Sitka Gear
Wah wah wah wah....
Contributors to this thread:
sitO 06-Dec-17
Leebo1963 07-Dec-17
sitO 07-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 07-Dec-17
LTG 11 07-Dec-17
hogthief 07-Dec-17
Leebo1963 07-Dec-17
sitO 07-Dec-17
Wally 07-Dec-17
sitO 07-Dec-17
liktobowhunt 07-Dec-17
kscowboy 07-Dec-17
liktobowhunt 08-Dec-17
ksq232 08-Dec-17
Ksgobbler 08-Dec-17
liktobowhunt 08-Dec-17
KB 08-Dec-17
sitO 08-Dec-17
The Kid 08-Dec-17
BeardsAndBones 08-Dec-17
sitO 08-Dec-17
liktobowhunt 08-Dec-17
sitO 08-Dec-17
liktobowhunt 08-Dec-17
ksq232 08-Dec-17
Matt Palmquist 08-Dec-17
sitO 08-Dec-17
Ksgobbler 08-Dec-17
sitO 10-Dec-17
ksq232 10-Dec-17
ksq232 10-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 10-Dec-17
sitO 10-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 10-Dec-17
sitO 10-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 11-Dec-17
ksq232 11-Dec-17
sitO 11-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 11-Dec-17
cherney12 11-Dec-17
cherney12 11-Dec-17
Westksbowhunter 11-Dec-17
sitO 16-Dec-17
Kansasclipper 17-Dec-17
crestedbutte 17-Dec-17
kscowboy 17-Dec-17
Kansasclipper 17-Dec-17
sitO 02-Jan-18
sitO 02-Jan-18
hogthief 03-Jan-18
ksq232 03-Jan-18
ksq232 03-Jan-18
sitO 03-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 03-Jan-18
Catscratch 04-Jan-18
Leebo1963 04-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 04-Jan-18
sitO 04-Jan-18
sitO 04-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 04-Jan-18
Leebo1963 05-Jan-18
sitO 05-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 05-Jan-18
sitO 13-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 13-Jan-18
sitO 13-Jan-18
sitO 13-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 13-Jan-18
keepemsharp 14-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 14-Jan-18
ksq232 14-Jan-18
Leebo1963 14-Jan-18
ksq232 16-Jan-18
sitO 16-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 16-Jan-18
sitO 16-Jan-18
Ksgobbler 16-Jan-18
sitO 16-Jan-18
sitO 17-Jan-18
MDW 17-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 17-Jan-18
sitO 17-Jan-18
liktobowhnt 20-Jan-18
Ksgobbler 20-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 20-Jan-18
sitO 21-Jan-18
ksq232 22-Jan-18
cherney12 22-Jan-18
ksq232 23-Jan-18
sitO 23-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 23-Jan-18
Ksgobbler 23-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 23-Jan-18
crestedbutte 23-Jan-18
Leebo1963 23-Jan-18
crestedbutte 23-Jan-18
sitO 23-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 23-Jan-18
sitO 23-Jan-18
Leebo1963 24-Jan-18
hogthief 24-Jan-18
ksq232 24-Jan-18
crestedbutte 24-Jan-18
KSLand 25-Jan-18
crestedbutte 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
cherney12 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
cherney12 25-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 25-Jan-18
Catscratch 25-Jan-18
ksq232 26-Jan-18
crestedbutte 26-Jan-18
ksq232 26-Jan-18
KSLand 26-Jan-18
crestedbutte 26-Jan-18
Brick 29-Jan-18
cherney12 29-Jan-18
Catscratch 29-Jan-18
ksq232 29-Jan-18
sitO 29-Jan-18
oake 29-Jan-18
ksq232 29-Jan-18
The Kid 29-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 29-Jan-18
cherney12 29-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 29-Jan-18
cherney12 29-Jan-18
CJE 29-Jan-18
Ksgobbler 29-Jan-18
Kansasclipper 29-Jan-18
The Kid 29-Jan-18
sitO 29-Jan-18
Catscratch 30-Jan-18
Leebo1963 30-Jan-18
ksq232 30-Jan-18
Westksbowhunter 30-Jan-18
Catscratch 30-Jan-18
ksq232 30-Jan-18
cherney12 30-Jan-18
KSLand 30-Jan-18
ksq232 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
sitO 03-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 03-Feb-18
writer 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
sitO 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 03-Feb-18
sitO 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
sitO 03-Feb-18
liktobowhnt 03-Feb-18
crestedbutte 04-Feb-18
Kansasclipper 04-Feb-18
crestedbutte 04-Feb-18
sitO 10-Feb-18
ksq232 10-Feb-18
sitO 10-Feb-18
ksq232 10-Feb-18
Leebo1963 11-Feb-18
sitO 11-Feb-18
sitO 13-Feb-18
writer 13-Feb-18
sitO 13-Feb-18
Leebo1963 20-Feb-18
sitO 20-Feb-18
ksq232 20-Feb-18
writer 20-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 20-Feb-18
crestedbutte 20-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 20-Feb-18
EmbryOklahoma 20-Feb-18
sitO 21-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 22-Feb-18
writer 23-Feb-18
Catscratch 23-Feb-18
Ksgobbler 23-Feb-18
Ksgobbler 23-Feb-18
writer 23-Feb-18
ksq232 23-Feb-18
writer 23-Feb-18
Catscratch 23-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 23-Feb-18
writer 23-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 23-Feb-18
Ksgobbler 24-Feb-18
ksq232 24-Feb-18
ksq232 24-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 24-Feb-18
ksq232 24-Feb-18
Leebo1963 24-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 24-Feb-18
Catscratch 24-Feb-18
writer 24-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 24-Feb-18
crestedbutte 24-Feb-18
cherney12 25-Feb-18
z hunter 25-Feb-18
ksq232 25-Feb-18
ksq232 25-Feb-18
Westksbowhunter 25-Feb-18
Catscratch 02-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 02-Mar-18
Catscratch 02-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 03-Mar-18
sitO 03-Mar-18
ksq232 03-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 03-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 03-Mar-18
writer 03-Mar-18
sitO 03-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 03-Mar-18
sitO 03-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
writer 04-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 04-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
Thornton 04-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 04-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 04-Mar-18
liktobowhnt 04-Mar-18
ksq232 04-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 04-Mar-18
hogthief 05-Mar-18
sitO 05-Mar-18
hogthief 05-Mar-18
ksq232 05-Mar-18
hogthief 05-Mar-18
cherney12 05-Mar-18
hogthief 05-Mar-18
Westksbowhunter 05-Mar-18
cherney12 05-Mar-18
Ksgobbler 05-Mar-18
Leebo1963 05-Mar-18
sitO 05-Mar-18
hogthief 06-Mar-18
Leebo1963 06-Mar-18
sitO 07-Mar-18
hogthief 07-Mar-18
cherney12 07-Mar-18
hogthief 07-Mar-18
writer 07-Mar-18
sitO 07-Mar-18
writer 07-Mar-18
sitO 07-Mar-18
sitO 07-Mar-18
hogthief 08-Mar-18
writer 08-Mar-18
Leebo1963 09-Mar-18
sitO 09-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 09-Mar-18
sitO 09-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 09-Mar-18
ksq232 09-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 09-Mar-18
Leebo1963 10-Mar-18
Leebo1963 10-Mar-18
writer 10-Mar-18
ksq232 10-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 10-Mar-18
ksq232 10-Mar-18
crestedbutte 10-Mar-18
writer 10-Mar-18
Ksgobbler 10-Mar-18
writer 10-Mar-18
sitO 10-Mar-18
ksq232 10-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 10-Mar-18
ksq232 10-Mar-18
sitO 10-Mar-18
Leebo1963 10-Mar-18
Leebo1963 10-Mar-18
writer 10-Mar-18
kscowboy 11-Mar-18
ksq232 11-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 11-Mar-18
z hunter 11-Mar-18
Leebo1963 16-Mar-18
Ksgobbler 16-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 16-Mar-18
sitO 16-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 16-Mar-18
ksq232 16-Mar-18
sitO 16-Mar-18
ksq232 16-Mar-18
Leebo1963 16-Mar-18
sitO 16-Mar-18
writer 16-Mar-18
ksq232 18-Mar-18
ksq232 18-Mar-18
writer 19-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 19-Mar-18
kscowboy 19-Mar-18
writer 19-Mar-18
ksq232 24-Mar-18
Leebo1963 25-Mar-18
sitO 25-Mar-18
Leebo1963 26-Mar-18
writer 26-Mar-18
writer 26-Mar-18
cherney12 26-Mar-18
hogthief 26-Mar-18
Kansasclipper 26-Mar-18
cherney12 26-Mar-18
sitO 17-Apr-18
writer 17-Apr-18
ksq232 18-Apr-18
hogthief 19-Apr-18
cherney12 19-Apr-18
hogthief 19-Apr-18
Kansasclipper 19-Apr-18
sitO 19-Apr-18
Kansasclipper 19-Apr-18
sitO 19-Apr-18
cherney12 19-Apr-18
writer 20-Apr-18
cherney12 20-Apr-18
hogthief 20-Apr-18
Kansasclipper 20-Apr-18
sitO 15-Oct-18
Bodyman 15-Oct-18
Leebo1963 16-Oct-18
cherney12 16-Oct-18
sitO 16-Oct-18
ksq232 16-Oct-18
ksq232 16-Oct-18
sitO 16-Oct-18
cherney12 16-Oct-18
ksq232 16-Oct-18
cherney12 16-Oct-18
sitO 16-Oct-18
ksq232 16-Oct-18
cherney12 16-Oct-18
ksq232 16-Oct-18
sitO 16-Oct-18
writer 16-Oct-18
sitO 16-Oct-18
Leebo1963 17-Oct-18
cherney12 17-Oct-18
writer 17-Oct-18
sitO 17-Oct-18
Ksgobbler 17-Oct-18
Leebo1963 17-Oct-18
sitO 17-Oct-18
sitO 06-Nov-18
Wally 06-Nov-18
writer 06-Nov-18
crestedbutte 06-Nov-18
Leebo1963 07-Nov-18
sitO 07-Nov-18
lord o'horns 07-Nov-18
From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: Leebo1963
That will be your face when Snyder is gone!! The Kitty Kats will join KU in the football cellar!!

