Mathews Inc.
Hunting in ct is a rich mans game
Contributors to this thread:
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 20-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
Zack 20-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 20-Dec-14
BOBHUNT71 20-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 20-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
Andyw 20-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
grizzlyadam 20-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 20-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 20-Dec-14
Andyw 21-Dec-14
cuntrytocity 21-Dec-14
Mike in CT 21-Dec-14
sas67 21-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 21-Dec-14
Stlhtr 21-Dec-14
Wild Bill 21-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 21-Dec-14
Onthehunt 21-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 21-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 21-Dec-14
ROBZ7 21-Dec-14
Ace 22-Dec-14
jax2009r 22-Dec-14
tobywon 22-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 22-Dec-14
yukon roz 22-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 22-Dec-14
spike78 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
spike78 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
notme 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
notme 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
notme 23-Dec-14
CTCrow 23-Dec-14
spike78 23-Dec-14
ROBZ7 23-Dec-14
Andyw 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
Andyw 23-Dec-14
notme 23-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 23-Dec-14
spike78 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
grizzlyadam 23-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 23-Dec-14
bigjoe 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 23-Dec-14
Mike in CT 23-Dec-14
notme 23-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 24-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 24-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 24-Dec-14
Mike in CT 24-Dec-14
Bloodtrail 24-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 24-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 24-Dec-14
spike78 25-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 25-Dec-14
CTCrow 25-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 25-Dec-14
Andyw 25-Dec-14
bigbuckbob 25-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 25-Dec-14
spike78 25-Dec-14
treeman16 25-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 25-Dec-14
Brianbowhunter 25-Dec-14
treeman16 25-Dec-14
Hunting in ct has been established and managed for the wealthy class. We all have opportunity but the laws are written to favor the rich. Owning more than 10 acres gives you access to 60 days with a rifle instead of just 9 and one of those 9 being a Sunday. State land is completely saturated with bow hunters and stands making opportunity for a kill few and far between. The state needs to open more land that sits idle or tighten private land owner to make better opotunity for all.

From: Bloodtrail
So what have you done to move forward with your theory?

I a fortunate in my life so I am looking at land to purchase. Will give me a longer season why the rest battle it out in the state land.

Then I even get a free permit while the rest of you pay

From: Zack
I am not rich by any means, don't own any land and I don't have any problems hunting from Sep 15th - Jan 31, just need to use the bow, and acquire some private land.. I can hunt nearly 20 days with shotgun/rifle season on private then the rest of the season with muzzleloader. and get 9 days with shotgun on state and 9 days with muzzleloader on state too!

From: Bloodtrail
I don't hunt with a gun. I also hunt state land and I kill deer every year. I don't need more time/days to get it done. I have no ill will for those who are fortunate to hunt their own land. I also think hunting with a gun is too easy.

I would love to buy a chunk of land....but not in CT. The perceived value of the land and taxes will be your doom here. But I like your dream. Maybe if you are successful, you can help a young hunter one day.

I agree with Zac and bloodtrail plenty of opportunities and seasons just need to do the time and work to locate properties and or pieces of state land holding deer their out there I score at least two a year or more if I need to and pass on my fair share of does and small bucks when I have meat in the freezer. Save your money buy a piece of land somewhere that you want to retire because this state is doomed in our life time with stupid liberals attacking the working class to give to there pensions and lazy people who don't want to work. If the liberals get their way you might only be able to hunt with a stone. Just my 2 cents.

From: bigbuckbob
Money does solve lots of problems. Heck, if you had the money you could go to the big deer states every year and pay top dollar for private land where they raise trophy deer.

But as far as state land goes in CT, if you do some homework you can find some good spots. And from what I'm hearing even the private land in FF county honey holes are having their problems.

the state claims that hunting is dying but they do nothing to address it. I would take out a new hunter but I only get 8 days with a shotgun and state land near me is pressured so heavy During both bow and shot gun it usually discourages most new hunters. Meanwhile the land owner is out there with his high powered rifle taking deer at 100 yards for a 60 day period.

I tagged out so I am speaking up for the young guy down the road who is discourage and probably won't go back next yeAr, the state has plenty of land they could open up for more opportunities and we would not hunt on top of each other.

