Mathews Inc.
Middle Creek hunt cancelled
Contributors to this thread:
Reid15 07-Sep-22
dpms 08-Sep-22
Rut Nut 08-Sep-22
bill v 08-Sep-22
Rut Nut 08-Sep-22
dpms 09-Sep-22
Reid15 09-Sep-22
From: Reid15

Reid15's Link
Middle creek archery hunt cancelled due to EHD concerns. I was really hoping to get picked this year!

From: dpms
This is interesting. When EHD wreaks havoc on deer in other areas of the state to the point that if you drive a back road along a creek you have to hold your nose, the PGC rarely even comments on it and certainly doesn't ask hunters to hunt elsewhere or close the season in those areas to "ensure that hunters continue to have quality hunting experiences in the future".

From: Rut Nut
Probably because it is a lottery hunt.......................................if there is, in fact a large(natural) kill prior to the hunt, it would undoubtedly affect the quality of the hunt for those that were selected.

From: bill v
Where is middle creek?

From: Rut Nut
Kleinfeltersville Pa. on the border of Lancaster and Lebanon counties. I grew up about 8 miles from there.

From: dpms

dpms's embedded Photo
dpms's embedded Photo
Wouldn't it be nice if the PGC actually mapped EHD for hunters to use as a resource. It affects some areas horribly. When I make the suggestion, it goes nowhere. Here is what Ohio does for their hunters.

From: Reid15
That would be a great tool to have for PA to get a better understanding of how widespread the problem is.

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