Moultrie Mobile
Here's a Topic
West Virginia
Contributors to this thread:
Koog 18-Jan-21
babysaph 18-Jan-21
Koog 18-Jan-21
babysaph 18-Jan-21
JayD 19-Jan-21
babysaph 19-Jan-21
gobbler 20-Jan-21
Koog 20-Jan-21
gobbler 21-Jan-21
babysaph 23-Jan-21
Koog 25-Jan-21
gobbler 26-Jan-21
From: Koog
Hey guys, back to waiting for opening day again. To pass the time, I've got a topic which may heat you guys up, so jump in. I'd like to see where you guys stand, but don't worry, I'm not in to keeping social scores. We all see this going on now with the big tech and the way they use their platforms to shape, distort and force their will upon you. Now, let's take that to our cherished world. Suppose animal rights and social media want to tighten their grip on you. We've seen recently they have grabbed control of people's insurance, employment and medical care. They shame companies into doing their bidding by simply calling them a name then pounding them with the shame game. Suppose they load their scary AI (artificial intel) program up with search terms like hunting, archery, rifle and gun. Then they collect information relating to the search and they find guys like us. Suppose they match the data to our insurance, banks and employers and such. Suppose they start shaming companies to drop our insurance and possibly our employment, "black ball" us so to say. How will we respond? It's coming guys, whether we like or believe it. Are we willing to give up our beloved right to own a weapon and to spend our ever waking free time attached to a tree?

From: babysaph
Good point and topic. Sure beats a lot of topics on here. Here is how I look at it. I don't mind answering. I am an old guy and don't have much fight left in me. I am not about to beg them to let me do what I want to do. I worked real hard like everyone else to get where I am. I finally retired 2 years ago and have my own land. I will keep my guns and have enough cash hid to live the rest of my life on. I will continue to hunt on my own land when and how I want and will not let the government tell me what to do. Especially lawmakers that know nothing about hunting. However it is coming. I may not live to see it but it is coming. Next.

From: Koog
It's a shame, but I'm with you. I'll hunt till I cannot hunt anymore and not a day less legal or not. But there are those of us, who have their money in institutions along with retirement and social security. Most everything where they can control it if their intentions are fraudulent. What is a fraud today, if those that oppose you say it isn't. They have the ability to shut you up and shut you down leaving you with only what you can grow or harvest yourself. It's certainly something to ponder. And because we have some avenue of self reliance, we may be considered one of those deplorables or one of those unwanted and forgotten few. Even having your own land, there's no reason once they brand you they couldn't just take that away and give it to someone more deserving in their eyes. One reason I have moved back to WV for a level of comfort and ease of mind. Maybe our military may step in and clean this mess up. Social media can kiss my fish belly white bum. I warned people about it early in its spawning. I have bought things off the internet over the years and I regret it now thinking of what they know about you because of it. I feel we may be in for a bumpy ride.

From: babysaph
I agree . I have never done social media. I don’t care about your status or where you went on vacation or what you had for dinner. Lots of our younger people are dependent on social media and technology. I love technology but fortunately I realize there was a time we didn’t have it and I could live without it. Kids can’t go without “being connected” . Lol. I know they are watching us. My wife and I can mention something and it almost immediately pops up on our phones or computer. We can not fight the government. And you are right. We really don’t own our land. They can take it if they want it. They are now telling us how to think and what we can say. And I am a deplorable btw. I’m just hoping I am gone before it gets too bad.

From: JayD
You know JR - we have had the same experience with our phones where we will talk about getting something and the next thing you know you start seeing ads on your phone for that very product! It sure does look like big brother is watching! Maybe we are just paranoid I guess?

The scary part right now is that with big tech and certain parties - it seems like if you have an opinion that they do not like you can be ostracized! Scary times right now - I don't know about you guys but I bend a knee each night and morning and pray to God to see our nation and world through this mess.

I am like you two - I will hunt as much as I can for as long as we can do so! Matter of fact - I believe the bushytails might be in trouble tomorrow! LOL

From: babysaph
Yep. It is not just paranoia. It happens. And come to think of it that is not a bad idea. I have to go to the cabin to do some work and will get a few hours to hunt some bushytails myself. I pray also for our country. Can't we all just get along?

From: gobbler
JR, u do realize bowsite is social media ?

From: Koog
And you did enter your email when you first posted. And you probably do receive your credit card statements through the net. Now we have a link to what you say here, what you bought the last 90 days, and you have two guys you socialize with called gobbler and koogie. You bought some bulk ammo at xyx and a new bow at ACME. Koogie just posted something about blowing up local bus in Union, so he is a threat and you are too, keep an eye on that gobbler dude.

From: gobbler
I’ve quit using google as my search engine and switched to DuckDuckGo and since then I’ve quit getting ads for stuff on FB that I searched for on the internet a few hours before

From: babysaph
No it is not like fb and twitter. I guess I should have said that the only social media I use is bowsite. thanks for setting me straight. You want to know what my status is or what I had for dinner? LOL.

From: Koog
That's alright Babysaph, we knew before you cooked it! LoL

From: gobbler
JR, no I’m good :^)

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