From: sitO
Lee, do you honestly believe any team could be as bad as KU? Honestly?

I'm curious what you boys thought about last night's game? Pretty hard to believe that's a #2 or even top 20 team if you ask me.

When Macey Grahm missed those two free throws on the late technical, it almost felt bad to laugh. Poor little thing, she couldn't even hit a lay-up last night.

Lol. Bill Snyder good coach on an decent conference. Clean program with integrity. 8-11 bowl record when you measure success outside of big 12.

From: LTG 11
Best Toupee in the Business!!!

From: hogthief
Maybe KU needs to look into a better car deal? I'm a MIZZOU fan, please feel free to shoot back. We have been easy targets.

From: Leebo1963
Kyle, I would agree totally that they aren't the no. 2 team in the country. They will struggle unless they have another big man. I have another reason to be a Jayhawk fan, my daughter got accepted to KU with the goal of being a pediatric nurse practitioner. So I am going to be invested in that school (proud dad!). Can you tell me where Kstate ranked in football before Snyder went to Manhattan? I believe they were known as the worst D-1 team!

From: sitO
Congrats to your daughter, great academic school! I have no idea where we ranked before Bill, it was bad...but not this bad.

From: Wally
Doesn't KU have the best over all record in football against K-State?? Kitty Cats need to remember it does get worse than KU football you've been there and Snyder won't coach forever.

From: sitO
3wins - 33losses in the last 3 it can't get a whole lot worse than that Wally Wildcat...I like the ring of that ;?)

Funny how nobody wants to talk about Basketball lol

From: liktobowhunt

From: kscowboy
Yeah, Sooners. That Rodney Anderson seems like a stand-up guy. Seems like Coach Briley is trying to replicate Baylor's success.

It's just a coincidence this rape thing surfaced after the Big XII Championship and the playoff selection, isn't it?

From: liktobowhunt
dont be a hater one bad apple dosent spoil the bunch, you prob think alabama should be playing

From: ksq232
KU will win the Big 12 again, they will make at least the sweet 16 again, they will finish the year ranked in or near the top ten again... K-State hangs their hat on football, but they'll never touch KU's basketball success. How long before K-State wins a football national championship? KU threatens pretty much every year, you can say they fall short, but they're in the conversation. When was the last time K-State's football national championship chances were discussed on ESPN???

From: Ksgobbler

From: liktobowhunt
Basketball was invented in kansas alot of people dont know that

From: KB
Basketball was not invented in Kansas.

2012, James. Apples to oranges comparing football to basketball titles though. Neither of KU’s modern titles came as a consensus #1 or #2, which you had to be until 3 years ago in CFB. If there was a 16 team playoff dating back 20 years or so in CFB it’s pretty conceivable the Cats would’ve played a roll in a handful.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

sitO's Link
That's a great link! Has a ticker for time since last road win...LOL

James we must have been watching a different game, if you think that team is making "Sweet 16"

From: The Kid
Real Question.... Does anyone ACTUALLY believe that K-State will fall that far when Bill retires??

K-state fans don't realize that if you leave the Midwest nobody even knows who k-state is, Kentucky state? It's not like the SEC or any major conference is concerned with them. State had some success in the 90's but haven't done anything since then. Congrats on the toilet bowl game nobody will watch or care about.. KU is nationally recognized and always in the top ten in the nation. Yes our football team sucks but at least we are successful in something.. And our fans don't have to wear purple lol

From: sitO
I've been in 49 states Zach, trust me they know who we are, and plenty of folks will be watching to see if we "fail" again in this bowl...but at least we're going ;?)

KU is nationally recognized it's true...for hair pullin, trippin, car jackin, b____ slappin, and then there's Macey Graham...

From: liktobowhunt
ok but the inventer was ks. first coach

From: sitO
He stole it from the natives Frank...get back to the cooler!

From: liktobowhunt
Dont need no cooler today sit

From: ksq232
Kyle, they will be in the sweet 16 again this year. Tell you what, you buy another person's new KBA membership for a year if they are, I'll do the same if they're not, deal? :)

Best bet I have seen on here yet:)

From: sitO

From: Ksgobbler

Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Also this beauty ran in the university newspaper and a billboard is in the works. I did donate money to the cause and the gofundme raised a couple grand in no time.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
James, I think the KBA memberships are still $25, just FYI.

And yes I know K-State shot 13% from beyond the arc last night...hard to watch... probably lost our #35 ranking ;?)

From: ksq232
If you could see my face you'd know I'm still not worried. :)

From: ksq232
Gobbler you're right KU has to get rid of that wildcat hack!!!! I think KSU played KU bad in football just to give Zenger "we're improving" fire power. Just like KU let KSU stay in the games last year so the wildcats will keep Bam.

Shockers best in the state! In my opinion have been for several years. Definitely superior to K-State.

From: sitO
Which team did WSU beat again?

I agree, they're best in far...heck, even their football team"s better than KU !?)

Well they just beat OU. Since 2012 they are in the top 5 in the NCAA Tourney in wins. In a new league this year so the nay sayer's will have to keep their mouth shut now!

From: sitO
OSU yesterday...OU this Saturday

Left off the s. Also beat Baylor.

From: ksq232
WSU... always a fan of their players, classy fellas usually. The coach is a punk. He gets the team to play for sure, I'm just glad they don't act like him! :)

From: sitO

Largest deficit of defeat in "Madman-Billy's" tenure during an NCAA tourney...just said.

Greg Marshall is a class act! And one of the best in the business.

From: cherney12
Just because you say something doesn't mean it's true...

From: cherney12

His players like him and stay 4 years. They transfer in not out. Nothing wrong with a coach standing up for his players. They graduate and he runs a clean program.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

Well the Shockers went down.

From: crestedbutte
Boomer Sooner baby! Now on to the CFP Rose Bowl game to dominate another team ranked 3 on New Years Day. So much offensive production that I swear I saw Baker Mayfield drain a 3 ptr. too?

No “shocker” here as I knew all along this OU team was severely underrated. Sooners completely carved up the Shockers “play angry” defense. Sooners had more steals, more blocks, less fouls and less turnovers.

Most amazing thing about today was not that OU won, but how they controlled the game pretty much start to finish and Shockers got no closer than a two possession game. Second most amazing thing was how WSU seems to find an almost bald 20 year old white guy to play every year?

