Mathews Inc.
It's Bigfoot Tracking Season
Contributors to this thread:
kfoster 25-Dec-05
bugle 25-Dec-05
Hiker 26-Dec-05
Cazador 26-Dec-05
kfoster 08-Jan-06
Southpaw 08-Jan-06
bear 08-Jan-06
Southpaw 08-Jan-06
Southpaw 08-Jan-06
a.c.e. 09-Jan-06
bear 09-Jan-06
Hiker 09-Jan-06
a.c.e. 10-Jan-06
siltbowhunter 10-Jan-06
bullelkklr 10-Jan-06
Gunnison 10-Jan-06
siltbowhunter 11-Jan-06
kfoster 12-Jan-06
Beau 12-Jan-06
kfoster 12-Jan-06
Herd Bull 13-Jan-06
bullelkklr 17-Jan-06
siltbowhunter 18-Jan-06
bullelkklr 18-Jan-06
kfoster 22-Jan-06
bear 22-Jan-06
kfoster 22-Jan-06
bear 22-Jan-06
bullelkklr 23-Jan-06
got_elk? 26-Jan-06
kfoster 18-Feb-06
bullelkklr 18-Feb-06
stevet 02-Apr-06
From: kfoster

kfoster's embedded Photo
kfoster's embedded Photo
Merry Christmas.

As one who found physical evidence of sasquatch in Colorado about 12 years, and have investigated several other track events since, I need you good bowhunters to help me find more. Nearly every winter from December through February for the past 10 years or more, long lines of apparent sasquatch tracks in snow have been found in an area triangulated by points of Kenosha Pass, Pikes Peak and Manitou Springs (generally in the Pike National Forest and Lost Creek Wilderness). This track maker might be there all year, but only in snow can one readily find it's tracks. The large sets found consist of individual tracks of about 19 to 22 inches long in that area with a step length of about 5 to 6 feet (whereas adult male human step length is usually close to 3 feet). Because the tracks are huge, they are fairly easy to see from a vehicle if one takes notice of tracks of wildlife. Sasquatch also apparently lift their feet high and don't drag along like humans, so it is pretty easy to tell the difference from a distance. From a distance it will look like large depressions spaced quite a distance apart and nothing else makes similar tracks series. If the tracks have been snowed in since being made as very often happens, one can blow out the newer snow and see the compressed icy sasquatch track below in detail to identify positively. A gas powered lawn blower would work well for that.

In any event, if you are of the mind to look for such tracks in that area, or if you drive through that area on a regular basis and just want to keep your eye out, I would like to know about tracks found. The reason I need this info is that I am trying to see if there is a pattern to sasquatch movement in the area so that I can eventually form a team and hire a logging helicopter and pilot to track down the maker of these tracks found there annually. Humans just can't keep up fast enough to ever track down a sasquatch to source on foot or even probably on horseback in broken country. If we are ever going to solve the mystery of these tracks and apparent sightings of the track maker, that area is the area we could do it in with planning, teamwork and a helicopter.

To give you some idea of where to look, the last three sets found were 1. A set crossing FR127 on Long Gulch about 2 miles due north of North Tarryall Peak in January 2001. 2. Right on the Highway 285 on Kenosha Pass on 12/14/2002. 3. Near the Crags Campground, 4 miles northwest of Pikes Peak in January of 2005. However, tracks could pop up anywhere in that general area at those general times. If you find a set that you are certain are too large for anything else, please contact me as soon as you can and also contact the local sheriffs department as some in the local departments are also interested and would like to know in time to do some of their own investigation. Photograph the track lines, as many individual tracks as possible with something in the photos for scale, and record the location as precisely as possible, also noting direction of travel in your notes.

Attached is a photo of what a set of tracks might look like from a distance. In this case each track is about 24 inches long and stride is from 5 to 6 feet in distance with each step. Human tracks are beside the large tracks in this photo to give idea of size and step length. Even going uphill they seem to still take pretty long step lengths and seem to walk tirelessly. Gives one some idea of how hard it would be to follow one of them and actually think you might catch up close enough to see it. But, with such large tracks and in such an area as that area, one might be able to follow and see the tracks from a helicopter.

