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Are you a Terrorist?
Contributors to this thread:
Deep Cut 07-Mar-18
illibowhunter 07-Mar-18
illibowhunter 07-Mar-18
Wayniac 07-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 07-Mar-18
Buckiller 07-Mar-18
hoytman 07-Mar-18
Oneeye 07-Mar-18
Paul 07-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 07-Mar-18
illibowhunter 08-Mar-18
wilbur 08-Mar-18
Toonces 08-Mar-18
Richm444 08-Mar-18
notme 08-Mar-18
Will 08-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 08-Mar-18
tompolaris 08-Mar-18
Ace 09-Mar-18
notme 09-Mar-18
Wild Bill 09-Mar-18
Wild Bill 09-Mar-18
tompolaris 11-Mar-18
notme 12-Mar-18
nehunter 17-Mar-18
Wild Bill 17-Mar-18
nehunter 17-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 17-Mar-18
Wild Bill 17-Mar-18
Wild Bill 17-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 18-Mar-18
Wild Bill 18-Mar-18
Bigbuckbob 19-Mar-18
Wild Bill 20-Mar-18
bigbuckbob 21-Mar-18
From: Deep Cut

Deep Cut's Link
And I thought I was law-abiding citizen.

Unreal. I? have other choice words too but I’ll keep them to myself.

That Jennifer Baker statement is spot on in my opinion. And what makes it even better is that it’s coming from a lady.

From: Wayniac
Strong words from an inept, wanna-be tyrant/dictator, who considers us law abiding gun owners to be "fringe of the fringe".

This clown cannot be out of office fast enough.. the damage he and his kind have done to this state will be hard to recover from.

He can take his opinion and go pound sand.

Malloy and his cronies need to have a night protest on the highway dressed in all black, I’ll help schedule it for them.

From: Bigbuckbob
The mayor of Hartford needs to be on the same bus out of town. He said the NRA intimidates politicians and only represents the gun mfg. So he's admitting that politicians like himself pass laws and create regulations based upon who votes for them, gives the money rather than what's best for the country. Idiots! All of them.

From: Buckiller

Buckiller's embedded Photo
Buckiller's embedded Photo
Constitutional terrorist right there.

From: hoytman
I'm counting the days until this clown, who hates Connecticut and its people, is gone.

From: Oneeye
Life member terrorist.

From: Paul
Deplorable terrorist Here ,

From: Bigbuckbob
I'm going to terrorize my wife tonight. Made lasagna and into a bottle of wine so may need 2 blue pills to pull off a full scale UP rising ;)

Anyone else hear that Malloy wrote a letter to the big wigs of Cabelas (not in East Hartford) but the big big wigs asking them to stop selling assault rifles? Wtf is wrong with this a*^hole

From: wilbur
BBB how did that work out for you?

From: Toonces
Life Member.

If he thinks the NRA is a terrorist organization he should have me and the rest of the NRA members arrested, otherwise he should shut up.

From: Richm444
Been a terrorist for over 35 years or longer I would say

From: notme

notme's Link

From: Will
And that, right there, is the problem with politicians. Ugh. I'm a past member, lost favor about 10 years ago and just have chosen to invest my money for lobbying and charity in things I feel more strongly about. I realize that statement could flame me off bowsite with the NRA... But it's good context.

If a politician, is going to imply that a domestic lobby focused on a given amendment is a terrorist group or as in this case, straight say that... They are not just being hyper political, lying and trying to incite fear.

You see that from Pol's on all sides of things at this point. And yes, as I said, I'm not an NRA member, and this wont get me to join... but it sure as heck hi-lights how "societies" desire to discuss things through the most extreme of examples stinks to heck.

That's a clown move.

From: Bigbuckbob
Wilbur, the wine won the Weiner battle.

From: tompolaris
I was told my retort to Luke Bronin's comments will be in the Sunday Courant Opinion or Editorial section. If you get the courant keep an eye out. I set the record straight about him and his comments. He's all politics

From: Ace
For Anyone who wants to let Governor Malloy know what you think, his email address is: [email protected]

Phone and fax: Phone Number: (860) 566-4840 Toll-Free: (800) 406-1527 Fax: (860) 524-7396

Just remember to keep it respectful and clean, no need to stoop to his level of name calling.

From: notme
Damn dude i just fired one out calling him a poopie

From: Wild Bill

Wild Bill's embedded Photo
Wild Bill's embedded Photo

From: Wild Bill

Wild Bill's embedded Photo
Wild Bill's embedded Photo
Not just guns.

From: tompolaris

tompolaris's embedded Photo
tompolaris's embedded Photo
Sunday's Courant. He's such a fake

From: notme

notme's Link

From: nehunter

nehunter 's Link
I cant imagine this got any Media attention

From: Wild Bill
"I cant imagine this got any Media attention"

How can you say that when your link is to the Bangor Maine newspaper, where we read a story written by a Washington Post journalist? What are you trying to say?

From: nehunter
Easy there wild Bill. I meant it won't be on CNN or MSNBC. I enjoy reading a great newspaper that covers the great outdoors. Why bust my nuts?

From: Bigbuckbob
I heard on wtic radio talk show that some schools had more kids stay in school than kids outside protesting, but you didn't so hear that on any of the major news stations. And I like reading the Maine news:)

From: Wild Bill

As I see it, it isn't worth reporting at all. The kid failed to follow directions of the people who were in charge of his care/safety. They said, in effect, "if you don't go outside to the protest, you are required to wait till it is over by going to a room somewhere else, other than your classroom for that period. There was no counter protest inside the building. It was the designated space for those inside the building.

Is that how you read the story? What are you trying to say about the story? Go to your room and think it over,please.

From: Wild Bill
nehunter, I guess you will have to wait till Trump tweets about it.

From: Bigbuckbob
WB, you're wrong. There were several schools though out the U S where students went outside but refused to join the protesters. Fox interviewed a couple and they said they would rather see the school made safer than get caught up in the 2nd amendment issue. Most of the schools were in the south and mid west.

From: Wild Bill
Wow Bob, could you explain how what I said was wrong?

From: Bigbuckbob
The part where you stated they could only go to the library or join the protesters. Several schools let kids go outside but NOT join the protesters. That's all.

From: Wild Bill
"Several schools"

The kid was in a school that didn't follow that formula, your wrong about me being wrong. I'm not Dr.Bill, so back off tough guy.

From: bigbuckbob
WB - you're focused on this one school and the one kid that stayed in his class. That was his protest against those students going outside or being forced to go to the library. My point is there were several other schools where more student stayed out of the protest, but the press didn't show that side of the story. You say the kid was told to go to the library for his safety, but how could the school protect the hundreds students that were outside where anyone passing by could do harm? This was a political statement organized by the left. I applaud the students for getting involved in the issue, but hate the way the press and the libs use them like pawns in promote their agenda. Let's have the kids protest abortion and see where that goes. Not a chance, right?! Ask yourself why and where this country is headed.

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