Look out Jayhawks ....Trae Young picked OU over KU so he could be on the team that breaks KU’s Conf. Champ winning streak.

From: kscowboy
Tap the breaks. TCU, Tech, WVU, and Baylor are all ranked---and ahead of OU in the AP. Big XII is going to be interesting this year.

Young is the best player in the nation.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
Quick...everyone turn to ESPN and watch as "Mad Billy" has a heart attack!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: hogthief
Army beat Loyola? Wow!

From: ksq232
Big twelve is going to be a meat grinder this year! I'm glad our bet is for a Sweet 16 bid and not the big twelve title for the 50th time, or 14th... I'm still not worried Kyle! :)

From: ksq232
Then again, I've done a little more reading... Dok is hurt, and he's their only true big man, Lightfoot is talented but weak. According to what I read, Dok's back won't get any worse, but he'll have to play through the pain, it's probably not going to get any better either. Until Desousa and Preston get eligible, it's gonna be ugly at times. Now I'm really glad we didn't bet on the Big 12!!!!

From: sitO
There's a smell permeating from all KU fans right ain't Salty Iguana bean dip...


Other than Dok, it is a weak pathetic team. Average body weight around 160 lbs. They can't defend or rebound. We need bodies like the Morris boys and T Rob. Quit recruiting girls. First thing I would do is make Vick cut his hair. I am a lifetime KU fan but this team has no flavor or personality, hard to like.

From: Catscratch
They refuse to play defense. Might as well put in a zone and plug up the middle... they aren't defending the 3 anyway.

From: Leebo1963
They obviously aren't very good right now, but I have faith in Self and his staff. I will be very surprised if they aren't the the best team in the conference by the end! Rock Chalk

They might turn into the best team in the conference but not the best team in the state!

From: sitO
Shocks are on FIRE tonight

From: sitO
If MD can take out the Spartan's...KU might stay in the poll

As a sympathy vote of course

They are nasty on defense! "Play Angry".

From: Leebo1963
The Shockers better sale their soul to keep Marshall or they will loose that winning way. They will be irrelevant again just like K-State will be when Snyder is gone!!

From: sitO
Like KU will be when they're in the NIT this year... and Billy's melon explodes?

I don't think he will leave now. They are in a power conference and he doesn't have a football program to compete with. Duke, Kentucky, KU, North Carolina, Michigan State are about the only schools who have jobs that would be appealing. Wichita State has out performed the rest of the field since 2012.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

Well today is the super bowl for K-state.

From: sitO
This is basketball Jeff, it's a round ball...simple mistake most KU fans make

From: sitO
Good wussies

Weber cost Kstate dearly with those 2 stupid time outs. They were not going to review that out of bounds call had he not called time out with a 1:15 left. He should have saved them for the end of the game, it cost them a possession. Then he should not have called time out after the first free throw by Newman. Call it on a miss or push it to half court then call time out with about 12 seconds left. Stupid clock management.

From: keepemsharp
Maybe the player diaria cost it with his mouth technical?

Nope, that technical did not do it.

From: ksq232
Webber is such a panzie, I'm SO glad he's K-State's coach!! My brother-in-law, a K-State grad, is counting the days until Webber is dismissed. I'm counting the days until K-State grad, Sheehan Zenger, is dismissed!!!!

From: Leebo1963
Weber should be finished after this season. His post game criticism is very unprofessional, it is his fault they can't win close games!! I admit KU will miss him!! Lmao

From: ksq232
Quite a win for the Hawks last night! I'm hoping the Cats can knock off Trae and company...

From: sitO
Twenty-trae to nine at this juncture...Cat's ain't half bad this year. Look at the "box" for the "Showdown"...had your sorry donkeys. Overzealous guard and a weak coach on our side but hey...we had a 10% chance according to ESPNah

WV made you look like the panzie's you are in that first 1/2...go plant a raised bed for your NIT inauguration

Hawks played very well last night. First time I have seen someone from the Big 12 wear out WV. They were dead tired in the last 8 minutes. Kstate does not have the winning tradition to pull off close games. Losing is a hard habit to break. They will always be third fiddle in this state.

From: sitO
You obviously missed the first half, it's ok... everyone needs a nap now and then.

Our banjo had your mandolin at hello

From: Ksgobbler

Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Don’t worry sitO. Nobody can ever take these away from you

From: sitO
Lol I hate you

From: sitO

There it is

From: MDW
I don't normally watch a lot of basketball, but the cats made it look fairly easy last night. Now if they turn-a-round and let some completely unknown kick their butts?

No Trae Young made it look easy for the kitty cats. Fort Hays could have beaten OU last night.

From: sitO
We shut him down and got him all "red-faced". He shot very poorly but still managed 20. The Men's team from Kansas shot 56% from the field, and 53% from the arc...better team last night.

SMU was droppin bombs tonight, Milton won't be long for this league.

From: liktobowhnt
Bedlam come on trey ft1:49 left overtime

From: Ksgobbler
Jayhawks won another one.

Shockers lost another one.

From: sitO
and the men's team beat two top 25's this week

From: ksq232

ksq232's embedded Photo
ksq232's embedded Photo
Speaking of top 25 teams...

From: cherney12
Once you get over a certain number does that count for a national championship?

From: ksq232
Don't think so, Kansas will have to add to their total the old fashioned way.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

Bill Self got out coached. Take Udoka out and you had to know what was coming on the pick and roll.

From: Ksgobbler
That folks is why Self struggles to make it past the Elite 8. Jesus that was hard to watch.

Sickening, empty possession after empty possession, and all controlled by Lon Kruger. I have coached basketball for 30 years and would have immediately yanked Udoka after the first foul. Do you want a 40% free throw shooter shooting every possession the last 4 minutes or do you want Svi shooting 3's?

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
That was a FUN one to watch! Sooners just toyed with them chicken hawks and then turned it on in the last 2 min. Much like an NBA game. Boomer!

From: Leebo1963
Hack a Dok was only for the last 3 1/2 minutes, the Hawks only scored 4 points the last 7 minutes. Rough finish, but we will see what happens in Lawrence! It's tough for everyone in the conference on the road! Rock Chalk!

From: crestedbutte
Kruger did the right thing. Self did nothing. Last 9 minutes OU outscored KU 21-8.

If they keep ”brick throwing” Udoka in games, then KU better get used to it. He built a mansion from the line tonight.

As #6 will be alright KU fan “go cheer on basketball.” U’m wait! BOOMER!

From: sitO

Sylvia De "sucka" and Newman with his Superman pose down by 5?

That's why people hate KU...get used to it

Your right, it is tough on the road in any conference but your coach has to give you every advantage to win and that did not happen. Lightfoot should have been in the game. It was Poka Doka.

From: sitO
No coach is gonna save this crew coach, they are who we thought they were

From: Leebo1963
Everyone who isn't a fan is a hater!!

From: hogthief
you guys are so lucky you still have someone(s) to hate. I just can't get fired up over that big Vandy game. M-I-Z!

From: ksq232
Sito, I hope your memory isn't too short, De Sousa will make you eventually eat those words. He was playing against high school boys 3 weeks ago, lol! And as far as the hate, that hate will finally make K-State fans fill their "Octagon of Gloom" when KU rolls into town, just like Norman. At least OU fans didn't storm the floor like a bunch of idiots after the game... Oh and one more thing, are you going to pick out someone to buy the KBA membership for or are you going to do some kind of raffle??? :)

From: crestedbutte
OU doesn’t have to act like they’ve been there before. That’s why they don’t storm the court. OU vs KU games are “usually” closely contested no matter the venue. Therefore, I believe there is some level of mutual respect between the 2 programs....kind of like OU vs Neb football in the 70’s-80’s.

Anybody wanna guess how many free throws Udoka is shooting in KU’s practice today?

From: KSLand

KSLand's Link
Weird... I remember there were kids on the court after the game? Must be my imagination...

From: crestedbutte
Yeah, 12 people that made it through the security guards (in yellow jackets) represent a majority/mob of fans storming the court....whateva?

From: Catscratch
I get it. KU is a perennial powerhouse and it's a big deal to beat them... even when they have a weak team. Go to Youtube and search "storms court KU" and you'll find a nice selection of teams storming the court like they won March Madness.

