Sitka Gear
Bad Bear funding
Contributors to this thread:
Paul@thefort 13-Mar-23
Jaquomo 13-Mar-23
samman 14-Mar-23
Paul@thefort 14-Mar-23
KHunter 16-Mar-23
From: Paul@thefort
DENVER - In an effort to help communities co-exist with bears, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will continue its Human-Bear Conflict Reduction Community Grant Program, providing local Colorado communities with financial resources to support efforts that reduce human-bear conflicts.

CPW will be offering up to $1 million that it will distribute through a competitive grant process this spring to be used on projects that reduce conflicts with bears in local communities. This grant program strives to foster innovative solutions to human-bear conflict that can be replicated in other parts of the state and bolster those efforts in all communities in Colorado.

Last year, funding for the program was made available through House Bill 21-1326, which passed the General Assembly and was signed by Governor Polis in 2021. This program was so successful that CPW decided to continue the program and fund it themselves.

A question one might have is why not $$$$$ from the General Fund (let all of Colorado pay for this). Or is this $$$$ coming from the Game Cash Fund? I will find out. Paul

From: Jaquomo
Because they can? Thanks, Paul.

From: samman
Why spend tax dollars when they can spend hunter dollars. Just like wolf damage. Hunters likely didn't vote for it, but hunter dollars willl pay for it.

From: Paul@thefort
Scott, actually Big Game Cash Fund, (hunt and fish license frees) will not pay for the wolf plan or wolf damage per the language in the Initiative 114. To Date, a long bill was passed to fund 1.1 million dollars for the planning from the General Fund, for the reintroduction of the wolf into Colorado. After that money is spent, it will be up to the Legislature to appropriate yearly, $$$ for the wolves from the General Fund. Estimates are 1- 2 million per year.

From: KHunter
Samman, why do you this hunter dollars are to pay for wolf damage?

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