This is not about success this about opportunities for new folks to have access and get into hunting.

From: Andyw
This state is crawling with opportunity to hunt. Are you serious! We have one of the longest seasons on deer in the U.S.A.

I am referring to the inequality between private land owner and state land. You have a huge advantage to harvest deer if you own 10 + acres in this state. Why not make it just 9 days then on private land too?

From: grizzlyadam
Really? Landowners only get two tags, one of them being an antlerless tag. 60 days to get one doe and a buck on your own property with a rifle. What are you complaining about? Go knock on some doors. If not there is more than enough state land to hunt with lots of deer and no one hunting them, just got to put in some legwork.

From: Bloodtrail
"I tagged out"

Don't know how many deer that means (bow + gun + ??). I really don't know what your beef is. Maybe try not to tag out and "the young guy down the road" will have the opportunity to kill one....if that's what you're really upset about.

I'm not trying to get on you (so read this in a pleasant voice). I just don't understand fully why you are posting about a person hunting their own land with a rifle. Are you seeking to open up all state land with a rifle so that it mirrors a land-owner's you want the land-owner to follow the same season and restrictions as state land enjoys?

Thanks for sharing.

I tagged out as a land owners son on my parents land. I See how much all you guys fight and complain and carry on about all your state land misery. We boarder stand land and like clock work all the deer get pushed onto our land every year by the surge of hunters trying to get thier deer, then I get the luxury of going out there for 60 days with a bow, rifle or muzzle loader to get my tags filled. I am saying i don't think it's fair to others but I will keep doing and even looking for more land to own, prices are good right now you know.

Rememberi not every one lives in zone 11 with 5 gallon buckets of bait and then say they are hunters

From: Andyw
I still can't figure this post. From a Republican's perspective. If I want my own land, I'll work for it. If others have land I count them blessed and am happy. i count myself blessed to have such a long season,"my wife may feel differently", and access to some sweet state land throughout the state. The young hunters just need the passion to just do it.oppotunity knocks.

From: cuntrytocity
Nothing argumentive, but I started deer hunting at the age of 40 and I've never had access to private land. I don't tag out and I've yet to kill a deer this year, I've had a few opportunities and blew it on one occasion, but that's a part of hunting. I envy the guys who can hunt private property, but their opportunity is just the same as mine. While I may not agree with certain things in this state, hunting deer or the length of the season is one thing they got right. This is a dream if you're a hunter, and I say hunting state land makes one a better hunter, because of the pressure, just have to work a little harder and smarter. I've got the harder part worked out, the smarter part is giving me

Wish you much success on getting your own private property and Merry Chrismas to you and your family.

From: Mike in CT
With all due respect I think you're oversimplifying the State Land hunting. A saying I had heard and then thorugh experience have witnessed year after year is that on State Land somewhere between 80-90% of the hunters will not venture much beyond 200-300 yards into the woods from where they park.

If you search the CT forum and read some of the posts from some of the consistently successful bowhunters on State Land the common theme will be these people go much farther into the woods. When I started scouting State Land around me (Paugnut SF, Nepaug SF for example) I examined topos and looked for saddles and other funnels well off the beaten path. By and large the spots I scouted were a good 45 minutes or more of a walk from the parking area.

In almost 20 years of hunting in Paugnut SF for example I can count on one hand the number of days where I've seen another bowhunter. When I used to gun hunt there contrary to cursing the legion of orange I felt more like thanking them. Why? Because in studying topos I also look for "escape routes" and when the pumpkin crowd pushed deer I knew likely escape routes and was already set up waiting.

I will agree with you on the designated bowhunting only areas getting crowded at times, especially the small parcels. I took a look at the one that opened a few years ago (name escapes me at the moment but if I recall correctly it was something like 34 acres or so). I scouted one day and concluded it would be a complete waste of time to bowhunt as I spotted 3 ladder stands and 4 hangs on stands. Obviously you can't conclude all the hunters will be there the same day but you can't rule it out either and in any case I'm not interested in over-hunted properties.

Bottom line; if you're not shy about a good stretch of the legs there are plenty of quality bowhunting opportunities on state land.

