Sitka Gear
I Gotta Pee
New York
Contributors to this thread:
Peepin Tom 28-Oct-15
scentman 28-Oct-15
deerman406 28-Oct-15
kc 28-Oct-15
pogo 28-Oct-15
deerman406 28-Oct-15
kc 28-Oct-15
tcosmic 04-Nov-15
From: Peepin Tom
So at what point do you guys start trailing a drag line and hanging scent wicks? I'm always hesitant to put any scent in the woods but I did it last year for the first time and it seemed to bring in some bucks so I'm going for it again.

From: scentman
Young buck urine is all I use, on a drag and in existing scrapes... pee's off the other bucks in that area. I start using once I find the first opened scrape, I sometimes take the soil from one scrape and sprinkle in another.

From: deerman406
I did a drag rag yesterday afternoon. That is early for me but I am leaving for Kansas tomorrow and figured I would give it a try. I had 2 small bucks follow it right to my tree. I also had a 100" 8pt. cross my track and he sniffed it once and never paid any attention to it. all the scrapes and sign starting to appear is mostly just the young'uns who don't know any better. I normally start using drags and scents the first week in November. I never hang scent wicks I just use the drag rag and throw it up over a branch, deer are very sensitive to scent and I believe wicks and such can be over powering to them and actually spook them. Shawn

From: kc
good luck in KS Shawn. I will be right behind you. Am leaving for there Sat.

From: pogo
I just talked about this on my thread.

From: deerman406
I am also using only fresh doe and buck urine I collected myself from 3 different bucks killed in the last 10 days as well as 2 does. I love when I get a full bladder. I tie it off and than drain it into a dark brown bottle I always have handy. Shawn

From: kc
couple of weeks ago I made a mock scrape with the heel of my boot. No scent. A deer worked it once. On my way out the other day I relieved myself in it. The next day there was a scrape made next to mine 3 times it's size.

From: tcosmic
I have started many scrapes like that. It often works but they hit them at night. I have seen bucks hit scrapes during the day. Trouble is they most often come in downwind.

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