning, Gerald and Herb persuaded me to hunt while they retrieved the remainder of Gerald's bull.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
That turned out to be the right call, because there was good caribou action again in the drainage below the landing strip for the second day in a row. I was blessed with a shot opportunity at this bull at 9:00am.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The entire day Wednesday was devoted to hauling meat and antlers to the landing strip. This is Herb with a pack full of caribou meat...taking a break...and checking out caribou movement across the valley.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The last load headed uphill. We then contacted the transporter via satellite phone for meat/antler extraction. We planned to remain in camp a few more days, but after talking with the pilot, it was decided we should fly out due to an incoming weather front.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
That evening, we gladly traded our Mountain House meals for fresh caribou tenderloins cooked over an open fire.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
The rain and fog arrived before daybreak.

From: pav

pav's embedded Photo
pav's embedded Photo
But the pilot had just enough time that morning to get all the meat, antlers, gear and bowhunters off the ridge and back to civilization.

We spent the next week traveling between Fairbanks and Anchorage. Unsuccessfully attempted to locate some good black bear hunting. Experienced some decent salmon and grayling fishing. Saw some wonderful country ...including Denali (Mount McKinley) and even got a glimpse of the aurora borealis (northern lights).

An adventure to remember for sure!

From: KDC
Awesome job guys. Definitely a bucket list trip of mine.

From: Bou'bound
now that is a neat deal! nicely done.

From: INbowdude
So cool! That type of hunt is on the bucket list. Congrats to all.

From: bschwein
Congrats Paul. Always enjoy your photos and story!

Very cool!

From: sticksender
Wow, just catching up on this forum and read your report. Man you guys really took care of business quick! Way to get 'er done. Three bad-ass hoosier bowmen putting 'em down in Alaska!

From: INbowdude
Says the man who arrowed a really nice ram. Congrats to another bad-ass Hoosier bowhunter!

From: Buck Creek2
Congrats to all 3 of you! Always enjoy your adventures!

From: woodsy
Awesome bow hunt and adventure Paul, Gerald and Herb! Congrats!

From: Florida Mike
Don't know how I missed this adventure Paul but congrats! My bucket list! Mike

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