From: sas67
I have a spot upstate ct we have been using for 15 years ! It's a two mile walk and drag from the truck !!

From: bigbuckbob

I couldn't agree with you more! Homework and hard work have worked for me over the years. Find a back door to state land by asking a private land owner if you can simply CROSS their property to enter the state land from the opposite side that most hunters enter the woods, and then sit and wait for them to push the deer your way.

The post on Roraback, I mentioned that the bird hunters would enter the woods off of RT 72, so I would enter from the DEP office side. Yeah, it was a bit of hike, but I was seeing deer consistently.

Even though it's been 16 yrs between my last deer and this year's buck, I've had plenty of shot opportunities at doe and small bucks, even some decent bucks.

Like everyone says, it's hunting, not shooting fishing in a barrel.

From: Stlhtr
I think they need to reduce the tag numbers in areas of the state that have low deer densities and bring back the old paper tag methods with check stations as many on here have mentioned in the past. Guys would tag out quicker meaning less pressure in the woods. It seems like CT is on a path to completely decimate the deer herd. IMHO

From: Wild Bill
"laws are written to favor the rich"

"the inequality between private land owner and state land"

Progressive politics at it's best. So, your parents stole all that wealth from poor people and you feel guilty? You want the poor to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs?

"I get the luxury of going out there for 60 days with a bow, rifle or muzzle loader to get my tags filled"

So deny yourself for awhile, and live like the rest of us, before you tell us how things should be.

"This is not about success this about opportunities for new folks to have access and get into hunting."

IMHO, this thread is all about you, and your guilt of having a luxurious hunt on your parents dime.

From: Bloodtrail
Wild Bill, agreed. Excellent points!

From: Onthehunt
Absolutely right. There are rules for the wealthy and another set for those without much wealth. I can make a laundry list of examples. If you think things are fair for everyone then you are sadly mistaken. But you know what. That fact motivates me every day to do better and improve things for me and my family.

You guys are completely missing the point. What I am saying is the state has completely hosed some Hunters who wants to harvest a deer to feed his family. So for example the state gives you a 9 day window to harvest a deer with a shotgun With that being said thousands of hunters cram Into the state forest for 8 days(Sunday's exempt remember). The land owner gets 60 days so his pressure is less. I know land owners still harvesting deer via rifle on Christmas.

The state is just created a program to kill deer in highy populated areas, does a bow hunter really need 4 tags? If I filled all my tags it would be about 14 deer with all seasons that's ridiculous

I am talking about quality deer hunting here. Limiting tags and uniform seasons makes sense to me.

Private land access is not as easy any more. Sandy hook, Malloy and the media have demonized us has terrible people. Most people don't want to know or tell you their property is hunted by family

From: ROBZ7
I think we are still very lucky in this state. I hunt other states like Kansas, Nebraska, Indiana, Ohio and virtually all great land is now leased by outfitters or only hunted by the people that own it. State land out there is way more saturated with hunters there than here. Hunting industry has taken over in a lot of the Midwest states. We have super long season here and still decent deer density. Seems like there are more and more hunters particularly bow hunters in this state so seems like people are finding their way into hunting just fine. The argument about hunting to feed your family always seems a bit hard for me to understand because hunting is an expensive sport, all the gear, weapons, stands and mostly the time you invest to harvest an animal deer meat is 10 times more expensive than going to the grocery store. Now Fairfield county being one of the richest counties in the country and where a lot of wealthy people live, even the most rich can't afford 10 acres of land or even if they can it's just not available and most that own that sort of land mostly probably don't hunt so not sure about that argument either. This state has way too many tags, yes or course. Lastly having money will always help you be more in control but not just in hunting but that's the reality in life in general . So it's not just this state it's everywhere.

From: Ace
"You guys are completely missing the point."

I think everyone understands your point Brian, we just do not agree with it.

You seem to be suggesting that rules should be the same for everyone. They have tried things like what you suggest in some places; but most of us still choose to live in a society where Land Owners rights are respected.

The principal thing you seem to have a problem with is the free and extended season for landowners with 10+ acres. The deer killed in this category represent a tiny percentage of the total take, hardy worth worrying about.