I say KU has the best recruiting coach in the state, K-State has the best x and o's coach, and WSU has the best basketball coach in the state. K-State will never consistently be coached well enough to take advantage of the play calls, KU will will always have the best individual talent but they won't gel as a team, and WSU will never get the best talent because he will make them work hard and expect them to stay until they have a degree.

From: cherney12
Bruce Weber X and O's < Bill Self X and O's

From: Catscratch
You think??? I've always heard that Weber was a genius with the X and O's of the game (when he talks at clinics and stuff like that). He just isn't that great at getting his kids to execute the details properly. Some of Self's game decisions seem questionable, but I'm not a D1 coach so I'm just pissing in the wind when you get down to it.

From: cherney12
When I think X's and O's I think about getting your team a good look out of a timeout or calling the right play at the right time. Self is great at getting easy buckets out of timeouts or on in-bounds plays. He used to do a great job drawing up sets that would get his big guys great looks when he still had good post players. Weber can't draw up a play to save his life. How many times have we seen a pick and pop for the Dean was at 23+ feet when we need one or two points and are in the double bonus? Our offense is hard to watch most of the time. Been making shots lately tho. Maybe he is great at it on paper...I don't notice it when watching them play, I guess. Hopefully he'll make a run. Has them playing pretty well right now.

X's and O's are offense and defense. Its also transition offense, transition defense, out of bounds plays, press offense, etc. Making adjustments during the game, out of time outs, etc. But it all starts in practice. Weber is horrible in all phases. Self is great recruiter. Marshall gets the most out of his players and win's with 3 star athletes. Rocky Lamar and Tim Swartzendruber are far superior to Weber and are 2 of the finest coaches in the state.

From: Catscratch
I think ultimately we agree on all this stuff, just have different ways of saying it. Self is great coming out of time outs. It's too bad he doesn't have more of them (except that with all the media time outs and coaches time outs the kids don't even have to be in shape... the game never goes more than a few minutes at a time). I get the feeling that Self's team will never gel this season. I love that K-State is winning games, and really love that WSU is doing well. KU just isn't very good this yr.

KU is very good, anyone who knows much about the game knows that. They are the favorite to win the Big 12. They are not what they have been in the past, but very good.

From: Catscratch
Do you think they will win the big 12 and be a 1 seed in March? I'm a KU fan so I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not impressed with their defense so far and I'm having trouble seeing them gel together and playing good team ball like they will need to for the string of wins they will need in March.

I guess "good" is a relative word. Of course they are good compared to most teams, but are they good compared their normal level of play? I think they're taking a step down from normal so that's not good.

From: Catscratch
On a side note... I'm loving WSU''s defense and rebounding!

Yes they will probably win the Big 12 and will be a 1 or 2 seed. They are vulnerable due to depth but also more than capable. They have close to 2 months to gel.

From: Catscratch
I hope you're right. I see the possibility of loosing the Big 12 tourney and being a 2 or 3 seed.

From: ksq232
I can almost guarantee one thing, if Missouri squeaks into the big dance, they'll be scheduled to meet KU in the round of 32. And just for kicks, they'll put WSU in KU's path too.

From: crestedbutte
Let’s not avoid the elephant in the room shall we...who wins Big Monday game? Based on recent play I gotta lean K-State!

I also believe Wichita St. finishes 3rd in American Conf. but gets into NCAA tourney by either playing in conf. tournament semi-final or winning it.

From: ksq232
As a KU fan, I'm just thinking about A&M right now. That said, I think K-State will win at Allen Fieldhouse West this year; but then again, I was giving KU about a 10% chance of winning at West Virginia too. One more thing, KU should have won at OU, they gave that game away. The play of Newman and Svi has been impressive, KU controlled the game until the end, even with Graham having an off shooting night. I think KU is playing quite well right now actually. I still think the kittens will win at AFW, because the "fans" will actually show up and cheer their team on one game and the place will be going crazy.

From: KSLand
Crested- Just giving you a hard time on OU storming the court. Saw those kids go out and found it funny and a little embarrassing for them lol.

As for the K-State-KU game, I would like to gear towards the Cats' but it's always tough to cheer for Bruce in a big game. Just never seems to get it done. With that being said, I do think they have turned their season around and have become one of the best, if not the best, half-court defenses in the Big12. If we can capitalize on turnovers and hit 40%+ from the field, I say we win. Just hope they don't overlook Georgia and lose an easy one before playing Monday.

From: crestedbutte
ksq....worried about A&M? They are tied for dead last in the SEC conf. K-State has Georgia and Georgia ain’t much better than A&M. Should be cakewalk home games for both KU & K-State.

From: Brick
No trash talk yet today? Disappointing.

From: cherney12
Dean Wade drop 27, Barry Brown dominates Graham on both ends...Cats win 78-65

From: Catscratch
K-State girls beat KU yesterday in a pretty good game...

From: ksq232
I still say the kittens win in a squeaker, meaning bruce will be squeaking like crazy and pull the win out with a last minute, GENIUS play call. ;)

Seriously, cats win in a close one.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: oake

oake's embedded Photo
oake's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Now THAT is funny!!

From: The Kid
79-72 Cats!! If I don't post in a while you will know why! ;)

4 minutes into the game and Weber can't figure out to post Wade on the guards. 6'10 vs 6'5.

From: cherney12
Lucky to not be down 25

A few less turnovers by KU and it would be 25. I have not really heard the Kstate faithful "BOO" much at all.

From: cherney12
That was horrible 21/65 and 6/27 shooting at home

From: CJE
RCJH.....that is all.

From: Ksgobbler

Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Ksgobbler's embedded Photo
Good win

Horrible job by Weber. Not once did they screen the zone, no hi low action verse the zone, no penetration against the zone, and they never once went to the short corner. Their main priority should have been to get the ball inside the zone to Wade but instead he left him on the perimeter. Very uninspired by the players. Kstate helped KU take the air out of the ball.

From: The Kid
NOT the game I was hoping for. Kstate looked dead and Ku looked great in the first half. I hope Bruce can get something together for a run in March.

From: sitO

I agree with Jeffy, however... I think the stripes set the tone in the first few minutes...but either way you can't beat a team shooting 70%.

We beat ourselves and Webber needs to G...O. How do you just decide to press with one minute left,when you've been down by double digits for hours?

I feel sorry for a Bradley, Bucknell, or Northern Iowa team if they think they can take these fellas!!

From: Catscratch
Still not convinced KU is all that good. They had a GREAT shooting night (which is a blast), but they had a ton of turnovers and are dependent on a big man that can't hit a free-throw to save his life. Their man-defense is weak; they let people past them on the perimeter and the big guys foul to compensate for being out of position.

It was a weird game to me. KU went to a 2-3 to protect their big guys from a team who was playing mediocre at best... and then K-State tried to shoot out of it (while having a terrible shooting night). Attack the zone like clipper said and then force them to foul you on man defense. K-State made KU look good last night.

The Bucknell's of the world should be drooling. KU's defense needs help, their big man can't hit free throws, they have tons of turnovers, and only play well when they are hitting from outside. I'm a huge KU fan and hope they change some of these things before March, but I certainly see issues that other teams will attack.

From: Leebo1963
Not long ago a number of you were bragging about how great a coach Webber is, much better then Self!! Now you are bashing him. I love you Cat fans!! Rock Chalk Baby!!!!!

From: ksq232
I see what you're saying cat, but while this team is built on the three, they have won a couple games this year when shooting pretty bad. Svi made a lot of his hay last night driving the lane, the improvement of Newman has been dramatic, and he is a slasher before anything else. Also, keep in mind, while KU's defense isn't up to it's usual level, they still rank 30th in the nation in total defense. KU isn't as good as usual, but they are still really good.

No depth and no size is KU's achilles. They can over come it in the Big 12 but not when it comes to NCAA tourney time.

From: Catscratch
I've never paid much attention to Weber's coaching before, but I'm now convinced I was giving him too much credit for making good game decisions.

KU fans are spoiled. KU wins a lot and has for a long time. With this in mind remember that when I judge their play it's though eyes focused on a championship run... and what will or will not get them there. Therefor I may sound harsh on them, but you won't win in March relying heavily on 3's, having lots of turnovers, and at the same time getting your non-freethrow shooting big man in foul trouble. It needs cleaned up.

