Mathews Inc.
pa mountain lion
Contributors to this thread:
muzzy100 14-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 14-Sep-09
Muldoon 14-Sep-09
muzzy100 14-Sep-09
Pappy 14-Sep-09
RLong 14-Sep-09
Hoyt hunter 14-Sep-09
spider1 15-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 15-Sep-09
spider1 15-Sep-09
Greybeard 15-Sep-09
Greatwhitehunter 15-Sep-09
HerdManager @ Work 15-Sep-09
HuntChef 15-Sep-09
Greybeard 15-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 15-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 15-Sep-09
boneheadjaz 15-Sep-09
Hoyt hunter 15-Sep-09
Jeff Durnell 16-Sep-09
Jeff Durnell 16-Sep-09
spider1 16-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 16-Sep-09
Waterfowler 16-Sep-09
Waterfowler 16-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 16-Sep-09
Hoyt Shooter 16-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 16-Sep-09
Hoyt Shooter 17-Sep-09
Joe The Teacher 17-Sep-09
javalinahunter 17-Sep-09
spider1 18-Sep-09
From: muzzy100
there has been a trail picture going around of a mountain lion carrying a dead mature buck.they say the picture was taken in bradford. last year someone on this site posted a trail picture that looked like a mountain lion. i dont know. what do u think? do they exist in pa? the game commision says no

I feel the pic was a hoax. Although in MHO Pennsylvania is too huge a state not to have a few.

Just MHO.


From: Muldoon
A friend of mine who is a firm believer in cougar's in PA (he knows because his brother saw one) sent this one to me a week ago. The photo looks like it was taken in front of one of those tri-pod deer stands, not a common item in PA, but the buck is definitely a white-tail.

From: muzzy100
i thought the tripod was a feeder,i replied " corn kills!" to the guy that sent it to me

From: Pappy
Back in 84 I heard of one running around Mud Run in Hickory Run State Park. That fall, I bought a camp about 7 miles from HRSP. On Sunday AM I was standing on the road between my camp and another, talking to its owner. A large tan cat, well over 4 feet long not including the tail, with a tail over 3 feet long, walked around the bend in the road. We took one look at each other, and it made 2 10 foot leaps and was gone. It was a cougar for sure.

From: RLong
I would not doubt that there are a few. Would not surprise me either way.

From: Hoyt hunter
heard the game commissions been stocking them since the coyotes they stocked didnt kill enough but really have no problem believing there couldnt be a few out there

From: spider1
A lady I know that lives by the SGL told me she saw one in the woods behind her house. It was sitting on a large rock looking around. When she pointed to the rock I tried not to laugh, the large rock was about 2ft across. I explained to her that a mountain lion would have a hard time getting comfortable sittin on a rock that small. Probably a stray cat or bob cat or something. I can't believe, with all the guys going into the woods every year when there is snow on the ground, that noone ever finds tracks or a kill. If there was a big cat around your hunting area and it made a kill, don't you think it would be noticed? Especially with snow on the ground! I know a couple people I've met through the years that had "pet" mountain lions. These types of animals sometimes get set loose when they get too big to control, or just escape their cages. They get seen, maybe a picture taken, then they run back to where they know food is and are never seen again.

Spider you make several great points, although I know much of Penns Forests that haven't seen people for a while. Pennsylvania is a vast state.

Just MHO


From: spider1
Yes Joe, but lions range very widely. They don't limit themselves to small wood pockets, they couldn't survive. If you have an area that a lion is supposed to be in and it covers many square miles, at some point, tracks, scat or a kill site would be found. I just don't see it. There have been several supposed sightings in this area by hikers and bird watchers, but never by a hunter and never was there any proof found.

From: Greybeard
National Geographic did a piece on Cougars (one month ago I believe) and discusses their expanding range. The article included a map with state-by-state sights. They show none for the Northeast USA but note that four "confirmed" sighting were believed to be "releases" of captive cats.

A NY DEC officer (NY's version of our WCO)was called to investigate a sighting (a ways northeast of Binghamton if I remember correctly). Numerous people had seen this cat and swore it was a cougar. They were right!

He found it and although the word "captured" would not be appropriate (it ran up to him and placed its front feet on his shoulders)he "secured it." It was EXTREMEMLY INTERESTING That all the people who had seen this cougar prior to its "capture" in the same area, no one had noticed it was wearing a collar!

