Mathews Inc.
Haqnd guns
Contributors to this thread:
Eagle eye 08-Apr-09
Fred 08-Apr-09
Buckfvr 08-Apr-09
SDogg 08-Apr-09
Snapshot 09-Apr-09
Fred 09-Apr-09
Fred 09-Apr-09
Fred 09-Apr-09
Buckfvr 09-Apr-09
Buckfvr 09-Apr-09
Fred 09-Apr-09
Snapshot 10-Apr-09
Fred 10-Apr-09
Fred 10-Apr-09
Snapshot 10-Apr-09
Snapshot 10-Apr-09
GregE 10-Apr-09
Buckfvr 11-Apr-09
Snapshot 11-Apr-09
Machias 11-Apr-09
Rovingarcher 12-Apr-09
Snapshot 12-Apr-09
Rovingarcher 12-Apr-09
Machias 12-Apr-09
Machias 13-Apr-09
Snapshot 13-Apr-09
Fred 13-Apr-09
bugleboy 13-Apr-09
Snapshot 13-Apr-09
Rovingarcher 14-Apr-09
Forager 14-Apr-09
LostInTheWoods 30-Jun-09
From: Eagle eye
Has anyone heard if the laws have changed and allowed to carry a hand gun during the archery season?

From: Fred
Yes, but you'll be required to obtain a CWP even if you don't conceal it, which is BS IMO.

From: Buckfvr
Just another forced registration tactic.....ANd now that it's legal, plan on being checked. Rumor mill has it that in the near future, you will have to have one handgun registred to your carry permit, anything else will be illegal, and of course a felony. R

From: SDogg
how long do you think it will take before the WDFW finds a way to charge a fee for the right to carry while your hunting? This on top of the CWP fee.

From: Snapshot
...This came about because a bunch of citizens asked for a change. There isn't any conspiracy to uncover here, folks. The push to remove the restriction on carrying a sidearm wasn't started by a department looking to raise money. It was started by people who are afraid of predators (two-egged and four-legged). And because there was such strong support for allowing lawful possession the enforcement chief was asked what it would take for him to go along with a change. He said a CWP so that he'd have the legal ability to determine that a sidearm-carrying person isn't a felon.

From: Fred
I made this analogy on another site:

Four folks out enjoying the woods on 1 Sept. They meet at a trail crossing. One guy is just hiking, he has a loaded handgun in his backpack, one guy is riding his mule and has a loaded handgun in a saddle bag, one guy was fishing a mountain lake and has a loaded handgun concealed by his jacket and one guy is bowhunting and had his handgun in a holster in plain view. None of them have a CWP. Only one will be in violation? The bowhunter. Makes NO sense what so ever.

From: Fred
Another thing, it wasn't about being AFRAID, it's about being prepared. Nothing more nothing less. Do people venture out in the backwoods without a knife? A firestarter? Water tablets? No and it has nothing to do with them being afraid it has everything to do with them being prepared. So the "Enforcement Chief" is he going to make ALL other User groups have a Concealed Weapons Permit? What an absolute crock of crap!

From: Fred

From: Buckfvr
The game wardens punch your plates and your ID into their lap tops....many punch plate numbers from vehicles that are parked in the woods, so they know who you are before face to face encounters. Fred, I think you should find out who this enforcement chief is, and send him your thoughts. I also think its a bunch of bunk. Rifle hunters dont have to be permited, and they pose a far more serious threat. I have a couple friends in law enforcement, and consider their input to be very reliable. Many of my thoughts stem from their observations.

Dont believe anything you hear or read, and only half of what you see. R

From: Buckfvr
One more thought, there are some convicted felons who bowhunt as a result of their conviction, ( making it illegal for them to own or use firearms)....but I still feel theres more to it than meets the eye. R

From: Fred
I already sent him and the Commission an e-mail. Won't change anything but made me feel better. :o) It's not going to affect me, one I already have a CWP and two I am no longer buying hunting and fishing licenses here in WA.

From: Snapshot

About half of the people I heard from said they wanted to be able to lawfully protect themselves from any criminal element that might be out to prey on unarmed outdoorsmen. Some had been robbed in the past or had their camps burglarized. Others have come upon drug operations in the woods.


A few people I know said they had always gone into the archery woods prepared regardless of the former restriction; they packed heat. They didn't like breaking the law but felt their personal safety was more important. Now they can pack without feeling like a law-breaker.


From: Fred
Here is the response I got from the WDFW: Just so you know the response really chaffs my butt on several points, none the least is that our self appointed archery "leaders" supposedly pushed for this.

Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding the recently amended archery regulation now authorizing bowhunters with a valid concealed pistol license to carry a sidearm while archery hunting. Your e-mail has been forwarded to me for a response.

Please be advised that the chief of our enforcement program has no authority to mandate any hunting rules or regulations. The chief—along with all of our Fish and Wildlife Officers—is responsible for enforcing hunting laws and rules, not making them.

RCW 9.41.060(8), Exceptions to restrictions on carrying firearms, authorizes an exception to the restriction on carrying firearms for “…any person engaging in a lawful outdoor recreational activity such as hunting, fishing, camping….” The operative word to pay attention to is “lawful.” Bowhunters in Washington State are regulated by rules promulgated by the Fish and Wildlife Commission. Those rules are specific to bowhunters who choose to purchase a Washington State license to hunt big game with archery tackle. The commission has delegated authority from the legislature to adopt rules governing the time, place and manner of lawful hunting activity. Those rules can be as restrictive or as relaxed as they deem appropriate to the species hunted.

The commission has always been concerned about the potential for individual bowhunters to use a sidearm to unlawfully kill big game. Knowing that individuals with concealed pistol licenses (CPL) are thoroughly vetted through a criminal background history check, the commission has a high level of confidence that CPL holders will not wish to jeopardize their license. There is no such assurance with the general hunter who does not possess a CPL.

You should also know that representatives of the bowhunting community—not WDFW staff—are the ones that proposed this regulation to the Fish and Wildlife Commission and they are the ones that sought to distinguish between CPL holders and non-CPL holding archers.

Mik Mikitik

Department of Fish and Wildlife

Enforcement Program

Hunter Education Division

From: Fred
Honestly, if you are a leader of the bowhunting community and you pushed for this because YOU believe the average bowhunter cannot be trusted to be lawful, you should resign immediately, you don't deserve to be a voice for the bowhunting community! IMO!!

From: Snapshot
I would suggest that Mik Mikitik check with his bosses to get his facts straight.

From: Snapshot
For the record; the Washington Archery Coalition was asked about a year and a half ago by the Washington Muzzleloaders Association and the Washingtonians for Wildlife Conservation if we would oppose a move to remove the restriction on sidearms for second amendment reasons. I polled TBW's membership and (to my surprise) found a strong majority of them were not against the idea of the restriction going away. In fact many of them expressed safety concerns and said they liked the idea. I reported this to the Coalition. The Coalition took a neutral position and testified that if people want the sidearm restriction to go away, then we weren't going to object. More recently we were asked if we cared whether a permit requirement was attached to it so we testifed that it wasn't our fight in the first place and that we don't care what the department decides to do.

From: GregE
....... and that we don't care what the department decides to do.

That's sad in itself. The double standard illustrated by Fred's example isn't hard to figure out.

From: Buckfvr
" The commission has always been concerned about the potential for individual bowhunters to use a sidearm to unlawfully kill big game. Knowing that individuals with concealed pistol licenses (CPL) are thoroughly vetted through a criminal background history check, the commission has a high level of confidence that CPL holders will not wish to jeopardize their license. There is no such assurance with the general hunter who does not posses a CPL."

Commission members overthinking their role in law making. They should not be able to put any type of a twist on existing laws. I think they are either taking, or being allowed too many liberties with their volunteer job status. No other user group has strings tied to hand guns and neither should we.

The commissions high level of confidence with CPL holders comes with absolutely no assurances either. I know I'm sick and tired of people who hold titles for what ever reason, thinking its appropriate to impose their ways on the general public. I still say, muck them out from top to bottom, and start over. Russ

From: Snapshot
Perhaps a poor choice of words on my part; "... we don't care".

This simply wasn't the bowhunters' fight; bowhunting organizations didn't ask for it; they didn't promote it; the organizations told the department and the commission that however they chose to do deal with the issue was up to them.

One last thought: Fred, when you get it from Mikitik himself that he misrepresented the bowhunting community in his email, I hope you will set the record straight and retract your inflammatory remarks.