Not sure about your background or perspective but you may have noticed that sometimes people come on Bowsite just to agitate and start trouble. Many of these people use fake names or register with only a First name against Bowsite rules.

If you're merely young and or inexperienced, stick around, pay attention and you might even learn something here. If you are here to cause trouble or stir the pot, you won't last very long.

From: jax2009r
to complain people who have better hunting on private land is ridiculous....

3 things....find a better spot of public ground, buy your own land or get really is that simple

From: tobywon
Now I really know that I am poor. In my almost 30 years of hunting in CT, I have never once taken a deer on private land. I never thought of landowner season being a disadvantage, it just didnt involve me or was of any concern to me what someone else was doing. The large tracts of state land in the NW portion of the state can be very challenging, but I can get away from hunters in archery and gun seasons. Getting a deer out is a long and difficult process as I get older, but it is what it is and we are training a new generation to help us out with that...LOL

Maybe I'll come knocking on your parents door and ask for permission to hunt, would I receive it? How about if I only wanted to take my nephew or son to hunt? Would you help this poor guy out?

I am not the oldest on this site by far. I hear complaining here all the time, but some of the younger guys dont realize that you have it better now than ever as far as seasons go. Archery used to be only 2 tags, the season started in October and archery was closed in most of the state when gun season came around then reopened in later December to the end of the year. Now guys can take advantage of archery hunting somewhere in this state from mid September through the end of January. Not bad if you ask me.

From: bigbuckbob

I agree 100% Plenty of places to get away from other hunters on state land and find deer, IF you're willing to put in the effort. I also NEVER considered private land as a great advantage. In fact, I turned it down several times because people were asking me to kill problem deer, not hunt them. "Just sit on our deck, they come out every evening right around 4pm." No thanks! But if that's what you want ask around, there are people who just want the deer to stop eating their shrubs.

I also remember that the bow season went into January when it first opened in the mid-late 70's didn't it?

Here's what I think. Young or inexperienced hunters are frustrated because they want to see deer every time out, and they're not. I have 3-4 spots I hunt on state land and I'm confident that I will see deer, maybe not EVERY time out, but enough sightings to keep me interested year after year. Keep in mind that I've been doing this for 46 years, and I've covered lots of ground in that time.

My first 3 years out, I saw nothing! Then I tried a different spot and I was into deer every time out for the next several years. As one spot tappered off I did my research and found other spots. I can't tell you how much ground I covered where there was very little deer sign until I found the areas where the deer were more plentiful. Patience and hard work, and the rest EASY :)

From: yukon roz
I bought 10 aceas from my niehbor for 30000 dollars in 2001.You don't want to know how much each deer cost me,buying land just to hunt isn't the answer unless you are very rich and I'm not .You young guys have it made and don,t know it sometimes..Hunt hard put in your time and you will get deer.

How many of you are zone 11 bait and hunt? Most of your game cam pics have a feed or bait pile in it. With that said I agree any place can be a good place to hunt for you

From: spike78
You hunt on your parents land that they own yet you talk about land being cheap these days. Cheap for you or your parents? We have no idea what your talking about? Seriously dude are you all there? What your really saying is ive got my own land and it sucks to be you.

From: CTCrow
I'm as far from rich as you will find. I hunt from 9/15 to 1/31 (when non of my feet are broken)so I don't subscrive to the "Rich Mans Game" theory.

If you are willing to put in the work you will get rewarded.

You wanna talk "Rich man's Game"?

Let's talk African safari. I would love to go on one but never will so I just hunt Connecticut... for now.

From: bigbuckbob

I think what Brian is saying is that anyone with access to private land can hunt with a rifle AND hunt on state land as well, more opportunities and better odds with the rifle. Since the state land hunters tend to push the deer onto the safer private land, the system favors people with private land permission.

Sounds like he's also taking a shot at people who are allowed to bait, and while it's legal, it's not as "sporting" as trying to get close to a deer with a bow on state land WITHOUT the bait to attract them.

I agree with these points,if in fact this is what he's saying.

Thats what I am saying bob, I wrote this as a comment and I guess I used the wrong title because this became a personal attack on me and not about the topic. If every one is ok with land owners having 60 days then so be it.