I am pretty dang certain these tracks are very very real, so I hope to find out what makes them. If I spend the money on a helicopter and find some guy on stilts with big feet on the end of the stilts at the end of a long line of tracks, he is likely going to get the full dose of tranquilizer from my tranquilizer gun anyway. After seeing some of these track lines, I don't think I have to worry about some hoaxer making a long line of tracks as has been found.

BTW, if I do ever get one real sasquatch tranquilized, I will not bring it out. I plan to take tissue samples, dental impressions, foot and hand impressions, stomach content samples, fecal samples, lots of measurements and lots of photographs. Insert one radio transmitter and let it go on its way.

If you are in southern Colorado, another good place to look for tracks in winter is down near San Antonio Peak just across the border into New Mexico. The harsher the winter, the lower elevation the tracks will be found. Generally, where elk concentration is the highest is where the probability of finding sasquatch tracks will be highest. For some reason, they seem to hang around the elk herds, summer and winter. I think there is a fair possibility that they prey on elk.

Sasquatch are not behind every tree in Colorado, and of course most believe that sasquatch are not behind any tree in Colorado. But, entertain me with the idea that these tracks just might be real and the creature that makes them might be real too. All it will take is you personally finding and following one set of these tracks yourself to see why I pursue such nonsense. I agree, sasquatch tracking is nonsense, but only until you actually do it yourself.

Even if you don't think sasquatch can be real, you can at least go coyote hunting in the mentioned areas and maybe you will find something you thought completely impossible. Sure better than sitting in front of the television in January. I was once also completely and fully skeptical of sasquatch until June of 1993. I understand logical skepticism, but I don't understand joking about others pursuits or hobbies. I also have a hobby of bowhunting and building bowhunting bows and I am sure there are plenty of left coast people to make jokes about those redneck pursuits too. One could also joke about my belief in God, and many do lately.

Keith Foster [email protected]

From: bugle
Neat stuff! There are may things out there we don't understand nor has ever been "officially" found. Your picture is awesome! If it weren't for the unbroken, long stride and no drag marks between, you could certainly make a case for the new, small size snowshoes as they are the same basic size as those tracks. I live in Buena Vista, travel the 285 corridor to both Denver and Co. Springs frequently and have never been fortunate to encounter any of these tracks, but would love to be part of any expedition that you form, either for info or for actual contact. Rick Swedhin [email protected]

From: Hiker
Keith, Now that Big Game season is over. I'm planning on going up there this winter and hunt for a few days. I'll give you some GPS locations and photos if I came across anything while snowshoeing. I hope you had a Merry Christmas. Jeff McKinney

From: Cazador
Not again!!!

From: kfoster
Thanks for holding back jokes everyone.

I noticed on a program on the history channel the other day that Wyoming senior biologist (bighorn sheep biologist) John Myonczenski has retired and gone public with his personal sighting in that state. He and another biologist with that state also collected hair samples off a split rail fence after the other biologist ran one of them through the fence rails when he surprised it and tried to get closer to it with his pickup. Those sample hairs are deemed primate by two labs and morphologically closest to chimpanzee hairs. So we have hair samples from a sighting by a trained wildlife biologist, collected by pro biologists. One sample still resides in a mammal hair collection in New Mexico but has not been dna tested yet. The testing will destroy the sample. I'd still like to see if they can get the dna from it, even if this valuable sample is destroyed in the process. Maybe dna extraction process will eventually progress to the point where the testing can be done without destroying the hair itself.

Wonder why two professional Wyoming wildlife biologists would claim to have seen a sasquatch, when all it brings is laughs from their more skeptical peers? Guess they just like being laughed at, or alternately they care enough about wildlife to tell the truth and withstand the jokes. I think the second hypothosis is more logical. Colorado has some law enforcement officers in the same boat, having seen these creatures themselves too. Why? I think it is because the creature itself is most probably real, leaves real tracks and can be found at the end of a line of real tracks. Thats all I want to do, get to the end of a line of those very real but very rare tracks and find out what is there. Thanks for volunteering to search and find. Kind of the ultimate hunt. The rareist and smartest quarry is at the end of the line of tracks. Kind of like a puma with the brain of a chimpazee or smarter, and so large that they are naturally very rare and have very large individual territory. A needle in a large haystack that keeps moving around.

