Moultrie Mobile
Ness county accident
Contributors to this thread:
Ironbow 10-Feb-23
Dale06 10-Feb-23
crestedbutte 10-Feb-23
crestedbutte 10-Feb-23
Dale06 10-Feb-23
Westksbowhunter 11-Feb-23
Ironbow 11-Feb-23
crestedbutte 11-Feb-23
From: Ironbow
Does anyone know about a 15 yr old boy hitting a deer yesterday afternoon in Ness county? Supposedly life watched to Wichita after going through the windshield.

From: Dale06
Wow, I’m originally from Ness county.

From: crestedbutte
Ness County Sheriff Dept. messaged me with the following message:

“We don't have any reports of an accident like that from any recent history.”

Are you sure you have the correct wreck and location?

From: crestedbutte
A follow-up message from Ness County Sheriff Dept.:

“You're the second person to ask me about it today. So, I called the surrounding counties and Kansas Highway Patrol. There was no reports like that in Western Kansas. I sure hope wherever it happened, the boy is okay.”

From: Dale06
I talked to my brother in Ness county he knows the sheriff and called him. He got same answer as Crestedbutte

I live out here and heard nothing.

From: Ironbow
Thanks guys. This was actually used as an excuse for a worker to leave work.

From: crestedbutte
Uuuoh? Somebody gonna be in TROUBLE!

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