Moultrie Mobile
clayton eicher....wildlife artistry
Contributors to this thread:
MassBear 09-Jan-12
Bourbonator 09-Jan-12
MassBear 09-Jan-12
mixed bag 10-Jan-12
supergrizzly 10-Jan-12
supergrizzly 10-Jan-12
MassBear 10-Jan-12
Sammy Sam 22-Jan-12
From: MassBear
Does anyone know this guy? He has had 2 of my skulls for Euro mounts for over a year. He said 3 month turnaround. Guy wouldn't answer the phone. And eventually disconnected his #. He is in Claysburg pa. Both skulls are already paid for but at this point I just want them back done or not. Any help would be appreciated

From: Bourbonator
Never heard of him, but I think you should pay him a visit! 3 months on a skull mount is ridiculous!

From: MassBear
Im in Ma. but if it comes to a road trip then it does but it won't be pretty

From: mixed bag
I waited 15 months for my skull mount.Its done, just haven't picked it up yet.Luckily, its my good friend.I tried a new look with the skull being dipped in camo.Those guys were the problem in the delay.Can't wait to see it though;antelope with open country camo dip

From: supergrizzly
He's on Facebook and has some explanation on there.

From: supergrizzly
Dates are quite old though unfortunately.

From: MassBear
Thanks for the help guys...I think we may have resolved it. Stuff should be mailed soon. We will see

From: Sammy Sam
I have the same problem. I gave him a skull December 2010 that was suppose to be done June 2011. I spoke to the claysburg police chief and he suggested I file a civil action to get the skull and any money. If you have any information on him please get a hold of me or maybe we can file together. I posted on his facebook page months ago and he still did not get back to me.

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