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Reading Whitetail tactics by Fiduccia
New York
Contributors to this thread:
Mad dog 21-Apr-19
archer756 21-Apr-19
Mad dog 22-Apr-19
Mad dog 22-Apr-19
skipmaster1 24-Apr-19
Mad dog 25-Apr-19
Mad dog 25-Apr-19
skipmaster1 28-Apr-19
Mad dog 29-Apr-19
Mad dog 29-Apr-19
scentman 30-Apr-19
NearHunter 20-Mar-20
JonathanNzF 24-Jun-20
JonathanNzF 24-Jun-20
From: Mad dog
Great book. I've had pretty good success the last few years bagging does but I want to step up and get my first buck w the bow. His book is getting me pumped. Mad Dog

From: archer756
Just a note Its great that you like his book to bad he hunts on a preserve.

From: Mad dog
Do you find his rattling and scents to work? Mad Dog

From: Mad dog
He comes across very genuine and not an elitist bullshitter to me. I've seen that bucks ARE a whole nother level, especially w bowhunting. I've seen them and had a few shots, but only got a fork horn 20 yrs ago w rifle. He's very big in to gland scents that I would like to try. MD

From: skipmaster1
I have no idea who this guy is but I will say that the first step to killing bucks, especially with the bow isn’t about calls, scents and foodplots. It’s about learning where they live and how they use the landscape. Topo maps and satellite images are incredibly useful tools. Once you have an idea about that, it’s all about getting in and out without being seen or smelled. What kind of terrain do you hunt?

From: Mad dog
Gentle hills usually. Mad Dog

From: Mad dog
Long island and Westchester. Mad Dog

From: skipmaster1
I use maps to find sections of property that look hard to access due to terrain. I start therev and look for natural funnels from there. I see if I can get into the area without a deer seeing or smelling me.

From: Mad dog
Hmmm making me think. Thank you. Mad dog

From: Mad dog
Hmmm making me think. Thank you. Mad dog

From: scentman
I have followed Mr. Fiduccia since the early eighties, talked with him at Buffalo convention center 1982... he was very approachable and seemed genuine, learned a lot throughout the seasons from Peter. Now Miles Keller... just the opposite.

From: NearHunter
According to this book, I once had tasks at the university, it is very complicated. I turned to the project https://edubirdie.com/ for help, otherwise if I hadn’t done it, we would have been expelled from the university. This professional essay writing service for students did just fine, and in the end I was thanked for such an excellent job

From: JonathanNzF
I also had the same similar theme! and what did you pass successfully?

From: JonathanNzF
I also had the same similar theme! and what did you pass successfully?

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