And you are right about Svi driving the lane! I loved watching him split the defense or come out of a hesitation move to make an easy layup! Also loved all the backdoor alley-oops. And you were right about K-State fans showing up and dominating the gym. It takes a focused team to play in those conditions. KU has a chance and time to get there. They show promise in a lot of categories!

From: ksq232
We'll see; I think they are capable of a deep run. Some of that will depend on Desousa developing though. Mitch has been playing great lately, but he's way out of position when he has to defend a true 5. As far as depth, they go 8 deep in players that get a lot of minutes, that's more than enough for a deep tourney run.

From: cherney12
I thought the play of the game was a result of Self's coaching. KU started very poorly after halftime. Cats were on an 8-0 run to cut the lead to 5 and it felt like they were about to take control of the game. Inbounding the ball out of a timeout and Bill sends a double team to trap Barry Brown as soon as he catches the ball. He turns it over, leading to a couple free throws for KU and they settled in and took control again up 7 and never looked back... A bucket out of that timeout would have been huge and ole Bill had a trick up his sleeve to get the momentum back.

From: KSLand

KSLand's embedded Photo
KSLand's embedded Photo
This about says it all...

From: ksq232
KU about to give Tech a huge gift...:/

From: liktobowhnt
Damn them cowboys sorry cliper. Thats just how we roll every 5 yrs or so we come up there and get one im glad Mr Sutton retired

Poor effort. Need to cut Grahams minutes down, he has no legs right now. Maybe play 2 bigs. Wait we don't have 2 bigs.

From: liktobowhnt
Look im a ku fan after ou osu i have always rooted for u lets wait and see

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo


Kansasclipper's embedded Photo
Kansasclipper's embedded Photo

From: writer
194 31-5 26-4

From: liktobowhnt
Hahaha u hired them

From: liktobowhnt
Sit looks like u after u miss a shot

The Shockers are tanking. Frankamp looks like the walking dead, playing in zombie land. His body language is saying he is a team cancer right now.

From: liktobowhnt
Damn clip thats harsh. Its just ball

From: sitO
"The four-guard starting lineup has led to Kansas being ranked 30th in defensive efficiency at KenPom. From a ranking and a points-per-100-possessions standpoint, this is the worst defensive team of Self's career in the KenPom era, even dating back to his final seasons at Illinois." CBSSports

They were picked by 12 and down 13 at the half to the worst team in the Big 12 with an RPI of 119...

"the worst defensive rebounding team in the Big 12 allowed the Cowboys to grab 47.1 percent of their misses. That's a ludicrous number. KU's inability to box out teams on defense will be the defining trait that ends its season in the first or second weekend of the NCAA Tournament." CBSSports

From: liktobowhnt
Darn sit put alot of thought into that

He copy and pasted everything.

From: sitO
Not quite everything...but you know what "quotations" are Plad?

How bout those Cats though huh?


From: liktobowhnt
I quote u every day sit

From: liktobowhnt
He really thinks hes smart huh clip just because he has spellcheck haha

From: liktobowhnt
Hey clip does philly have a chance

Should be a good game but I don't have much interest in watching the spoiled, sour, pathetic NFL anymore. Just another "liberal" organization.

From: liktobowhnt
I feel the same its kinda sad when i think back im old enough to remember the ice bowl

From: sitO
Have you two tried Snapchat?

From: liktobowhnt
Your jealous

From: crestedbutte
Here is a li’l secret (especially if you could care less about either team playing like me) and you can wait until next day to see the SB commercials on YouTube. Tonight is one of the best nights of the year to go see a Movie! Might just have the entire theater to yourself?

Been almost 25 years since I set foot in a movie theater. $5.99 on PPV fits me just perfect.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo back from my movie and caught part of JT’s halftime performance. Forgot he was such a huge #6 fan!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: ksq232
Got your list trimmed yet if who’s getting a brand spanking new KBA membership courtesy of YOU?? :)

From: sitO
You can pick James...if that comes to fruition ;?)

Bet you sissy's are pullin for my boys tonight huh... lol!

From: ksq232
I’ve actually always cheered for the cats (when they’re not playing my hawks), you just bring out my ornery side, you and that dorky coach that is. :)

From: Leebo1963
I never cheer for the PussyCats or the Sooners!!!!.......Never!!!!!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
The KU "cheer"leaders are a special lot for sure

From: sitO
Kept it close against the last in the league tonight fellas...nice show

Mrs Graham was on fire!!

From: writer
Also set the NCAA record for most consecutive 20 win seasons and K-State is still out vitch. More losses against an opponent than any team in the NCAA. See, you get a record, too!! So, thanks for the kind words.

From: sitO
#winning ;?)

From: Leebo1963
That was a complete beat down by the Jayhawks, on both ends of the court!!! I bet you loved watching that Kyle!!

From: sitO
If they play like that I'm bettin they will make it past the first round this year...I know I know, it's a stretch

From: ksq232
Nice to see a little bit of the future with the 18 year old man-child last night! He probably won't have another game like that this year, but look out in a couple years!

Rock Chalk Kyle!!! :)

From: writer
Can Wildcats even spell NIT?

The Wildcats deserve to be in the tournament. OU does not. It will be disgraceful if they are selected. 5 teams should make it from the Big 12 KU, Texas Tech, KState, West Virginia, and Baylor. However Baylor is probably on the bubble. No way does OU deserve a shot. They are 6-9 in the conference and may finish with a .500 overall record.

From: crestedbutte
OU doesn’t need to worry about being selected...especially if they get automatic bid by winning the Conf. Tournament. Yeah right, that will happen?

They will loose 2 of their next 3 and won't make it.

I'm an OU fan as well and have a hard time believing they will make the tournament or deserve to. Seems the talk is, if they can win a couple more games that the voters will put them through because of the Young hype. Doesn't matter, they don't have a team to go past 1st round.

From: sitO
So...where is the OSU love tonight?

Cream rises to the top!

From: writer
Fun to go back and read how bad KU is, how great OU is, same for WSU. And the KState football team pre-Snyder was worse than KU last season which is hard to do. Snyder has said so several times.

From: Catscratch
Writer, I was quick to say KU isn't good this yr. I didn't think they were playing good defense, was weak in the post department, wasn't shooting freethrows well, and relied on 3's too much to be consistent against good teams. I haven't watched many games lately so I don't know how they have done in those area's, but I do know they have been winning.

So have they fixed those things? Are they playing good enough ball to win on a night that they aren't hitting 3's? Is defense good enough to stop a team that has more than one good player? I sincerely hope so. Nothing would make me happier than a deep run into March!

From: Ksgobbler
Looks like Van Vleet is caught up in the FBI investigation of college basketball now. The Cliff Alexander train wreck at KU scares the crap out of me.

From: Ksgobbler
Josh Jackson and Elijah Johnson

From: writer
Not surprised about Johnson, considering the nut-grab against Michigan. At least we know why the FBI didn’t have time to investigate multiple complaints against the crazy who shot up the Florida school.

From: ksq232
If, and I say if because more information is still coming out, but according to what's out there now, if Elijah Johnson received cash in 2015 (after he left KU) what's the point?

From: writer

writer's Link
Cat, I was referring to comments about OU and WSU being tops to others that say both are in the tank. Who knows what happens in the NCAA tourney? One bad game, or some smaller school shooting lights out and it’s over. Interesting what the worst coach, worst person in the world has done with such a shallow team. Self’s missing at least two blue-chip big men he was counting on to be studs this season. It’s a heck of an accomplishment they’ve made it this far.

From: Catscratch
Not much of an OU fan, but I really enjoy WSU being successful. They had a big win against Cinci the other night, and again showed that they "can" play with good teams. I hope the conference change works well for them and doesn't beat them down in the long run.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell Self is thinking (leaving guys in that can't defend or shoot free-throws at the end of a game), and then he strings together a 10pt run on a team.

I'm sure looking forward to March!

Catscratch nothing has changed, same team doing the same thing. If 3's are raining they can beat anyone. Still not good on defense and on the boards. Doke has turned it on. Big 12 has faded badly. OU, TCU and WVU have tanked. WSU still top team in this state. But they all have a chance as there is no dominate team in the NCAA. North Carolina is my pick to win it all. The ACC is the best conference in basketball, just like every year. As far as the previous comments, at least people voiced their opinion, it is easy to come in and point out who was wrong towards the end of the season and after the fact.