While I know this is mostly a bow forum we do touch on all aspects of hunting. I just feel like most things the state runs poorly the hunting program is no different. I just feel like with all the tags given the focus is on quantity instead of quality. I heard comments on here like "if it's brown its down"

I see for 2015 the state has removed the lottery that limited hunters in some areas, while this equalizes opportunity for all hunters this will allow even more hunters into already crowded areas for a short 8 day hunt.

I know while connecticut is small all the issues I am talking about may not pertain to you. I am in the northeast area and I can tell you state most areas get hammered by hunters during bow and rifle season. We also have a lot of land owner hunters so access to land is harder because most land owners don't want to taint their land with other hunters.

In the end I guess it's what kind of deer inventory we want to have in this state, but I don't think you can blanket the whole state with the same regulations. some areas cant support up to 1 hunter taking up to 10 to 14 deer unless the state has certain areas that demand it, I run through some state areas and I can tell you the theme is the same. I saw a lot less deer this year than in previous years. mean while most land owners I know have had good success with rifle this season.

From: CTCrow
I bait in zone 11.

"any place can be a good place to hunt for you"

I will have to disagree with you on that. Have you hunted baiting before?

The only reason that beople bait in 11 & 12 is because we hunt small parcells. Hunting in the big woods, you scout find trails and set your stand. After a couple of hunts, you adjust your stand and move it 100-200 yards either direction to be on deer.

in Z11, you don't have the luxury of moving too far. If you move your stand 200 yards, you are 2 streets over and on someone else's property. If you can't move you try to make the deer move.

I rather hunt 300-500 acres but good luck finding that and getting permission is .... let's not even talk about that.


From: spike78
Bbb, ive read his post three times and I feel either Im stupid and dont understand or he is all over the place. He started one way and seemed to end it another. If hes on his parents land does he really give a crap about people on here?

See crow you can't get acess to big pieces of land because you don't get invited to their dinner parties

From: notme
so you get to tag out when the deer get pushed off of state land and on to your parents property , whats your beef then ?

when I lived in the nw corner I hunted peoples , american legion , menetto ,housatonic. it took me 3 yrs for my first deer. now ive been down in zone 11 for 3 yrs and sure I trip over toy,step in poop ,pics with a swing set in it , but I still haven't shot one over a corn pile . like Crow said,move 200 yrds your in your neighbors yard.after all , the shows and books tell me to pull deer off someone else's land. the state says theyre behind every tree. the 2 I did get were on water company property . the same chances as anybody else who went for the permits.

From: CTCrow
What do you call big piece?

Getting acces to hunt and invited to their dinners are completley different things.

When I knock on doors I'm not asking for a dinner invitation. I offer help with deer damage to their gardens.

Well connecticut defines big as over 10 acres with 500 foot of buffer from your neighbors house or barn unless you get written permission from your neighbor. Once you have that the perks start

my grandfather was a farmer in upstate ny. When we hunted rifle or bow there the season was longer but uniform there. It's also a much more open place and land owner permission is easy to get.

From: bigbuckbob

I can't criticize confusing posts, because I've been there several times myself. I think the comments were correct about the private land advantages, and I while I wouldn't hunt the backyards I say to each his own. Some guys like muzzleloaders and others like rifles. Give me a sharp stick, a bow and lots of woods and I'm happy.

From: CTCrow

CTCrow's Link
Here you go. 42 acres for 419K.

You don't have to be rich to buy this.

From: CTCrow

CTCrow's Link

25+ acres for 39K. Don't have to be rich to afford it.

From: notme
try going to a bank and telling them you want 39k to shoot

From: CTCrow
39K at 15 years only costs a pack of cigarrets a day.

From: notme
ya but the tax will cost you a carton a week

From: CTCrow

Taxes will kill you faster than the cigarrets.

From: spike78
X2 notme, if the govt didnt make me walk funny I would buy that land.

From: ROBZ7
No deer that far north crow find me 25 acres in ffld county :)

From: Andyw
B bow hunter, not sure what your trying to do on this thread. I hunt north east corner. I won't say it's easy in Nipmuck or Natchaug but if your willing th HUNT big woods and work at it I shoot my share every year.. You say you sit back and wait for the Orange army to push em to you and than talk about guys sitting over a pile of whatever they use to bring em in is a joke. Very contradicting. At the end of the day when you put your head on your pillow will tell you what you should or shouldn't do. End of story.

