Moultrie Mobile
Nothing in Ohio
Contributors to this thread:
VTslinger 08-Nov-14
VTslinger 08-Nov-14
Vermonster 09-Nov-14
VTslinger 09-Nov-14
From: VTslinger
Well for the1st time there's not a lb. of venison coming back from Ohio other than a roadkill fawn my friend Wednesday morning. We headed out on the 1st and came back a day early on the 7th. I went out for the 1st time in 2007. I literally only saw 2 deer from the strand. My father in law saw 5 but only had 1 in range. Our other buddy only saw 1doe. We hunted private and state land. Everyone we talked to including some state biologists said there were few deer being seen and the chasing phase just wasn't happening yet. The last few years have been slower each year and this may have been my last.

From: VTslinger
Well for the1st time there's not a lb. of venison coming back from Ohio other than a roadkill fawn my friend Wednesday morning. We headed out on the 1st and came back a day early on the 7th. I went out for the 1st time in 2007. I literally only saw 2 deer from the strand. My father in law saw 5 but only had 1 in range. Our other buddy only saw 1doe. We hunted private and state land. Everyone we talked to including some state biologists said there were few deer being seen and the chasing phase just wasn't happening yet. The last few years have been slower each year and this may have been my last.

From: Vermonster
I have been here since the 6th and between 3 of us we already have over 30 sightings from the stand. I rattled in my buck at 2ph on friday. Another guy shot a decent 7 point yesterday. I can definitly agree with you that the numbers are way down. We hunt private land that doesnt get hunted all year. We all had to move our stands from trees that have always produced. Now deer are showing up in range.

From: VTslinger
Yeah I guess we are gona have to sacrifice a day or so and knock on some more doors. It's tough to waste time driving around being denied when you just want to get in a stand. I can barely afford the trip now so paying to hunt private land isn't really an option. I only hunted 3 days in Vermont and shot 2 deer so the Ohio trip was seriously disappointing. Of course the weather was rough with all the rain.

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