From: writer

I go back through and read those things every year, and even laugh at my own panic. In Facebook I’ve been up on OU, WSU, KU and then to the bottom on all three.

As far as the investigations go, it is ironic that the most corrupt law agency, the FBI, is investigating all this.

From: Ksgobbler
14 straight

From: ksq232
Rock chalk!

From: ksq232
“WSU still top team in the state”?? Lol I hope KU gets them in the tourney! Btw, KU has won some big games lately when the three ball did not go down. KU and WSU are both down this year. I’ll take a down KU over them any day this year.

WSU is not down this year. They are in a new conference, had 2 big injuries to their 2 best players, and they are on fire right now. I am a KU fan and hope they could beat WSU in a tourney match up. But having watched every game each of them has played this year, I give the edge to WSU just like the last time they played.

From: ksq232
Interesting, WSU is as good this year as they were the last two years? You might be the first person I’ve heard say that, besides delusional WSU fans.

From: Leebo1963
Self proves again that he is the best coach in the Big 12.

So you don't think they are as good as last year? They have every player back from last years squad.

From: Catscratch

Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo
Catscratch's embedded Photo
Amazing the shooting percentage's it takes to win games. Fall short on a category and it's tough to win.

From: writer
Hate to do this to you, Coach...but I have to agree with you as per WSU having one of their better teams, at least up and down the bench. Some of friends who are serious Shocker fans agree. A lot experience on that team...but I’m still giving KU the nod.

Right now they are playing lights out. McDuffie starting to find his game now will make them a tough out. Defensively they don't have Baker and Cotton but they have size and shooting. And good shooting trumps good defense, just ask Texas Tech. KU is peaking at the right time for a change.

From: crestedbutte

crestedbutte's embedded Photo
crestedbutte's embedded Photo
Boomer Sooner, baby!

From: cherney12
What do you mean KU is peaking at the right time for a change? They have done this same thing the last few years... started off shaky, their fans aren’t sure how good they are. They cruise through the big 12... their fans start to think they are better than they are, then they lose in the sweet 16 or elite 8 as a 1 or 2 seed to a more balanced team. They are maybe a top 15 team and will be a 1 seed.. big 12 is weak.

From: z hunter

z hunter's embedded Photo
z hunter's embedded Photo

z hunter's Link
Cruise? They win were the others fail.

From: ksq232
KU’s team is so different from what they’ve run out on the floor in the past. The Preston debacle has made them truly a four guard team, that’s why they’ve been getting killed on the boards. Seems like every year something has happened to a primary post player, last year Doke got hurt. I’ll never forget the sick feeling I had when Embiid went out of that OSU game. He was the most skilled big man in the country and he hadn’t even met a sliver of his potential yet. The difference this year is they are not only missing a big piece, they are incredibly thin at the post since Colby transferred last year — he’s playing well at Western Kentucky this year, but I bet he’s kicking himself for leaving. I can hardly believe what I’m seeing every game with 4 guards out there all the time. Maybe this is the year KU shakes it up and goes deeper in the tourney. Maybe they’ll be the ones shooting lights out from three for a change and knock somebody off. I almost wish they were going to be a lower seed this year.

From: ksq232
West, when it comes to WSU being down, I’ll be honest, I was thinking more of their team a couple of years ago with an NBA backcourt. And the year before that too when they had that stud swing man, I can’t remember his name.

Cle Early or Tekele Cotton? They have an NBA backcourt this year. WSU happens to be one the top 5 teams in the NCAA Tourney since 2012 with KU NC Kentucky and Villinova. They just didn't get the love playing in the Valley. But they are a top 10 team every year.

From: Catscratch
WSU won last night with a 3pt percentage somewhere in the low 20% range. Not easy to pull that off in this day and age. Will KU be able to win with a 20% from the arc night? I hope so! Self is starting to get a lot of credit for his 4 guard approach this yr...

He played 4 guards last year around Lucas.

From: Catscratch
Oh jeez clip. You're right, you're right, you're right! I'll quit bringing KU up even though we both appear to be fans. I kind of remember them playing 4 guards last yr. How did that work out against Oregon when they made something like 5 total 3's against them in the tournament? Crap man, it's like you're stalking me just to prove every post wrong. I said he's getting a lot of attention for it now. It is true, I'm seeing and gearing about it in the press the last couple of weeks. Enjoy the tournament.

Got a lot of press for it last year as well. Before that it was press for playing 2 point guards in 2015. Jordan Bell just dominated them last year. Basketball has changed. The days of Wilt, Russell, Kareem, Olajawon, Ewing, etc are long gone. Big men have to run the floor and shoot from the perimeter. Offense is now dribble drive oriented vs the old motion and pound the block.

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
#1 seed my A$$

From: ksq232
Quick on the trigger today Kyle, impressive. :) Sweet sixteen here we come!!

From: liktobowhnt
You just never know whos gonna win a ball game Damn Dem Cowboys now osu vrs ou one of em might make it

KU had no interest in playing today.

From: writer
One more time-






From: sitO







For a good time

For a good time call

From: liktobowhnt
You are a fricken nut

From: sitO
You sang it though huh Frank?

From: liktobowhnt
Oh yeah

From: writer
Cute, well played. No Jayhawk fans had a good time yesterday.

From: liktobowhnt
From now on sito You will be know as. Jeeny

I did, I got my new Mathews tuned and set up during the second half. Broadheads hitting with field tips. Ready to fill my Unit 4 Turkey Tag and Nebraska Tags.

From: liktobowhnt
Clip ive shot three turkey with a bow cant seem to kill one or atleast recover it. What am i doing wrong

From: liktobowhnt
I should say two out of three bow shots were in the fall shooting downward out of a treestand so maybe its the angle of shot

From: Thornton
Try expandable broadheads.

You don't need expandable heads, just study where to hit them. I have killed all mine with Magnus Stingers 4 blades. Straight up the legs and high is a good point of aim most of the time.

From: liktobowhnt
Heck of a ball game right now

Both teams capable of a final 4 run. The Bearcats defense is tough.

From: liktobowhnt
Great game the kind you hate to see any one loose

From: ksq232
Shockers lost, hope Gregggg’s wife didn’t cause another scene. :/

Cincinnati will be tough to beat in the tourney. Tough out for anyone. They contest everywhere.

From: hogthief
Ok boys, and maybe girls. Sell me on who I should root for in the Big XII tournament. I have lucked into an all-session ticket and since I'm a Mizzou guy I would appreciate a sharp stick sales job for who I should buy a t-shirt for. That being said, I can not in good faith root for KU. Yay Jason Sutherland! So, does that leave my only choice K-State? Sell me, and don't be kind! I really miss the Big 8/XII.

From: sitO
Gotta be K'State...all other jersey's have lace around the sleeves and are impregnated with Channel #5

Ours have beer and burger stains and smell like cow ____ ;?)

From: hogthief
hmmmmmm, interesting! not sure about how the beer/burger stains will look on lavender.

From: ksq232
It's awful hard not to cheer for Tech, I really like their coach. That's coming from a hardcore KU fan, so you don't have to take my advice. :)

From: hogthief
no. no. no. I respect a KU perspective. results can't be argued with. thank you. I will put down a check for the red raiders. so its cats 1 vote, TT 1.

From: cherney12

From: hogthief
nice. can they press for 3 days in a row?

Right now that cant press for 20 minutes.

From: cherney12
They have 3 less RPI 50+ losses than KU... and they surely won't blow a big lead against them a third time will they????

From: Ksgobbler
I really thought Chris Beard should’ve gotten the Big 12 coach of the year and not had to share it. Hope his streak with TTech continues.

From: Leebo1963
Texas Tech. There won't be Pussy Cat purple in the championship!

From: sitO
So....let me get this straight, yer a TTech gay now Lee?

I mean guy, of course I do

From: hogthief
so, TT vs either horns or clones on Thursday. no love for UT, but clone fans love KC, and they are old big 8. hmmmmm?

From: Leebo1963
Nope, but don't see KU winning the Big 12 tournament. Not sure they really want to. They need the rest to have a chance to go very far in the NCAA tournament. No way a tech fan, but I do like their coach. I can't believe anyone is a Webber fan! He has had talent but can't coach!

