Mathews Inc.
Montana commission meeting 12/14/2021
Contributors to this thread:
houndy65 08-Dec-21
houndy65 09-Dec-21
sbschindler 10-Dec-21
sbschindler 11-Dec-21
Living the dream 11-Dec-21
Missouribreaks 12-Dec-21
houndy65 13-Dec-21
SmokedTrout 14-Dec-21
sbschindler 15-Dec-21
Living the dream 15-Dec-21
Missouribreaks 16-Dec-21
SteveB 23-Jan-22
houndy65 27-Jan-22
sbschindler 05-Feb-22
From: houndy65
Montana FWP commission will meet Dec. 14 at the State Capitol in room 152, 8:30 am the meeting starts, please attend.

From: houndy65

From: sbschindler
Montana Fish, Wildlife &Parks is proposing a significant change to elk management in eastern Montana. The proposal targets 14 elk hunting districts that have been identified as “over objective,” per the current 2003 adopted elk plan. The involved HD’s include:

401 - Sweet Grass Hill, 411 – Snowy Mountains,

417 – Armells Creek, 426 – Winifred, 450 – Choteau,

500 – Hailstone-Painted Robe, 570 - Sweet Grass, 580 – East Crazy

535 – (511 & 530 combined) – South Big Snowy Mtns & Little Snowies,

575 – Absorokee, 590 – Bull Mountains, 702 – Yellowstone Pine Hills,

704 – Powder Pine Hills, 705 – Prairie Pines – Juniper Breaks

FWP’s new proposal would remove the current limited bull permits and turn that opportunity into a general license designation. Eight of the districts would retain limited bull permits on public ground, but any private ground within those districts would also be a general license. The proposal would eliminate the 900-20 archery elk permit.

CLICK HERE to read more about the proposal.

The intent of the new proposal is to reduce elk populations to objective levels.

It is worth noting that all the involved HD’s have been under a general license designation for antlerless elk for a number of years. This is the prescriptive way to address over-population, but it doesn’t work (and hasn’t) without access to the elk.

The MBA Board of Directors would ask that you read and fully digest this unprecedented proposal. Our concerns are numerous, with these being the most troubling:

#1) Lack of hunter access is the problem! The proposal does nothing to help address this pivotal issue.

#2) New “general license” bull opportunities would promote privatization and commercialization. MOGA and UPOM are in full support.

#3) Proposal would result in more division (bad blood) between landowners and public sportsmen. Our goal as sportsmen is to always be trying to improve this vital relationship.

#4 Loss of opportunity. The coveted limited-entry bull permits available in these districts that are valid on public lands would be cut in half, further limiting the public land hunter's ability to draw these tags, largely rendering hard-earned bonus points useless along with devaluing these permits

We (MBA Board) would offer up an alternate solution to the problem, in the new elk management plan. That plan is just starting to take form and could address the hard issues like access, population objectives, and equitable opportunity. All stakeholders are represented in this process. Existing regulations would remain until the plan is agreed upon and adopted.


Attend the Fish & Wildlife Commission meeting next Tuesday (Dec 14) to provide testimony;

- you can join in-person in Helena (most powerful) or virtually by Zoom. The deadline to register for virtual testimony is noon on Dec 13. - Fish & Wildlife Commission Meeting Location: Helena, Capitol Room 152 Date: December 14, 2021 Time: 8:30 a.m.

Contact the Commissioners. Let them know your thoughts, concerns, and solutions. If possible, try to do so before the meeting on the 14th.

From: sbschindler
Randy Newberg, Hunter 14h · This is me looking at the direction of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks... Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks said they want better ideas to get elk numbers lower. I've previously provided these to the Commission, to the Director, and to Legislators. Here is 1 of my 4 ideas that would be easy to implement. They have been done in other states, effectively.

1. Where elk are above objective, give Private Land Only cow tags. Don't cap them. Given all cooperative landowners every chance possible to lower elk numbers and allow them to be part of the solution. Go to this link to learn more - Make your voice heard on December 14th, either at the Commission meeting in Helena, at a Regional Office, or via online testimony. They want better ideas; give them some.

I live in 411. This proposal has nothing to do with lowering elk numbers. There are basically unlimited cow tags in the unit - you can kill 3 elk there. The problem is access, access, access and this will just make it worse. This proposal is all about wealthy non-resident landowners and outfitters.

How do you stop non residents from buying land, or more importantly, residents from selling land?

From: houndy65
Who is going, see you in Helena.

From: SmokedTrout

SmokedTrout's Link
Looks like they caved to pressure on the 8 elk districts. If you are still going to be there please comment on the loss of archery opportunity!

From: sbschindler
beware guys they pulled this proposal but are working on other proposals that will accomplish their goals, # 1 goal is to allow as many NR hunters as Moga wants and can handle

Missouribreaks - nonresidents can buy all the land they want, but an elk hunting ranch is a lot more attractive to a billionaire if they and their buddies can get a license to hunt elk every year or so vs having a 5% chance. Hence, making these units general tags will result in more billionaires buying said ranches and creating less access and more elk sanctuaries.

I agree.

From: SteveB
Looks like this going to become law isn’t it?

From: houndy65
Please be in Helena February 4th, we have to show protest to all these proposals.

From: sbschindler
commission meeting didnt turn out to bad

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