After it was removed from the area, the sightings stopped. This was clearly a released or escaped "pet".

There is a difference between "real sightings" and a confirmed breeding population.

I just seen that picture of the Mt Lion carrying the mature buck in his mouth. There was a tripod feeder in the back which is not common in pa and the ground looked alot like a sandy soil (like texas) and the antlers were thin and dark like most texas bucks.

But the real proof it was not taken in pa was the fact that it was carrying a buck in its mouth bigger than a six point!!!!!!

Case Closed!

There are none in Illinois either.

Until one was hit by a train and killed a few years ago..........................

From: HuntChef
The story i got was that was taken from a web story based in Oregon about predator depredation on deer herds. I believe the cats are here {walk SGL 51}they just stay in deep woods.

From: Greybeard
Police & District Attorneys prefer evidence to eye witnesses.

There is a reason for that.

Eye witnesses are not necessarily liars, but their sight is processed through their brain and interpreted by that brain.

Eye witnesses are not necessarily liars, just unreliable. Ask most police or D.A.

Yah Spider, I see your point, although them PA forests are pretty dark and deep. I would not be surpised if I was wrong, happens hourly.


"Eye witnesses are not necessarily liars, but their sight is processed through their brain and interpreted by that brain."- GB

Yes, this is why many have claimed to see planes explode in mid-air before the plane crashed into the ground. Then it is confirmed later that the explosion never happens.


From: boneheadjaz
It's very plausible that a few are here. Whether released captives or migrants from other states. I've never seen one. If they are here, lets manage those bad boys. I think it would be awesome to have huntable population, skip that bobcat permit i want a mtn lion

From: Hoyt hunter
alligators arent native to lehigh county either but it would probably take a strong arguement to get the six footer they found there to release you from the death roll,excuse me but could you please release my arm and stop spinning wildly ,you dont exist in this area!released ,escaped or naturally occuring its not hard to believe they could exist in PA

From: Jeff Durnell

Jeff Durnell's embedded Photo
Jeff Durnell's embedded Photo

Jeff Durnell's Link
I got this on my phone a week or two ago. They said it was taken in Pa. I said it was probably B.S. and it turns out I was right.

It was taken in Texas on a ranch.

Click on the link and scroll down to read the article.

From: Jeff Durnell
I tawt I saw a puddy tat!

From: spider1
yeah jeff, that's the one everyone is fired up about. I think I saw it a couple years ago.

Brian, just cuz an alligator was caught on a stream side in PA doesn't mean we have an alligator population swimming around in PA. Same with the cats. Someone put them there, prolly some numbnuts had it as a pet and started gettin scared that it would eat his kid or something so he dropped it off at the stream so it would maybe eat someone elses kid.

Looks like Ropy's feeder, no?


From: Waterfowler
I had a cougar in my office yesterday.....

From: Waterfowler
I had a cougar in my office yesterday.....

Quit braggin'


From: Hoyt Shooter
I saw Bigfoot with a mountain lion on a leash. They were blood trailing something. I didn't have the courage to tell them it wasn't legal in PA yet.

Just wait though ... once all the "professional" crossbow hunters hit the woods, they'll want an easier way to find those deer they hit.

COME ON! A leash can't hold no pole cat!

And isn't professional crossbow (during our archery season only) an oxymoron? Or just a ...better not go there.

From: Hoyt Shooter
Joe ... You should have seen the leash. Bigfoot can handle a polecat. If only I had a camera, but then most sightings have that problem.

Professional is in italics meaning sarcasm.

LMAO....Yah, I always forget my phone has a camera.


I have seen one myself in mt home pa. You may be ight it was a pet that got out but it was a mountain lion for sure. My sighting was followed up by a retired fish and game officer that saw it by a daycare center in mt home. I have seen very few bobcats while hunting maybe 6 in 40 +years but there are alot of them around in the cresco area.

From: spider1
Robert, I live in Mthome, been hunting here for a couple of decades, never heard of anyone actually seeing a mountain lion here...or a bob cat, lol! Especially by the day care in town, or are you talking about the day care that was by the church...or the one by the glass place? When did you see this cat? Have we met, are you one of the guys I was talking to a few years back at the end of Pleasant ridge road?

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