From: sitO
Bruce is s strange feller for sure! I was watching his sideline antics during the last game and there's no other way to put it...he's just weird.

I don't think Tech will win it, but I don't think KU will either, heck it could be anyone this year

From: hogthief
maybe I'll just wear my "THIS IS SEC COUNTRY" shirt.

From: cherney12
would be so Mizzou of you...

From: hogthief
I used to wear my BEAT KANSAS shirt, but everyone from Johnson County wanted to stop me, form a focus group, discuss the social ramifications of my philosophy, then pout when I didn't agree with them.

From: writer

writer's Link
Great article about a great person, raised by a mother 14 when he was born. No mention of a father, but many times mom and son have thanked coaches. West-often don’t agree with your pessimism, but have no doubt you’ve had a positive impact on hundreds of lives as a coach.

From: sitO
Ukulele out for the Big 12 convenient, now they have the excuse they needed

From: writer
Do you mean the excuse for winning the conference the most consecutive times, or for holding the on-going record for most consecutive weeks in the Top 25 or the on-going record for consecutive appearances in the NCAA tournament?

Still waiting for the excuse as to why your lavender ladies have the most all-time losses against another team which, happens to be their biggest “rival.”

From: sitO
You got us, and got us, and got us again...but I'm thinkin you aren't dumb enough not to know how this stuff "works"

No matter, with or without'm they'll be out early again and there's not a single one of yous who'd bet the opposite with your own money

Love this month every year, that ND game was somethin...I might come up "lame" tomorrow just to watch the "3-sweep"

From: sitO
ISU is knockin the teeth out of TX

From: hogthief
longhorns fought back to win. Hope clone fans stick around kc. they are fun people.

From: writer
Out early, out late at least they’re there. Our friends out west don’t kill a Booner every year so they’re failures in your way of thinking. I see ‘em as guys who at least have a chance to kill a Booner with a bow every season. Same with KU, though chances aren’t nearly as high this year.

From: Leebo1963

Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Leebo1963's embedded Photo
I hope to see this today!!

From: sitO
Those are just drawings Lee, they aren't know that right?

Nice win over KSCC.

From: sitO
Hair pullin, car jackin, b____ slappin, eye pokin, winners

Brown should have put on a skirt!

From: ksq232
Since Kansas is a distant second to the best team in Kansas, the mighty Shockers. We can only wonder how many points the fightin’ Greggggg’s would have laid on the Cats. Who knows, maybe they’ll meet up next week?

KSQ great post! Very relevant to tonight's games. You are definitely the basketball guru on this forum.

From: Leebo1963
You Shocker basketball fans are as bad as the K-State football fans. When Marshall is gone you won't be relevant anymore, just like the Pussy Cats when Snyder is gone!!

From: Leebo1963

Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Leebo1963's embedded Photo
Hey Kyle what do you say about this?

From: writer
Actually it’s a 15 game sweep if talking about consecutive post season wins over K-State. Think KU now has the most consecutive 25 win seasons in NCAA history. WSU could push it if Marshall stays around and they stay in that league.

From: ksq232
WSU is quite the paradox for me, I like their team and how they play, it’s their coach that holds them back — not x’s and o’s, I’m referring to his antics and poor attitude. When he’s gone I hope they get another good coach, I just hope the next is a good person as well.

KSQ stick to bow hunting posts cause this one takes the cake.

From: ksq232
Lol Clipper, why do you think Texas never even looked Greggg’s direction last time around? He’s a great coach who has no social skills whatsoever. He lives angry and his wife is an embarrassment.

Btw, I know that if Greggg had gone to Texas, or goes in the future, look out. He would build a team on the court that would be right at the top of the conference yearly. I just don’t know if a power 5 conference school would put up with his antics.

From: crestedbutte
Marshall’s antics aren’t any worse than Frank Martin’s antics which were just short of the king of antics....Bobby Knight.

From: writer
We talking about the same Coach Marshall?

From: Ksgobbler
Tourney champs.

From: writer
Impressive to beat Higgins three times, and the last with the best big out. Fun to watch 22 improve. Fun tournament to get revenge on OSU, and the WV came.

From: sitO
They looked good in the second half, especially enjoyed watching Macey throw up gang signs when she made a 3. They won and that's what they're paid for.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that they might actually make a run at it this year...all y'all put them in to win on your bracket I can take some more easy money again please.

Lots of good games today and it ain't over quite yet...

From: ksq232
Hope Doke comes back strong, but we might be talking about him missing the big twelve tourney for a while. Desousa is growing up right in front of our eyes. Hawks are playing great right now!

Good win for the Hawks, tough loss for the Shockers. Houston is really good and will be tough in the tourney. The have big bodies, they defend, and have terrific guards. The 3 things you neeed in the NCAA Tourney. Marshall is a terrific coach, but he should have pulled Reeves and put in McDuffie. Reeves has looked bad for the last 6 games and Frankcamp did not offer much. KU looks poised for a good run, especially if Udoka comes back. The AAC could have 3 teams in the Sweet 16 if they are put in different regions. KSQ are you on the KU roster, because you always throw "WE" in your posts? Maybe the dance team or pep squad!

From: ksq232
Huh?? Try some reading comprehension there buddy. Saying “we” while being a fan is one of my biggest pet peeves. :)

Lynn didn’t get thrown out for cussing the winning team this time I hope....

From: sitO
Greg should have never pulled Duff in the first place...and what about Lightfoot heffy? Nobody wants to give him any cred but he stepped it up this weekend even with his "moonlighting" job in the P&L district...

From: Leebo1963
Great win, but must admit I didn't think they had it in them. They defiantly showed they are a team.

From: Leebo1963
Reminds me of 2008, Big 12 regular season champs, Big 12 tournament champs, 2008 national champs in San Antonio!!

From: writer
“Interesting” entertainment you search out, Sito. Is amazing to me all the positives coaches Marshall, Self and Snyder have brought to their universities and the state of Kansas. Not sure there are many states with three such on-going legacies.

From: kscowboy
“Look out Jayhawks ....Trae Young picked OU over KU so he could be on the team that breaks KU’s Conf. Champ winning streak.”

Guess that didn’t work out too well. Fast forward 3 months and Young is spending all day praying to God that they make it into the tournament!

My prediction is that the Big XII has one team in the Sweet 16 or four of them. If it’s one team, it might be one you don’t expect, like a TCU or KSU. Set the differences aside now, Go Big XII!

Wichita has put a lot of effort into the upcoming tournament this week. KU will be there and hopefully KSU or another nearby fan base has Wichita on their path. It’ll be great $ for the city and more fans to share a common bond.

From: ksq232
Good deal cowboy, every March I become a big 12 fan! Go WSU too, unless/until they face a big 12 team.

Virginia looks unbeatable. 17-1 in the best conference in basketball. They are solid everywhere.

From: z hunter
BCIA title belongs to the BigXII

From: Leebo1963
I believe some people on this forum said WSU was the best team in the state........ I don't think sooooo!!!!

From: Ksgobbler
Sito is Kstate gonna hang a banner for the tournament appearance

They didn't loose to anybody in Kansas so I stand by my comments.

From: sitO
Yea, we'll hang it in the barn up there...would loved to have seen you KU fancies during the first half yesterday ;?)

Shock's didn't play well today, you bandwagons know all about that...and don't forget which team handed the "Hack's" their biggest loss in NCAA Tourney history either.

Lets go Blue Jays!

From: ksq232
Clipper when did KU lose to somebody in Kansas?

Hopefully the Shockers will have a lower seed next year so they can play angry. Lol

From: sitO
Ha! You probably like sparrows too...we know you like chickenhawks ;?)

From: ksq232
Kansas teams about to go 2 out of 3!!!

From: Leebo1963
Kyle....Biggest loss in the tournament. The Hawks have won how many national championships. The Pussy Cats and Whoshocks have won how many???? Which would you rather have "the worst loss in the tournament"" and multiple national championships or the biggest upset in the tournament and no national championships!! Oh I forgot Kstate has neither!!!!

From: sitO
C'mon know that if KU was even decent Jeff woulda picked them to win right? Heck "Bill Self's Toupee" didn't even pick his own toupee!

If you ain't watchin TNT right now you are missing an historical event!

From: writer
#1 seed over-all Virginia Azz whipped by a #16 seed on same day WSU beat by a #13.

