Mathews Inc.
Contributors to this thread:
yelper tom 11-Mar-15
yelper tom 11-Mar-15
Turkeyhunter 11-Mar-15
Bow Crazy 11-Mar-15
Drop Tine 11-Mar-15
CaptMike 11-Mar-15
Knife2sharp 11-Mar-15
Badger Bucks 11-Mar-15
Turkeyhunter 22-Mar-15
Turkeyhunter 23-Mar-15
From: yelper tom
Has anyone heard any gobbling in the morning?

From: yelper tom
Awesome! !

From: Turkeyhunter
Last Saturday morning they were gobbling when I left early to get out on the ice.

From: Bow Crazy
On sunny, calm, 30 degree days this time of year you can bet they are gobbling their heads off. I heard some Saturday morning going crazy until they hit the ground, then nothing. Pulled my trail camera and have some photos of Toms in full strut. BC

From: Drop Tine
Monday morning while Coyote hunting had three or four of them hammering every time my call sounded off. LOL

From: CaptMike
Lots of gobbling in Waukesha county.

From: Knife2sharp
Last Saturday morning in St. Croix co as I was heading out the door on my way to the IA Deer Classic.

There were two groups of toms this winter in my valley, one group of six that are 3+ year olds and another group of three 2 year olds. Also, the winter flock in total was 30+, which hasn't been that high for a few years now. The last two winters have been six to eighe, and three years ago was about 12 in size.

From: Badger Bucks
Sunday morning while walking the dogs just before sunrise here in southern WI I heard a tom gobbling on the roost.

From: Turkeyhunter
This morning when I let the dogs out they were gobbling up a storm!

The girls flushed their first doodle bird of the year today too.

From: Turkeyhunter
And you had best be ready at 10 AM sharp, at your computer and logged-in for online purchase.

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