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Contributors to this thread:
SBC 19-Mar-23
grasshopper 19-Mar-23
Paul@thefort 20-Mar-23
From: SBC
Was this ratio for R/NR actually approved by the wildlife commission or at this point still a recommendation?

To me, this can all be traced back to sportsmen blindly supporting the Future Generations Act without gaining any concessions on important issues to sportsmen. Now that they got an infusion of income, they can do whatever they want.

From: grasshopper
It was informational, scheduled for final in May.

Give us more 80/20 tags for 2023, take them away in 2024. It's like bait and switch used car salesmen.

From: Paul@thefort
I do not believe "concessions" were part of the FGA. Either one supported it or not. Could it be a talking point? Maybe, but with not much weight.

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