onX Maps
Monsoons Starting?
New Mexico
Contributors to this thread:
Norseman 24-Jun-20
huntabsarokee 25-Jun-20
mrelite 25-Jun-20
splitlimb13 25-Jun-20
Muddyboots 25-Jun-20
splitlimb13 25-Jun-20
HDE 25-Jun-20
huntabsarokee 25-Jun-20
splitlimb13 25-Jun-20
Norseman 26-Jun-20
Norseman 26-Jun-20
Finey 09-Jul-20
Norseman 10-Jul-20
Norseman 10-Jul-20
Norseman 10-Jul-20
HDE 10-Jul-20
mrelite 11-Jul-20
Dale06 11-Jul-20
splitlimb13 12-Jul-20
jdee 14-Jul-20
huntabsarokee 14-Jul-20
Trophyhill 15-Jul-20
mrelite 20-Jul-20
jbone 21-Jul-20
Norseman 22-Jul-20
jdee 24-Jul-20
HDE 25-Jul-20
Trophyhill 25-Jul-20
mrelite 16-Aug-20
mrelite 27-Aug-20
Dale06 28-Aug-20
mrelite 28-Aug-20
jdee 29-Aug-20
Dale06 29-Aug-20
From: Norseman
Looks to me that the afternoon showers are starting to pop up. Grow those whale tails! Getting excited to be back in the Land Of Enchantment!

I have been watching the data from the Sierra Blanca weather station and no rain accumulation the last few weeks. Not sure about other parts of the state.

From: mrelite
I hope it starts flowing soon! Everything I have seen so far has been minimal, what we want to see on the radars is those big yellow/red storms, green on the radar doesn't mean anything but "maybe" the grass is getting a drink. In order for the storms to fill up tanks and canyon water holes an area needs big storms to move slow or have repeated storms go through day after day.

Last year I watched the radars like a hawk and at times I thought for sure there was substantial rain but when I went to check cameras it was still very dry, green but dry.

From: splitlimb13
Sierra Blanca? In 36?

From: Muddyboots
Was hikng near Cloudcroft this morning. The past few days radar has shown nice rain looking clouds above there. In hiking everything was dry- no significant rain in a great while. Saw about 35 feral horses on Forest land in an area I consider great elk habitat. Looks like horses have taken over that area as elk sign was minimal.

From: splitlimb13
Those horses are nothing but a damned nuisance

From: HDE
Monsoon for northern NM is forecast to be avg.

Yes splitlimb in 36. Have 2nd archery tag.

From: splitlimb13
Wife has mb rifle hunt in there. I'm sure we'll get some good moisture before then. Good luck partner

From: Norseman
At least the current weather pattern Is conducive for the potential of rain tracking through the SW. NM is in a much better pattern then AZ. Let’s hope for some larger longer rain events.

From: Norseman

From: Finey
What is a good radar system to track the rain fall accumulation?

From: Norseman
Two days in a row with rain in the Gila! Yes. I mean yellow and red on the radar must be more then upper atmospheric drizzle, right?

From: Norseman
Two days in a row with rain in the Gila! Yes. I mean yellow and red on the radar must be more then upper atmospheric drizzle, right?

From: Norseman
Two days in a row with rain in the Gila! Yes. I mean yellow and red on the radar must be more then upper atmospheric drizzle, right?

From: HDE
Still pretty dry in 52 country.

From: mrelite
Pretty sure its bone dry in most areas down south. If this drought keeps up we will have the same issue as a couple years ago, elk were void in many areas and abundant in a few areas, the trick was finding the few areas.

From: Dale06
Anyone know about rain in unit 36. Is it dry there, or are they getting rain? In on a private land hunt there Sept 18-23.

From: splitlimb13

splitlimb13's embedded Photo
splitlimb13's embedded Photo
They might be starting.

From: jdee
It’s tried to rain in 36 a couple of times but it’s dryer than I’ve seen it in many years having record high temps this year too. They’re calling for rain Wednesday....we’ll see.


huntabsarokee's embedded Photo
huntabsarokee's embedded Photo
This should tell you the story of rain in 36. Historical rains should start any day but its been dry since March.

From: Trophyhill
Gonna be "hit or Miss". Rained buckets in Laguna the other day at work. Nothing at my house in east mountains

From: mrelite
Decent week for spot showers in the Gila, maybe next week we will get some turd floaters.

From: jbone

jbone's embedded Photo
jbone's embedded Photo
Here is the 7 day forecast. Looks like upwards of 4+ inches over most of the high country. Maybe the fire restrictions will ease soon.

From: Norseman
Pattern for rain looks good for the Gila for the next 4 days.

From: jdee
Monsoons have kicked in and making up for all those dry months. Absolute turd floats the last two days ! Washouts and flash flooding now.....

From: HDE
Good rain in the NW the last couple of days, lost power to the house last night (this morning) around 3 a.m. with it being restored around 7 this morning.

From: Trophyhill
Serious turd floater in Laguna yesterday that moved in from the west. Another one today but not as severe

From: mrelite
I really hadn't been watching the rains in the Jemez lately but I thought they were getting a good supply based on all the storms that seemed to be around over the last month, I was in the Jemez the last few days and to my surprise the two areas I was in was the driest I have ever seen it. The Rio De Las Vacas was nothing but rocks and a few stagnant pools, a couple other creeks were dry as well, I have been going to the Jemez my whole life and can't ever recall the Las Vacas being un-fishable. I also did a few hikes and it was bone dry up in the thick timber, August is usually mushroom time in the Jemez......nope! at least where I was.

From: mrelite
I just went down to the Gila to pack in some water and my zone is bone freaking dry, grass is green but no water in the canyons, no seeps, nothing! it was also hotter than an enchilada!

Monsoon..........if your lucky your spot got hit.

From: Dale06
How is unit 36, rain wise, wet, dry, or ......

From: mrelite
I have not been in that unit recently but I am sure there are areas that got plenty of rain and places that were left out.

From: jdee
36 is drying back up. No real moisture for about a month and today it hit a high of 95...no bueno !!

From: Dale06
I’ll be there Sept 20-24, on a large private ranch near Nogal.

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