So today my brother went online and got his free land owner tags. So that gives another 1 and 1. Used the rifle and a small push and we bagged another deer. We can just keep getting free tags and wacking them. See having land in the familyis a huge advantage.

From: Andyw
WTG B Bowhunter, sounds like you fellas are having a good season.congrats.

From: notme
so la te

From: Bloodtrail
You are a Moron who is stirring the pot.

And I'm calling you out.

From: spike78
See BBB, I told you this kids not all there. What is your point bud? Funny you brag alot but we havent seen one pic? Not to mention are you proud of tagging out and then some? Whats your point being on this site? We are proud to hunt hard on public land and take deer through effort, what are you proud of?

Well this moron is going to go cut up a 6 point fork horn, too warm next few days to late him hang. Peace out

From: grizzlyadam
Reading the OP's first post then looking at where we are now...WTF? What a complete waste of time reading it.

From: Bloodtrail
Make sure you cut around that slug hole. What's it like to whack one with a gun? How easy is it? Or did you shoot it in the head?

Hey, there's a few openings at White Buffalo if your into that stuff. Bozo.

From: bigjoe
yea man your barking up the wrong tree. I had 250 acre property I have hunted for 17 sold out from under me a week before season . one of my good friends shot a stud on state land on opening day . I shot a huge doe during rifle season and had other opportunities on 14 acre piece . Christ, Zack on here, shoots at least 4 deer a yr on state land . just got to do your homework. just got to nock on doors or go deep in state land.

I was simply stating an opinion based on my expiriance that the state is overly generous on what they give landowners and their families in connecticut and that the rules favor them on getting a good harvest.

I was then attacked and said I was some rich kid and a jerk I did not take this post off topic others did.

From: Mike in CT
I was then attacked and said I was some rich kid and a jerk I did not take this post off topic others did.

The first post where this claim might have validity would be the one made by Wild Bill. Personally I don't see it that way; I see Bill expressing his opinion on the motivations for your post.

That being said let's look at something you posted before Bill's post:

Then I even get a free permit while the rest of you pay

Now this may have been a perfectly innocent remark just phrased poorly but it would not be unreasonable to see this as a bit of a snarky comment directed at the "have nots" as far as private land availability.

Here's a few that are less innocuous:

I See how much all you guys fight and complain and carry on about all your state land misery.

I've read many "how to make new friends" books that recommend your introduction come with a good talking down to (that was sarcasm in case you're not sure.)

Rememberi not every one lives in zone 11 with 5 gallon buckets of bait and then say they are hunters

Now there's a nice blanket insult made without a shred of insight into any of the people you just insulted. (FYI, I've never baited, so I'm merely speaking for those you just painted with a very broad brush.)

Only after these offerings did Bill offer his opinion, so please don't expect anyone here to fire up the violins and play "Hearts and Flowers" for you.

Additionally, as Ace pointed out very politely to you it is a Bowsite registration requirement to post under your full name; you have yet to do so which kind of vacates your right to claim the high moral ground.

Now, as I recognize that your feelings seem to bruise easily, this entire post is merely a summation of the facts at hand. If you construe them to be an attack I would respectfully offer that perhaps your conscience might be pointing out that you have not been the best "guest" nor offered a passable rendition of a polite introduction.

Lastly, I find it ironic that you lament the fate of "the young guy down the road who is discourage" yet never seem to have mulled over the thought of getting such a person on your land of plenty.

Of course you are more than willing to call on others to address the issue. Now that's hypocrisy served up with a large ladle.

From: notme
and the slow seasons not even here yet

The young guy down the street is welcome anytime but he has to ask. He needs to learn that, he is just not going have it offered to him.

Like I said before if you are all happy with the current system then stop bitching about your stands being stolen because if you are in all these state land secret spots then no would find them anyway.

Stop complaining that you are not seeing deer or that the deer herd is declining.

Get out there and get-em boys

One other huge point I want to make is there is a lot of land owners that willl let you on but they want you off for that 60 day window. If the state cut that back it may open up some more private land to bow hunters shut out on nov 1.

