Moultrie Mobile
DIY Bow Stand
Contributors to this thread:
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Cheesehead Mike 04-Apr-14
Twinkie259 04-Apr-14
Jeff in MN 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
smokey 04-Apr-14
Jeff in MN 04-Apr-14
Adam C.P. 04-Apr-14
Duke 04-Apr-14
From: Adam C.P.

Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
It is by no means my original idea but I think it turned out pretty good. FYI The ends of the rope/cord that go around the pipes holding the bow are tied off with clove hitches on each side.

From: Adam C.P.

Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo

From: Adam C.P.

Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo

From: Adam C.P.

Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo

From: Adam C.P.

Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo
Adam C.P.'s embedded Photo

I like it!

From: Twinkie259
Sweet rig. I love the beer holder!

From: Jeff in MN
Ditto on the beverage holders. Cool, I would have used elbows (pointed down) instead of caps on the 4 ends that touch the ground. Might allow it to be more stable with less rocking if you use this thing outside. More like legs on a chair that way.

From: Adam C.P.
Jeff, I was actually thinking that same thing while I was in the department store buying materials but then decided to just go with the end caps. Standing it in the garage it seems to sit pretty square. I'm going to take two end caps off and fill the base with stone just to give it a little weight so it's not constantly blowing over and getting trashed by storms as it'll be staying outside on my deck.

From: smokey
I like this. I would do what Jeff says and I might put either sand or sacrete in the base. Or drill small hole in bottom base and use a long tent peg.

From: Jeff in MN
concrete rebar in the legs for ballast if you have any junk like that laying around

From: Adam C.P.
Appreciate the feedback, gentlemen. I think Jeff has a great idea but really it was rock solid and completely stable last night when I hung my bow up and took it off the stand, there was no wobble what so ever.

I drilled holes in the bottom of the connectors on the base so rain water runs through. I have a bag of river rock in the garage that cost $2.99 a bag, which I think will balance/weigh it down nicely. I don't do much with rebar and last time I checked at Menards I think it was like a $1.00 for a two foot piece so I think the river rock will be the more economical route.

From: Duke
Very nice. The bevvy holder is icing on the cake.

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