From: Southpaw
Ken- Maybe this question has been asked and answered before...if so, my bad. Do you bowhunt? Seems like every post I have seen from you is strictly bigfoot related. Curious if you come here since you want to try and get some info from people who are in the woods a lot or if you have an interest in archery. Nothing behind my question other than just being curious. I would love to see bigfoot some long as it was not during "feeding time"...

From: bear
Keith is a superior bowhunter. Bear

From: Southpaw
sorry "Keith"...for some reason thought it was Ken.

From: Southpaw
Thx Bear

From: a.c.e.
Keith, It really is good to read your threads on Sasquatch. It is a great gift to be able to write the way you do. Knowing the power that surrounds us, why is it so hard to believe sasquatch is real? It shows how ignorant people are when they make fun.They should'nt waste our time. Keep up the good work. By the way, are there any other sites besides the B.F.R.O.,for chat threads on the subject?

From: bear
Alex - take a look at the "BFF" forum. Lots of jerks on there but also some interesting stuff every now and then. Bear

From: Hiker
Southpaw, Keith won't toot his own horn, just the kind of guy he is I will toot it for him. As Bear said, Keith is a very skilled Bow hunter....he makes his own FlatBows and has harvested lots of game including 7-9 P&Y Book bucks...which I doubt he has entered any into the book. If Sasquatch really exists......I personally think that Sasquatch has a huge home range and can easily cover 30-50 in a night, they are mainly nocturnal and are extremely shy and will avoid man and the areas that we tend to go. B.C. seems to have had the most sightings and with B.C.'s rugged terrain, sasquatch could easily evade man. The thing that puzzles me is...with all our fancy satellites we should be seeing them somewhere. I mean we monitor our Elk herds and migration routes via NASA, why don't we see Sasquatch? For some reason, God has not let us find and study this creature....but maybe someday He will.

From: a.c.e.
Hey Bear. Thanks for the info. How'd ya know it was me? 720-937-2279 Give a holla.

i say go hire tom brown and find that sob. if not then he doenst exist because i read that tom brown is the best so it must be true.

From: bullelkklr
I have read 3 of Tom's books - if he is like he says he is in his book he kin track a snake across a flat rock - - don't recall how fast he can run tho...mebbe not fast nuf.

From: Gunnison
Keith, I live in the Conifer area about 30 min for Kenosha Pass. I try to spend a couple of Saturdays each winter running some of the trails on my ATV and coyote hunting. I am always on the lookout for any kind of animal activity. I will be in the Lost Creek area south of Jefferson next weekend. I’ll let you know if I ever see anything. I missed you at the Jamboree last year. Will you be there this year? I would like to talk BF with you.


im surpised nobody has thought of this earlier. if tom can do half of what his books say he will have photos in about 1 day of that hairy *******.

From: kfoster
I have the book "Tom Brown's Field Guide to Nature Observation and Tracking" which is the least "Magical" of Brown's books on magical tracking. I never believed much in magic, apart from enjoying illusions set up by real illusionist magicians. I would like to put any self proclaimed tracker to the test in the hard packed soil and rocky Colorado mountains and see if they can find me with 10 minutes head start. I'll even wear my regular waffle stompers. Make that 5 minutes head start. With snow on the ground, even my preschool grandsons could probably track me down. Snow is the answer in the Rockies for tracking. Bear and cougar are dang hard to track otherwise, let alone sasquatch. If sasquatch are real.

I have also looked into and wondered if satellites would be helpful in finding a sasquatch. I used such images in my job in hopes of finding large acreage size patches of invasive plants, but gave up on it. I could see my house and my gas guzzling SUV by satellite however, but could find no bedded deer with it either. Resolutions are not good enough, even if one devoted the best of them into looking for such nonsense as sasquatch. Plus, the smaller you look, the less area you see and one needle in a haystack is very very small indeed. Sasquatch may be big, but they are small in comparison to the forest. That is why you don't see elk head counts by satellite.

