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Wolf Hunt ?
Contributors to this thread:
Bowmania 30-Nov-12
sagittarius 30-Nov-12
Orion 30-Nov-12
Orion 30-Nov-12
Naz 30-Nov-12
Steve White 01-Dec-12
Bowmania 02-Dec-12
FiveRs 03-Dec-12
FiveRs 03-Dec-12
Naz 03-Dec-12
Steve White 03-Dec-12
Naz 04-Dec-12
Steve White 04-Dec-12
sagittarius 07-Dec-12
Steve White 07-Dec-12
upnorth 11-Dec-12
Steve White 13-Dec-12
Orion 13-Dec-12
FiveRs 13-Dec-12
Naz 13-Dec-12
Naz 13-Dec-12
Naz 14-Dec-12
Naz 14-Dec-12
glunker 24-Dec-12
upnorth 24-Dec-12
AndyK 24-Dec-12
sagittarius 24-Dec-12
upnorth 26-Dec-12
Steve White 26-Dec-12
Steve White 27-Dec-12
Jeff in MN 03-Jan-13
jtek 04-Jan-13
Steve White 04-Jan-13
From: Bowmania
I think it takes 24 hours to close.

From: sagittarius
99 wolves harvested before December, excellent! Only 17 more left to tag out the 116 quota! ;-)

From: Orion
Any one got a county breakdown. What county is #1?

From: Orion
No, I meant what county produced the most dead wolves?

From: Naz
I've been tracking them by county, but the last 15 or so I haven't made the time to add in yet ... will update soon and post here. Douglas had 11 of the first 90 or so and is likely still leading; Price, Bayfield, Iron and Adams were also up there. Total was up to 101 as of this morning, with the third collared wolf taken.

Also, if you get a forward in your inbox of a "165-pound wolf" like I did today (and it does look big) in Wisconsin, learned from the hunter it's a legit kill but much smaller than listed.

From: Steve White

Steve White's embedded Photo
Steve White's embedded Photo
Naz, is this the one you are talking about? Was on facebook this morning stating to be 212lbs taken near Rosholt.

I dont believe the 212lbs, but this is a very large wolf.

I have stated many times wolves will go over 100lbs in this state. Many more times I have been told to be full of crap they dont get that big. We have special wolves that never go more than 75lbs. There have been several taken that were real close to 100lbs officially. Have not heard of anything official larger than that. Dont know if this pic is actually WI or not. If it is I have no doubt this one to be over 100lbs. I can easily see some of them getting as large as their western cousins.

Not sure why folks are in such disbelief when we have coyotes that go over 50lbs. We have run coyotes that are larger than my hounds. Have seen wolves that make these 50-70lb hounds look like ankle biters in comparison.

There are some big scary critters in the woods!

From: Bowmania
Just wondering. Do you eat wolves??? I know Mt lions are great.


From: FiveRs

FiveRs's embedded Photo
FiveRs's embedded Photo
Here are a couple of the pics that I got in an email about the wolf and buck killed the same day.

The tags look like Wisconsin tags, I don't know what the other State's tags look like.

From: FiveRs

FiveRs's embedded Photo
FiveRs's embedded Photo

From: Naz
FiveRs, that's the 95-pounder, legit.

From: Steve White
I have heard that about cougars. Literally not insinuating anything towards the gutter. Not saying that was Mike's intent. Took me a minute to catch that if that is what was meant. Wolves, well never heard of anyone eating them, but who knows.

I seen on another site where the guy who killed that one with the buck had no weight, and was guessing around 140.

That one I posted had no other info on it. Daughter seen on facebook where it was now claimed to have been shot in Alberta.

From: Naz
Check Gannett's outdoors site,

From: Steve White
Checking into it further. Which I should have done from the start. It seems that wolf was harvested in Alberta. Sorry for the confusion.

From: sagittarius
Harvest is up to 104! Only 12 to go to fill 116 quota, ... or 10 if considering zone 2 is closed with 18 of 20 filled.