Oh and my favorite...the landowner can wear camo and no orange while the rest of us have to show colors or get fined.

From: Mike in CT
Like I said before if you are all happy with the current system then stop bitching about your stands being stolen because if you are in all these state land secret spots then no would find them anyway.

Open mouth, insert foot, chew well. You may want to go back and re-read a number of the threads that speak of stolen stands, game cameras, etc. A good many of them refer to hunting equipment (property) that was stolen from private property, not just from state land.

Regardless of where the property is situated theft is theft and one does not forfeit the right to report it merely by geographical or ownership relativity.

FYI, I wish to amend my earlier comment about the potential innocence of a comment versus being snarky; your obvious mocking comment of "secret spots" on state land removes all doubt. If you want to have your posts taken seriously you might want to scale back on such immature outbursts in future positings. Many of the valued posters on this forum feel no need to deal with childish outbursts. Grow up.

Stop complaining that you are not seeing deer or that the deer herd is declining.

Are you putting forth the concept that the right to complain about hunting conditions/regulations begins and ends with you? You may want to have some oxygen sent your way; that high horse you're on could lead to altitude sickness.

For someone who starts a whine-fest about the need to address hunting conditions it is the height of hypocrisy to rail against good stewards pointing out the failings of the state DEEP to fulfill their prime mission; maintain quality hunting opportunities through sound management policies. Again, your penchant for pouting doesn't lend weight to your arguments.

By the way I notice you are still posting under a first name only despite this being contrary to Bowsite registration rules and despite this being kindly pointed out to you twice.

In case you are as slow on the uptake as some of your retorts paint you, this was another, and a last friendly warning to address this.

From: Bloodtrail
Mike in CT, you are like a bright beacon of light sent from heaven. Thanks for all you do.

No worries mike I won't be using this site anymore however I am in my stand this morning might as well use up my bow tags good hunting to you all! Good luck in the final week to the finish

From: bigbuckbob

I stand corrected as you pointed out. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt because I don't always type what's in my hear, always seems to come out different. I like to argue the facts or opinions, but emotions and personal attacks turn the discussion nasty.

I need a long walk in the woods, 12/26/14 hurry up.

From: spike78
Bbb, no nastiness from me, im not that type. I have no hatred for this kid, in fact I hope the rich santa brought him the xbox and sponge bob pj's he had on his list ;). Merry Christmas to all.

You can write all the garbage you want. I got one bow tag left. Any one want to go head to head with me in the final week bring it on. I will hunt state land only, you pick the category ...biggest buck.. Rack score, heaviest doe? I will give my harvest to hunters for the hungry.... Who's in and who's out?

From: CTCrow
How about playing the silence game?

I loved playing that with my kids.

And my apologies to all of you, I only brought this up because I see it as an issue in my area with a lot of private land owner tags being filled.

I never knew this would turn so sour. Just because I fill and use land owner tags does not mean I agree with it. Thanks for all your feed back and insight.

From: Andyw
Bbh, if you don't agree with it , why do you do it? Do you have a big family ?, do you share a lot ?. Whatever. If it is legal than just do what you need to do. I'm convinced all the guys on this site could easily fill their tags if they chose to. Some do, some are picky, some just sit in trees and watch em BBB. . If you need to keep beating a dead horse go ahead, it is comical reading your posts. Merry Christmas, now go shoot a deer if you have to.

From: bigbuckbob

killing a deer is not the measure of a man, or a hunter.

Ok I said I was gone but I will create one more post to show you my point

From: spike78
Brian dont you have a hundred gifts to open under the ten foot tree? What are you doing on here on xmas morning? Im bored as hell but you must have some video games to play? Just curious what are you shooting for a bow? Draw weight? Arrows? Broadheads?

From: treeman16
If someone else starts a "how was your season thread" ill post. I don't like wasting my time with people who have no clue!

I shoot a pse brute at set 60 pounds with rage mechanicals. They seem to fly as accurate as my field tips and do great damage on the lungs or liver

I Also shoot a kodabow crossbow when I am looking to still hunt or I am so layered up in clothes that the string hits my jacket on a draw

From: treeman16
That proves you have a clue?

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