My questions about the reality of sasquatch are 1. During the late 1800's, when people were killing every big animal that lives in western North America, why did no one shoot a sasquatch then if they are real and lived there? 2. If sasquatch is real and leaving tracks near Pikes Peak, why hasn't one wandered into NORAD defense zones at Cheyenne Mountain and been detected. They surely have to go on false alarms for bear, deer, elk and cougar there that penetrate their "no go" zone.

My only answers to these two questions is, maybe sasquatch are too humanlike to be shot offhand by any moral human, even in the late 1800's. We know of plenty of sightings by humans in the 1800's, even in Colorado. Actually, some miners hired a hunter in the 1870's to track and kill a sasquatch in the Leadville area of Colorado according to a Leadville newspaper archive. So I guess they tried to kill one then. I would have never search archives in Colorado for sasquatch had I not found tracks in 1993, as I had never heard of such a thing in Colorado. Prior to 1993, sasquatch was a myth to me, and certainly not in Colorado of all places. Maybe I was right then and am on a wild goose chase, maybe I was wrong. The track evidence I have seen since is telling me I was wrong. My logical mind tells me it is all nonsense, but 13 years of intense research into the physical evidence tells me that something is really leaving these outsize tracks out there.

My only answer to the NORAD thing is that there are so many large critters running around that general area that to follow up on every moving critter would be costly and futile. If you don't jump the fences at the Cheyenne Mountain facility and knock on the door, you are pretty safe from armed soldiers. I think sasquatch "seek and find" would be a good practice exercise for the military, so maybe I should work on getting that going. Good mountain training. Maybe they could use the training to get Bin Laden finally. I would kind of like to go hunting for him myself, but my hair is light brown, skin tone light, and I have no prowess for learning new languages, especially arabic languages, which makes it hard to blend in over there. A 24 year old young son of a friend of mine was killed last Friday in Iraq fighting terrorists, and it makes me wonder why I am not over there rather than our young men. Our military really needs a very large unit of us older guys to go in harms way, and save our young men to preserve the American way. For some reason they won't except guys like me that can't hike as far as I used to. I guess "special forces" does not include "special medications" for shoulder bursitus brought on by too many years of drawing back overly heavy bows. Had I known a 55 pound flatbow would shoot clean through the lung cage of any American big game walking with a nice heavy arrow, I would have been using less bow poundage sooner. Oh well, live and learn.

After nearly 30 years of bowhunting, I have found a "magical" way to track down game after the shot that works much better than Brown's mystical magic. Make dang sure you put that broadhead through both lungs and you don't have to track far. If you don't, you might need some magic. one "magic" to getting close enough to game before the shot that I have found is patience, make that "extreme patience". I've blown way more stalks on grand mule deer bucks with impatience than anything else, so I am still learning that magic. The other magic is to bring game to you, which I am relying on more and more as I grow older, and it works well.

From: Beau
My theory is that they are ghosts of some extinct prehistoric species and therefore will never be seen unless they want to

From: kfoster
Beau, that sounds kind of Native American or like Einstein time theory. I think however that if they were of the past and we could somehow view the past, that we would also view mammoths more often too. Plus, saquatch leave very defined and long lasting tracks in snow, mud and dirt in Colorado to view for days afterward. They are evidently pretty physical when they pass. We don't in science understand everything about time and space yet however, do we? With sasquatch, I suppose any theory is okay still. Even the theory that all the sasquatch physical evidence is hoax and sasquatch don't exist at all is still likely the most scientifically relevant. However, I still wonder why anyone would leave such evidence in a place in the SSJWilderness that no one would likely find it, such as in my case. That doesn't make logical sense. Plus, looking at several other sets of tracks since that match those I find, what am I to think? So, I am on somewhat of a quest to find the answer.

From: Herd Bull

Herd Bull's embedded Photo
Herd Bull's embedded Photo
I know I've seen 'em!!!!!!