From: Steve White
Still not enough. First thing I ran into today checking tracks was a loner. Been seeing it off and on since sept. Of course it does not exist because no wolves are supposed to be in that area. I last had the track going south into a group of houses about 700yds away!! A lot of food in that area. So dont see it leaving anytime soon. Just hope it does not find some buddies.

Seen the pic of the 110lb one in WON toady. Have not had a chance to read story yet. BIG ANIMAL!!

From: upnorth
wonder if any of these were actually weighed . as far as i know the largest wolf the dnr collared so far was 109 lbs . had a guy come in the other day saying the taxidermist in hazelhurst has 3 to mount that are at the 200 mark .its like the people that bring me all these 400 lb bear to weight and when we put them on the scale there seldom over 250 lbs .

From: Steve White
UP, that is funny how that works. I like the live weight guesses to make it even bigger best. Yeah, was 250 live weight, but ummm dressed at 110. LOL

It's also funny how everything is always a touch bigger in Hazelhurst. At least from the rumors I hear.

Bummer it is soon to be closed with so few taken. I have not traveled to far since the snow came. But, I have found more wolf tracks so far than in the last several years combined close to home. NOT GOOD!!

From: Orion
Only the Tag & Brag season is closed.

From: FiveRs
Zone 6 closes tomorrow at 5pm leaving only Zone 3 open yet.

From: Naz
Minnesota's hunters and trappers have taken 114 in the late season so far, and only the east-central zone (with a very small quota of 10) is closing so far, effective at the end of legal hours tomorrow.

Including 147 taken in the early hunt (during the gun deer season there early last month) and 230 or so taken on depredation permits by trappers and farmers, the legal MN wolf kill is just shy of 500.

In Wisconsin, the legal kill (hunt/trap and depredation permits) and known illegal kills from the gun deer hunt is closing in on 200.

Minnesota will be doing its first extensive wolf population estimate in five years this winter. The last guess there was about 3,000 animals. It'll be very interesting to see if the number is closer to 3.5-4K this time around, even with the harvest.

In Wisconsin, let's see what they come up with. Anyone think the number will be "minus 200" from last winter? I'd guess that if they have enough staff and volunteers it'll still be at least 800.

From: Naz
It's on the DNR's Warden Wire web page.

Here's the info on wolves from the site:


Seven wolves suspected as illegally killed were found dead during the 2012 gun deer season. This figure is preliminary pending investigation and animal necropsy to determine cause of death. Two of the wolf kills resulted in issuance of a citation for hunting wolf without a license.

Illegal wolf kill in recent years was 9 in 2006, 2 in 2007, 3 in 2008, 8 in 2009, 2 in 2010, and 7 in 2011. It appears this year that 3 wolves were found illegally killed in Wolf Management Zone 1 that was closed to coyote hunting in 2011, but open in 2012. In 2011, the number of detected illegal kills was also 3; from this limited sample, there is no evidence of a major increase of illegal kills. Suspected illegal wolf shootings and current status in 2012 included the following. (The AF or AM designation means an adult female or adult male greater than 2 years old.)

1. AM not collared, found dead 11/25/12 in Walworth County - carcass held for necropsy: Citation

2. AF not collared, found dead 11/21/12 in Oconto County - carcass held for biological sampling

3. AF not collared, found dead 11/18/12 in Bayfield County - carcass held for biological sampling

4. AF with collar 802F, found dead 11/19/12 in Price County - carcasses held for necropsy

5. AM with collar 832M, found dead 11/19/12 in Adams County - carcass held for necropsy

6. AF with collar 615F, found dead 11/19/12 in Bayfield County - carcass held for necropsy

7. AM not collared, found dead 11/25/12 in Dane County - carcass held for biological sampling: Citation

From: Naz
Not a lot so far; I think it was four of 70+ on depredation permits and four of 108 as of last night in the hunt/trap season. Obviously they'll find a higher percentage of collared wolves during the nine-day due to ability to track.