From: Machias
Snapshot, they are only inflammatory if they are true, I stand by them as well, if the leadership goes along with the notion that bowhunters cannot be trusted to follow laws then they should resign. If however, they did not say that or feel that way then they should not find my remarks inflammatory. I did in fact let Mr. Mikitik know my feelings and I firmly believe bowhunters are some of if not the most ethical folks in the woods. Those remarks were not directed at you, they were directed at anyone in a leadership/voice of the bowhunters role who feels that way. Just to let you know also that this was not the only e-mail from Mr. Mikitik stressing that the CPL was in fact added only because of the bowhunting leadership. IMO they do this quite alot. They hold the public meetings and say well the majority of hunters at this meeting want this or that, when in fact I believe just the opposite, they already have their minds made up and the public meetings give them the option of saying hey this is what you guys asked for. I just realized I'm at home have a different handle. Fred

From: Rovingarcher
What's the big deal.If a guy can't get a ccwp, there has to be a good reason.I'm all for it.Glad we can legally have a gun now.What's your point Fred...The fact that someone is going to knock on our door and confiscate our weapons don't hold weight.I've had mine for over 35 years and haven't had any visitors, and if I did you'd never know about it.GR

From: Snapshot
Fred, you wrote, “They are only inflammatory if they are true”. That is Baloney! Spreading a rumor or lie is 'inflammatory', is 'provocative', not to mention 'irresponsible'!

Mik Mikitik is ignorant of the facts on the matter. He claiming that bowhunting representatives pushed for the change is provocative and irresponsible whether he intended it that way or not. It is a matter of public record that the Commissioners asked for Enforcement’s input and opinion, and that Enforcement supported a permit requirement. It is also a matter of public record that bowhunting ‘leadership’ (I hate the word) told the Commission that because the Archery Coalition wasn’t who asked for the sidearm restriction to be removed in the first place that we didn’t care how it was done.

So where did the notion come from that ‘leadership’ thinks that “bowhunters cannot be trusted to follow the law”?

From: Rovingarcher
I actually thought that was a good point(about having a concealed weapon permit and not wanting to lose it by shooting a deer with a pistol cause you could lose it)After all, who here says all archers are above breaking the law.I can give you a dozen examples where guys thought they could use a gun and claim a bow kill and got caught....for deer,moose and bear.GR

From: Machias
GR, It's not about the CPL, never was. I was a police officer for 20 years, I've had a CPL for the past 8 years since I retired. I'm not worried about them knocking or kicking in my door. If you read the senario above and think for a second that there are thousands of folks in the woods when archers are in the woods and they can carry concealed WITHOUT a CPL, but an archer can't even carry openly without a CPL and that doesn't bother you, I dunno. Why is the state making laws and rules for what a few people MIGHT or have done in the past. That anaology, why is anyone allowed to drive a car at night, because someone might drive drunk, because they have in the past therefore no one can drive Friday and Saturday nights. It's silly. It's funny MT, ID and AK, no such problem with archers carrying a sidearm for protection. And if someone does poach they get hammered, and rightly so, but the rest of the bowhunters do not suffer because someone might break the law.

Snapshot, I take by the fact you are offended by what I wrote up above that you are one of the "Leaders" of the bowhunting community in this state? I sent an e-mail to the Enforcement Chief asking what was the thought process in adding the CPL requirement, because I was informed he was the one who asked for it. I got a response from a WDFW offical who fairly imfatically told me it was not them but the Leadership of the bowhunting community. How am I to know who asked for it and who didn't? It's pretty clear you were suprised your fellow bowhunters wanted this and it's fairly clear the Leadership didn't raise an objection to bowhunters being treated differently then all other user groups in the woods. To me that is as much as signing off on it. You didn't want it and therefore whatever the stipulations were, fine with you. If I am wrong about that, then I apologize to you, if not then I stand by my....disappointment with the representation the bowhunters received on this issue.

Honestly I'm done discussing this, I have decided I've had it with this state. I will no longer buy a trapping, hunting or fishing license here in WA. It's not just this issue, it's several, but this issue and other issues like outlawing coyotes with hounds because the WDFW deemed it socially unacceptable and the sportsmen of this state said nothing. I am through.

You actually made a mistake above.You said thousands of folks in the woods can carry concealed without a ccwp.That's not true.If it is concealed...they need a permit.To carry a loaded weapon in a also need one...don't matter if it's out in the open or not.Your right,grouse hunters during our seasons don't need them if their gun is carried in the open.Guess I don't see the problem with archer needing it.Like you said.You can always choose to hunt another state.That's exactly what I had planned to do if we lost Swakane.

From: Machias
Well sir, your wrong about that, it amazes me how many folks do not know that if you are engaged in a lawful outdoor activity you CAN carry CONCEALED without a CPL. RCW 9.41.060 is the exception to the concealed carry laws, RCW 9.41.050, please pay particular attention to #8. Here is the RCW:

RCW 9.41.060 Exceptions to restrictions on carrying firearms.

