Moultrie Mobile
Crossbows at bowshoots
West Virginia
Contributors to this thread:
Babysaph 09-May-15
WV Mountaineer 10-May-15
Jim Casto Jr 10-May-15
Babysaph 10-May-15
Babysaph 10-May-15
babysaph 11-May-15
babysaph 11-May-15
Jim Casto Jr 11-May-15
wvbownut 11-May-15
Babysaph 11-May-15
WV Mountaineer 12-May-15
babysaph 12-May-15
Ron Miller 17-May-15
WV Mountaineer 17-May-15
Babysaph 17-May-15
speedy 06-Jun-15
From: Babysaph
I'm wondering how the crossbows at bowshoots will be received? Lol.

I'd say that act of carrying it around will prohibit it from being at shoots. Kinda along the same line of hunting with it too. They aren't easy to maneuver or carry around. God Bless

From: Jim Casto Jr
Depends on the bow shoot. The I.B.O. has had classes for crossbows for years. Makes it difficult for small state organizations to rationalize their opposition to something a national organization embraces. Wonder who has the most "credibility" to uninformed, non-hunting legislators?

From: Babysaph
I'm shooting one this weekend at our shoot.,

From: Babysaph
I'm shooting one this weekend at our shoot.,

From: babysaph
Of course I am just kidding.. But it will interesting to see how this evolves.

The I.B.O. has a class for crossbows. And I have shot with a group at the Izaak Walton league in Jefferson county that a guys girlfriend shot her crossbow at.

From: babysaph
Cool. I shoot there all the time but I have never seen one. We will start seeing them more and more at shoots now.

From: Jim Casto Jr

Jim Casto Jr's Link

From: wvbownut
We are shooting a R-100 shoot next weekend in Ohio and they have a crossbow class. People lugging them thru the woods and the funny thing is they don't score as well as the bowhunters.

From: Babysaph
A good compound shooter will out shoot a crossbow.

A decent compound shooter will put shoot a good crossbow shot anyday, at any range over 20 or so yards. God Bless

From: babysaph
but what makes them different is that they are easier to get started with. you don't have to draw them and they are easier to shoot. I put my first arrow ever in the bullseye at 40 yards with one.

From: Ron Miller
The Good Ol Boys say they shoot Real Good off a 4 -wheeler---especially in those BOW HUNTING ONLY COUNTIES !

From the amount of rifle shots I heard when I used to hunt there, I'd say most of the Good ole boys wouldn't know anything about a crossbow. Hard to argue you are bear hunting, coyote hunting, etc... when you are riding around on a 4 wheeler with a crossbow too.

I thought getting hunters started was what's needed?

No problems with liking or disliking them. I'd just make sure I was basing it on realities. Not emotions. God Bless

From: Babysaph
You are right Ron

From: speedy
Probably shoot out a vehicle window real well also. Can hunt without having to get out of vehicle.

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