Herd Bull

From: bullelkklr
I didn't get anything "magical" out of reading Tom's books - I have a couple of his. What I got was some pretty no-nonsense ways to track critters. Of course I was tongue in cheek when I mentioned him as the tracker you need. As you say - in the snow, you don't need to be such a great tracker - maybe you would be better off finding some marathon mountain runner. Seems likely that if you tracked the tracks far enough you would find a bed of some sorts...don't bigfoot sleep?

I have read that indians of the past - way back when, could run some unrealistic distances without stopping at incredible paces...if bigfoot exists - wouldn't he still be able to outperform the old indians?

I have a question for you - If you were in the areas that you mention, what makes you so special that others wouldn't be or have been there too?

I know that I have been in some pretty cool places that I though no other human had ever been - just to turn around and find an old beer can or a tree cut with a saw or an axe.

i still say get tom brown into the next bigfoot saga. it will solve one of two myths. either he is just an average tracker like most hunters or bigfoot will be found. put the challenge to tom. hell, maybe grandfather will just tell him right where BG if sleeping?

From: bullelkklr
kfoster - I re-read my post and I came off sounding like an arse - that was not intended.

From: kfoster
bullelkklr, I guess I don't really know what you mean by my being so special. The only thing I was trying to get across was the tracks I found were in an odd place for anyone to hoax them if they hoped someone would find them. Quite a number of other people have found tracks, even in the same general area I found them in the SSJWilderness. An outfitter found a set on the Rito Gato above Platoro in 1980. A hunting guide found a set in the early 90's in the SSJWilderness about 10 miles southwest of where I found the mentioned set. A conservation group found a 15 inch track in an elk wallow in the southern portion of the SSJW in 1982 while looking for grizzly tracks (they don't claim it is a sasquatch track, but it matches in every way). All these tracks were found off the beaten paths, and the only thing special about these other people finding tracks is that they just happened to come across them, like me. Quite a number of other hunters and even other hunting guides have also come across sets in other places in Colorado. You might some day too, which I hope excites you about the possibilities.

When we investigated a set of very huge 19 inch long tracks found by a fisherman along the Eagle River in 2001, one of the things that convinced me, at least one local CDOW wildlife biologist and the local sheriff department, was the location and specifics of the location itself. The tracks were found on the mostly untraveled south side of the river at the location. The tracks were in not so good tracking soil, when less than 10 feet away was very good soft fine tracking soil. It was almost like whatever made the tracks was trying to keep them from being seen as best it could at the location. I really don't think it was particularly trying to hide its tracks, but just traveling through the area and its tracks fell where they did. Had a hoaxer made the tracks, why not on the north side where more people travel and why not in the very nearby soft fine tracking soil where people could see them better? The fisherman that first found them thought the tracks were 13 inches long because he did not see the heel marks when he first contacted the sheriff department, thinking the ridge pushed up by the middle of the foot in stepping forward was the back of the track. All of us who investigated that particular set are completely convinced that the person who found the tracks and reported them had nothing to do with their construction. We think the tracks were made by a living 18 inch long foot, resulting in very dynamic 19 inch long tracks of a very unique unhuman, but human-like, morphology. That particular set of tracks was investigated with a very skeptical eye, and those tracks erased many local officials skepticism. Guesss one had to see them to know the detail involved. I can't convince skeptics that just want to say "sasquatch is an impossibility", without ever having looked at the evidence themselves, either in the field or by inspecting the evidence in collections at Idaho State University or other universities. I do know one thing, the media is full of misinformation about the subject, and not to be trusted at all. If you want answers, go to the universities or straight to the source itself and completely ignore television shows and news stories on the subject.

Like I have said many times before, I have a very very hard time believing that sasquatch could be a real breathing creature, but I have no other answer for the tracks I found and others I have investigated. I got sucked into this seemingly ridiculous subject quite accidently. If you find a set, I want to find answers to what made them. That is all I am after.

About all I have got out of the whole subject is that most people think I must be a nut case or just stupid. I probably should have kept quiet about the tracks I found and just gone on peacefully with blinders firmly on my eyes. But then again, I'm kind of nutty, and often stupid.

