Moultrie Mobile
Trail Cameras
Contributors to this thread:
One Arrow 27-Apr-23
be still 28-Apr-23
Trebarker 28-Apr-23
Ksgobbler 28-Apr-23
Catscratch 28-Apr-23
One Arrow 28-Apr-23
Two dogs mobile 28-Apr-23
sitO 28-Apr-23
crestedbutte 28-Apr-23
One Arrow 02-May-23
Trebarker 02-May-23
crestedbutte 02-May-23
One Arrow 05-May-23
One Arrow 05-May-23
crestedbutte 05-May-23
One Arrow 05-May-23
crestedbutte 05-May-23
Trebarker 06-May-23
crestedbutte 06-May-23
One Arrow 06-May-23
Dale06 06-May-23
JSW 12-May-23
crestedbutte 14-May-23
bentstick54 14-May-23
bentstick54 14-May-23
crestedbutte 14-May-23
Trebarker 15-May-23
crestedbutte 15-May-23
crestedbutte 15-May-23
From: One Arrow
Do any of you guys leave your cameras out all summer long?

I used to do it several years back, just long field edges, heavy trails, creek crossings, etc. I’d leave them up for 3 months without checking them.

Thinking about doing it again… just wondering if anyone else does the same and what locations you focus on.

From: be still
I do by accident sometimes. Come August or September I’ll be like going to a spot and look over and think dang don’t remember leaving that there.

Good thing about getting old when you find cameras in spots you forgot about….gives you a treat to look at later that evening.

From: Trebarker
Mine have been out for 3-4 years? I place them along well used trails and near ditch/slough crossings. Summer time use is a different ballgame, leaves, weeds and grasses, rain and flooding, insects, and many more birds produce thousands of unwanted pictures. I started downloading a card this morning that had over 3000 pictures of limbs and grass waving in the winds we have had in recent weeks.

From: Ksgobbler
Ive got 3 out all summer long. I like to monitor for turkey poults, fawn recruitment, etc.

From: Catscratch
I leave them out too. Trails, field edges, fence crossings.

From: One Arrow
I had one in a food plot years ago. Left it all summer…. Had very few pics of deer on it, but we had a flood and it was interesting to watch the waters come up over the camera and then recede… the camera still worked for a weeks after.

I’m thinking about changing things up… a lot of little places I’ve never scouted.

I always leave a couple out year round. I usually just use the same places as in the fall. I have one that stays the same place all the time. It records who might drive into our small farm. All sorts of wildlife also travel by it. I pulled a card a couple of weeks ago. It had deer, turkeys, coyotes, bobcats, skunks, armadillos, squirrels, crows and a few other birds on it.

From: sitO
I leave several out year round as well, have had some in the same spot for 10yrs or more...just never know what you're gonna get on camera.

From: crestedbutte
The Dugger’s must of got lost?

From: One Arrow
At least they left it

From: Trebarker

Trebarker's embedded Photo
Trebarker's embedded Photo
Trebarker's embedded Photo
I enjoy finding fun pictures on them too.
Trebarker's embedded Photo
I enjoy finding fun pictures on them too.
The spring velvet pics and newborn fawn pics are the main reason I run them all year.

From: crestedbutte
At first, I thought someone was playing a trick on me and had snuck out and placed mirrors all throughout the woods. Nope....literally a deer behind every tree. A bunch still in the background that were coming too, LOL!

From: One Arrow
That’s a cool video

From: One Arrow
Funny thing, I went and checked a food plot a couple days ago (looks like crap)… might be salvageable, but anyway on the way out I noticed a camera I forgot about I put up on the plots edge. It triggered a memory that I had set out a couple late season, took a minute to remember where I set the 2nd one, but I have 2 cards to check now.

From: crestedbutte
05-May-23 Kind of like Christmas in May, right? Share those pic's when you get'em downloaded.

The interesting thing I have noticed since posting my video above, is the majority of all those deer meandering thru that woodlot pinch point are bucks....either still hard horned or already shed. I know it was March 15th, but crazy to think that many bucks running together in one big group like that no matter the season.

From: One Arrow
You’re right, something about pulling cards that gets a guy excited

One card has 6,700 images on it… going to have to wait on a lazy day for that one. Don’t have the patience for that.

The other one had some good pics of a decent sized flock of turkeys and one velvet buck, I’ll try and share later.

From: crestedbutte
Geez.....6,700 images? Make sure to leave some available memory in the stratosphere for NASA will ya, LOL!

From: Trebarker

Trebarker's embedded Photo
Trebarker's embedded Photo
Jason, I get between 2000-7000 every month between 3-4 cameras. I am only running 3 right now. The majority of the pics are discards, poor pics or nothing but grass waving triggering the cameras. My batteries would fade before my camera got 6700 on one card.

From: crestedbutte
Randy…Wow…that is a lot of images. Cool pic. of that gobbler!

Since I primarily put my cameras on “video” mode, my SD cards will hold about 200-300 videos before they fill up.

From: One Arrow
Camera was at 33% battery life. Instill haven’t looked at the card in detail, but I know for a fact that several thumbnails look like grass tripped it. It’s been out since late November.

From: Dale06
I’m putting one out this weekend, on a solar well that pumps into a ground level tank, for wildlife. All the ponds in the area have been dry since last summer. I should get lots of pics.

From: JSW
I have over 20 cameras out year round. I like to see what survived the winter and when they drop their antlers. If the batteries get low between February and May, I don't worry about it. I try to reload everything in May or June to watch antler growth. I have one reconyx that's been at the same crossing since 2010. It takes 4000-6000 pictures per month. It has probably taken about 800,000 pictures during that time. I have pictures of bucks working a scrape just last week.

From: crestedbutte
Unit 6. In the far corner of a section that I'll be hunting this Fall.

Maybe needs a little doe management Jason?

Maybe needs a little doe management Jason?

From: crestedbutte
Sure looks that way!

From: Trebarker
Bet you don't see that many there this fall

From: crestedbutte
Yep…Oct.-Dec. will not have them grouped up on the AG like that specific January day did.

From: crestedbutte
FAT WAGON is baack! Some on here might remember this hog from Dec. 2021. Then he had a younger, darker, hairier side-kick running around with him in another part of the place I hunt that is about 1/2 mile from this location. I understand, sometime later that winter 2021-2022 the younger sidekick was run over by a semi-truck a few miles away. However, FAT WAGON has SURVIVED!

In these 2 videos he came thru my South Draw hunting area about a month apart Feb. 2023 and March 2023. To me, he looks a little leaner now and rightfully so since living in the wild this past year +. I'll try to find the video of him from 2021.

Anyway, thought it was interesting that FAT WAGON is still out there romping around........for now anyway!

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