The provisions of RCW 9.41.050 shall not apply to:

(1) Marshals, sheriffs, prison or jail wardens or their deputies, or other law enforcement officers of this state or another state;

(2) Members of the armed forces of the United States or of the national guard or organized reserves, when on duty;

(3) Officers or employees of the United States duly authorized to carry a concealed pistol;

(4) Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing, or dealing in firearms, or the agent or representative of the person, if possessing, using, or carrying a pistol in the usual or ordinary course of the business;

(5) Regularly enrolled members of any organization duly authorized to purchase or receive pistols from the United States or from this state;

(6) Regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for the purpose of target shooting, when those members are at or are going to or from their places of target practice;

(7) Regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for the purpose of modern and antique firearm collecting, when those members are at or are going to or from their collector's gun shows and exhibits;

(8) Any person engaging in a lawful outdoor recreational activity such as hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, or horseback riding, only if, considering all of the attendant circumstances, including but not limited to whether the person has a valid hunting or fishing license, it is reasonable to conclude that the person is participating in lawful outdoor activities or is traveling to or from a legitimate outdoor recreation area;

(9) Any person while carrying a pistol unloaded and in a closed opaque case or secure wrapper; or

(10) Law enforcement officers retired for service or physical disabilities, except for those law enforcement officers retired because of mental or stress-related disabilities. This subsection applies only to a retired officer who has: (a) Obtained documentation from a law enforcement agency within Washington state from which he or she retired that is signed by the agency's chief law enforcement officer and that states that the retired officer was retired for service or physical disability; and (b) not been convicted or found not guilty by reason of insanity of a crime making him or her ineligible for a concealed pistol license.

From: Snapshot
I seem to recall one of the bosses of the WDFW explaining at a commission meeting in Olympia in February that by purchasing a primitive weapon tag a person was accepting the WAC rules and regulations that came with it. This I understood to mean the hunter gave up the exemptions of RCW 9.41.050, (8) when he chose to hunt a primitive season. I don't know the details of it, or whether it is accurate. And again, I personally don't care.

Fred, I was asked to serve as president of a state archery organization (TBW) about eight years ago. So yes, I wear that target on my back. And the only reason I am involved in this political baloney is that the organization's charter directs that it be a supporting organization of WSB. Otherwise I'd be under my rock where I belong.

Stuff runs off my back like water from a duck; when it comes to what I’ve done while representing TBW I sleep very well at night because my heart beats for archery hunting and untruths uttered by anyone affect me personally very darn little. But for the sake of others occasionally the record needs to be set straight. The uninformed that happen to surf past this site deserve better than to be spoon-fed misinformation, so for their sake I spoke up. You've been around the internet sites long enough to have garnered a good deal of respect, so people who are ignorant of the goings on within the department are going to give credence to the things you say. True, you had no way of knowing whether Mikitik had his facts straight or not. For what it’s worth, the only time I’d seen him at any of the last few commission meeting was to present an award to a long-time hunter education instructor. So Mik may not have been the best person for your letter to be filtered through. And in fairness to Mik it is apparent in his reply that he was confronting an assertion that the chief sets policy. That may not have been what your letter said but it would appear that he took it that way.

Bowhunters had always been treated differently than others when it came to sidearms; bowhunters were who asked that it be so in the first place during the early years of WSB. Times have changed and some people don't feel so safe in the woods. So any relaxing of the outright restriction to carry is a step in a direction that the majority of TBW's membership will appreciate. For me to stand in the way of a change that they will benefit from would have been unconscionable regardless of my personal opinion of carrying around a weighty chunk of metal.

From: Fred
Snapshot, thanks for everything you do, I deeply appreciate it and I apologize to you and I appreciate you donning the bullseye. Thanks for setting the record straight.

From: bugleboy
My hat's off to Snapshot for all he does for "all" of us.

From: Snapshot
While it is greatly appreciated, I am not the one who needs to be thanked; it should instead be heaped upon the organizational representatives from WSAA, WSB and TBW who are on the Archery Coalition committee, and those from WSB and WSAA who are on the Game Management Advisory Council. They have done the heavy lifting. Up front were Rick Liebel (WSB) and Ray Crisp (WSAA) who did a tremendous amount of work with the constant support of John Pignotti (WSB President). It's a pretty selfless task they've chosen to undertake. If you cross their paths, tell them 'atta boy'.

Fred, no apology is needed, thanks. I hope you make it to Moses Lake this weekend so we have the chance to meet and maybe together go out and break a couple of arrows on the rocks.

From: Rovingarcher
Hey Snap....I'm sure we will have a general meeting.Can we bring up the trash in the fire pit issue.Bottles and cans don't go away...Lets clean up after ourselves.GR

From: Forager
Yup snapshot; thanks for your service to the archery community.

I've never felt I needed any special permit to carry a handgun while in the woods...period. Yes this is pig headed and stubborn. But I think I'll go ahead and get a CCW, it's long over due anyways.

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