Moultrie Mobile
Using sponges to kill coyotes
Contributors to this thread:
rabbithunter01 22-Sep-16
Fuzzy 23-Sep-16
ALPF 09-Feb-22
Fuzzy 20-May-22
Thorin 09-Jan-23
When ALL ELSE FAILS, this is what we do to have a decent small game habitat on our property. Cut up natural sponges in 1" pieces and soak in liquefied bacon or hamburger grease. Do not touch them and place in freezer to harden. Spread many good size handfuls at dusk around coyote habitat away from other animals. May check the next day if worried about pets and remove piles not eaten. This method works and should be repeated every 4 to 6 months. After several years, you will be amazed at the reappearance of small game; and this is not illegal on your own property.

From: Fuzzy
interesting. blocks them up? how does it affect other carnivores, like fox, raccoon, opossum, etc?

From: ALPF
Can you provide a link to where to get the sponges from? why 1". isn't that too small? do you have to tide them up with cotton?

From: Fuzzy
ALPF 6 years later and rabbithunter hasn't answered my question/comment, maybe D
From: Thorin
That's f'd up. Seriously ignorant approach to wildlife management.

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