From: Naz
MN NE closing this weekend.

From: glunker
Your memory must be better than mine as I thought the concensus was that the wolves would be hard to kill with better results at the end near the breeding season. Also not enough tags had been issued to reach quota. You especially thought dogs would be needed to get to the quota.Please correct me if I am wrong.

From: upnorth
screwed again . look at the original numbers was 201 for hunting . zone 1/2/3 was 137 total took 70 a little more then 50 pct , zone 4/5/6 was 54 and they took 47 just under 90 pct of the original total .to the best of my knowledge the northern part of the state has a bigger problem with wolfs .if the tribes say they don't want to shoot them fine but it should of stayed at quota and when quota was hit the season closed regardless of who took them .just my opinion .

From: AndyK
Any bow killed wolves reported this year?

From: sagittarius
116 Public tags + 85 indian tags = 201.

The big success was Wisconsin trappers, 20% of the tag holders accounted for 55% of the wolf harvest. Well done WI trappers!

From: upnorth
wonder how many tags got transfered to the others then the ones that won the kill tag. i know of 3 of my customers that got wolfs on transfered tags all trappers.

From: Steve White
THERE WAS A WOLF HUNT???? Not around here! At least you could not tell in the woods!!! I'm only slightly surprised every winter at finding tracks in new areas. So far this year. I'm using a lot more colorful metaphors! I have not even got on the sled yet either.

Been seeing signs in different areas all fall. Can really see things now. More than ever in the past I have been asking, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING! I have never seen so much activity in and around houses. In 4 areas miles apart I have found them as close as 75yds from small subdivisions. Couldn't take tracks further for the obvious reason. I'm sure they are going right through. I know they do in a few. Like behind me in the St Germain subdivision. Seen them there first hand!

What will always baffle me. Is how naive, blind, and maybe even stupid. People are to what is lurking right out there back door.

From: Steve White
There was not one killed anywhere near me! They must have reached their deer quota for the year. The only thing I have found them to be eating is small game and carcasses. At least I have not run into a kill site yet.

What I know for sure. Is what I have seen so far this year is scaring the hell out of me.

Have an elderly lady that lives right at the entrance to one of my favorite hunting areas. She has about a dozen ankle biters. Had her put a fence around part of the yard few years back. To keep them safe. She would let them all run around. Couple times ran into a pack of the scary little things as they went for a walk about a mile or more away. Buddies got a good laugh once when I came out of the woods carrying 4 of them. Well, I stopped by her place a few weeks back. Checked, and repaired the fence. Then put flagging tape up every 10ft. When she seen it there was not a question to what I had done. It was one of those times you are shocked at what comes out of a little old ladies mouth! For a bit she was in denial they would get close. I pointed out the tracks 10yds past her fence. Then this 1/2 step from being a full bunny hugger. Was using kill about every 3rd word. At least this woman is realistic. So so many, would just say. They are not going to bother us. Yea right! They are just in your yard to admire the landscaping!

From: Jeff in MN
Well, in less than 2 hours the Minnesota wolf season will come to an end. About a month earlier than the 'scheduled' closing date.

As of last night there were about 6 left in the 400 wolf quota and the DNR announced that the NW zone would close after today. (the other two zones were already closed.

Early on people on this site were saying how hard it would be to kill wolfs. Well, since every one of the three MN zones closed early for both seasons it wasn't too hard here. Wisconsin closed early too so it couldn't have been much harder there.

I didn't think that anyone that did a little homework would have too much trouble finding a place to fill their tag. I had several people I know that live in northern Minnesota contact me asking if I knew anyone with tags to send their way. I did arrange one connection but he had planed to go up there in the middle of next week. I warned him that would probably be too late. You snooze you loose.

Lets all hope that there are seasons in WI and MN again this year.

From: jtek

jtek's embedded Photo
jtek's embedded Photo
Need to hunt them on my Dunn Cty land.

From: Steve White
In the last few days a dog was killed by wolves down in JACKSON county.

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