From: ksq232
Cincinnati? GONE! WSU, Houston, Cincinnati... not one survives the first weekend, I thought WSU was upgrading conferences???

From: ksq232
Go Cats!!!

From: writer
Be pulling for them sooooo hard against KY!

Not me!

From: kscowboy
"My prediction is that the Big XII has one team in the Sweet 16 or four of them. If it’s one team, it might be one you don’t expect, like a TCU or KSU. Set the differences aside now, Go Big XII!"

March 11th prophecy fulfilled

From: writer
Funny, one of the rare predictions for this year. Rock Chalk

From: ksq232
Hey Kyle, kinda got lost in the excitement, I think you owe somebody a KBA membership for the year! I’ll let you do the picking, you’re used to it with your regular generosity. I was pulling hard for the Cats, I actually watched the game instead of listening to it like usual. They are going to be tough next year, you’ll be joining us KU fans for a bit wondering what might have been if Wade had been healthy. Joel Embiid getting hurt a few years ago still frustrates me, and Kirk, Wayne, Perry, Doke last year....the list goes on.

From: Leebo1963
I have to admit, I am extremely surprised the Jayhawks are in the final 4!! I am also very pleased though and think this is by far coach Self's best coaching job!! ROCK CHALK!!!!

From: sitO
Nobody thought they'd make it this far Lee...nobody. But, nobody thought KSU would win even their first game, and nobody thought UMBC would beat Virginia, or that Syracuse would make a run after having to win a play in game...or that Loyola would be the machine they've turned into.

It's March MADNESS and that's why we love it!

From: Leebo1963
Besides the rut, this is my favorite time of the year!!

From: writer
Somebody must have since they were a #1 seed. But sure true of KState and The Cinderfellas. Such s fun two weekends.

From: writer
Also researched that KU/Bill Self has now won three straight against Duke, another three against Kentucky and also three against North Carolina. Hope they can break the one in a row losses to Villanova.

From: cherney12
Hats off to Bill Self and the team. Played really good defense. I can't imagine that it was Duke's gameplan to shoot 29 threes, but they couldn't figure out Self's patented post double and it made them so uncomfortable that they didn't even want to try.

From: hogthief
kind of confused as to why coach k couldn't figure out how to keep Newman from running the baseline and shooting open 3's from the corner. I guess he figured if he went that far out to guard it it would let Graham slash to the basket. I'm a great couch coach. haven't lost a game yet.

Hog Coach K was handcuffed in a "Zone" and refused to go man. If he had his players "hedge" to contest Newman, he then leaves Svi, Graham, and Vick open to shoot the 3's. He could have had his bigs bump Newman on every cut. Against Syracuse they extended the zone to half court but could not do that against a 4 guard offense. I just don't think you could beat KU by playing zone. I would imagine Bill Self licks his chops everytime someone tries playing zone.

From: cherney12
I didn’t think Duke lost the game on that end...

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: writer

writer's Link
Technically, pay their friggin’ mothers. And pay bail money for the Wildcat in the drive-by shooting, too. Oh, and pay the $2.23 for KU football season tickets.

From: ksq232
Roll eyes....

From: hogthief
And now we are back to the title of this thread.

From: cherney12
How many of KU's final 4s are untainted?

From: hogthief
I would bet most teams in the final 4 for the last 50 years are "tainted."

Hell even John Wooden had tainted championships. I could care less.

From: sitO
It's "couldn't care less"

Actually it is either way. "Couldn't care less" originated in Britain. "I could care less" originated in the U.S . Guess where I am from?

From: sitO
A place that doesn't understand English?

I'm from there too ;?)

From: cherney12
If ya ain’t cheatin, ya ain’t tryin... right boys?

From: writer
“If you ain’t whining, you’re not a Wildcat?” The English lesson leaves me confused...

From: cherney12
“Some prescriptivists, including some English professors, consider it a malapropism because the literal meaning of this version is the opposite of the intended meaning.”

From: hogthief
hmmmmm, kind of like, Blue Wings Rising!

sitO was feeling scholarly I guess!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

sitO's Link
He is who we thought he was...

From: Bodyman
That's why we gave him to ya LOL

From: Leebo1963
He is what all bigtime basketball and football programs head coaches are!....kstate doesn't qualify as bigtime!!!

From: cherney12
Glad you're proud of your cheater

From: sitO
Lee, do you have any ethics or morals? Any?

From: ksq232
Come on Sito, ethics and morals in cheering for a college basketball team? Don't make me spit my diet coke all over my computer screen. I cheer for an imperfect team; I would never tell my kiddos to be like Self, or the VAST majority of other college basketball players/coaches either.

From: ksq232
Btw, I also cheer for the Chiefs, who employ Tyreke Hill, does that make me unethical?

From: sitO
The fact, in my opinion, is that you should be able to tell your kids to be like those people. If being "bigtime" means being slimy, or shady, knowingly cheating or being an outright can have'm.

From: cherney12
Tyreek was punished. Self will come out looking clean and slither away to the NBA soon.

From: ksq232
You guys are cracking me up! K-State fans, they're priceless.

From: cherney12
You find it funny when people make points you can't dispute? That would be a neat way to live.

From: sitO
Doesn't have a thing to do with being a fan of's about being human, and doing what's right.

From: ksq232
Guys, I don't care, don't you get that? There are real issues in life, much bigger and darker than basketball recruiting. I watch college basketball for an escape, I lose no sleep over anything to do with KU. If Self was fired tomorrow I'd be mildly disappointed. That you guys are over here even talking about it when you're not a fan of the team, is simply hilarious to me. I clicked on Wah, Wah, Wah... thinking it was a baiting post from last year. I saw Sito's first post and remembered, and then I just laughed, out loud actually. :)

From: cherney12
lol that's good. Should be an escape for everyone. Ku is fun to talk about, for obvious reasons.

From: ksq232
Glad you understand cherney, now I'll go back to sito's live hunt. ;)

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo

From: writer
Kyle, when did this thing change to your love life?

From: sitO
lol it's furbearer season year round for me MP

From: Leebo1963
Damn Kyle that post must have hurt for you to go there...that makes my day!! If it all comes out to be true (and sure it is) I believe Self should be fired. The problem is there are plenty of other Bigtime programs, basketball and football doing the same thing. If the NCAA doesn't investigate and do their job they are wortless. If you think Duke, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Ohio State etc. etc. are clean you have to be an Ostrich!! Do I believe it is right, no! What I do believe is it is big money for Universities, Sponsores and TV, so these kids or their families need to be compensated someway. Some of you will argue that they get scholarships, but how many stay for 4 years or care about their education and graduate? So Kyle to answer your question do I have any ethics or morals, yes more then most of the people in the world, and have past that on to my children! But since you make assumptions of people by a few words on a forum (that is supposed to be informative about bow hunting) that you do not know personally, I question your ethics.

From: cherney12
He asked a question. How is that making assumptions?

From: writer
Kyle, I thought you said you were done with women since the cat scratched a hole in your last girlfriend?

From: sitO
Oh Mike you're ssssso sssssilly

Lee, you can't just keep using the excuse "since everyone else is doing it"...wrong is wrong. I'm really going to enjoy watching the whole thing come apart.

Cheaters will continue to support cheaters..."I could care less" ;?)

From: Ksgobbler
Nothing will come apart. The NCAA doesnt want to go down that rabbit hole. The Williamson deal is a prime example. If Kansas offered something and didnt make his top 5 what did duke offer. You could probably easily wipe out the Blue Bloods from the NCAA tourney which hurts the NCAA. I think its far more likely the NCAA as an institution gets its nuts cut by the power 5.

From: Leebo1963
If you "could care less" why do you keep opening your mouth!!

From: sitO
It was kind of a "play on words" bo

From: sitO
Forget the election coverage...the "Adidas Globe Trotters" are on ESPN tonight!

From: Wally
Hey Saturday is a trip back in time. KU vs KSU in the toilet bowl game for last place. ROCKCHALK

From: writer
One of the ESPN announcers has KU and KSU in the Final Four. A long ways away, but going to be fun.

From: crestedbutte
I bet neither will be!

From: Leebo1963
OMG Kyle give it a rest!!

From: sitO

sitO's embedded Photo
sitO's embedded Photo
What are you talking about Lee?

From: lord o'horns
After last night looks like Duke will have one of the spots

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