From: bear
Keith - a relative of mine, a young lady, on this past Christmas day, found two sets of tracks in the snow which had fallen on a frozen river bed a little north of Chama NM. They own a cabin there and she was just out for a walk in the woods on a beautiful day. The tracks were two different sizes with one set being "a child" as she described it. The tracks had "toes" and a "big toe" or "thumb" . And the heel imprint was "very deep". She followed the tracks "about 100 yds" up the river bed and then turned up the mountainside where they disappeared from blown in snow. I talked to her about her finding last night and she is reluctant to discuss it with strangers cause she don't want the world to think that she is crazy. She said next time she'll call me to photo and make molds of any found tracks. Another case of unusual tracks that defy explanation other than the obvious. Incidently, the area is out in the wild country, not near population.

From: kfoster
That area of northern New Mexico is fairly common for tracks found in winter too, so I do hope she comes across some more there that you can document properly. Sure gives one an awesome sense of mystery to follow such huge tracks, even a little sense of fear of something so unusual and so big. I hope there are still "child" sasquatches in the area, as it might give us more time to solve the mystery of what is making the tracks. All the tracks I have heard of or were documented from that area were 15 inches to 20 inches long, but maybe smaller tracks are not noticed as they are more bear size or human size and might not attract attention unless accompanying larger tracks, such as the case you mention. It would sure be really neat to document the smaller tracks with the larger tracks especially if fresh and detailed and could be followed for miles. Thanks bear.

From: bear
Keith - what she actually said about the multiple tracks was that there appeared to be one large track by itself and another large track with the smaller track together. Wouldn't that be good news. She said she was going to call me knowing my interest but I was in the Caribbean. If I had known I would have been here instead. Regards Bear

From: bullelkklr
What I meant by special was me thinking that you are getting into extremely remote areas - I think that a lot of people in colorado get into the remote areas - maybe not a lot, but I don't think that there are many drainages in colorado a person hasn't been to.

From: got_elk?
malaysia is looking for "it" too!!

From: kfoster
Sasquatch, if they exist and are fairly intelligent might not even have to live in remote areas where humans never go. I don't think there are too many places left in North America that have not been seen by modern humans. I know that there are more than 50 airplanes crashed in the western part of North America that have never been found, but for the most part people go about everywhere. But, if you think about it, I think about any good bowhunter could go into the forests of Colorado and live and hide from other people pretty much for the rest of their lives without anyone ever seeing them, if they tried to hide from all other humans. This would be especially easy if that bowhunter could see in the dark fairly well. Hunker down in some bushy cover in the day, and do most of your moving around in the dark. Pretty simple to hide, if that is ones intention. If sasquatch are real, they must be pretty good at hiding from humans and from the prey they pursue. We find their tracks, we hear their vocalizations now and then, they are sometimes glimpsed by bowhunters, hunting guides and such.

I think it is interesting that hunting guides, especially bowhunting guides, represent a very small portion of the human population in Colorado, but have a vastly greater percentage of sightings of sasquatch than any other portion of the human population. Wonder why that is the case, if sasquatch is not real? If sasquatch is not real, then it must be that hunting guides are vastly more prone to hallucination or more prone to telling fabrications than people in other professions that go into the woods. I really don't think that hunting guides are more prone to those things than other people. So why would bowhunters and bowhunting guides be the ones that have the greatest chance of having a sighting of an unreal creature? That is even stranger than sasquatch itself.

From: bullelkklr
"If sasquatch is not real, then it must be that hunting guides are vastly more prone to hallucination or more prone to telling fabrications than people in other professions that go into the woods."

That may very well be fact:-) But they also spend lots more time in the woods sneaking around that couch potatoes. Hunters don't stick to the hiking trails all the time either.

From: stevet
Could be the theory about Sasquatch following the Elk Herds may account for more sightings during archery season, as it's a lot easier to locate Elk during the Archery Season, when our Elk are in the rut and much more vocal than any other time of the year and isn't that when most die hard bowhunters are also in the field?

Seems to me someone photographed or located a 7' ape of some sort in Malaysia last fall....

Keith, any more reported sightings in the Craigs/Mentonite/Pikes Peak area in the last year ?


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