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Contributors to this thread:
Big Dog 26-Dec-23
BAT 26-Dec-23
MA-PAdeerslayer 26-Dec-23
Will 26-Dec-23
Pi 26-Dec-23
Will 26-Dec-23
Lunker 26-Dec-23
Shanation 26-Dec-23
fisherick 26-Dec-23
Tmachado37 26-Dec-23
peterk1234 26-Dec-23
Proline 26-Dec-23
BC 26-Dec-23
Mhg825 27-Dec-23
Big Dog 27-Dec-23
Arrownoob 27-Dec-23
Dthfrmabove1 29-Dec-23
Big Dog 29-Dec-23
DanaC 29-Dec-23
Deerdawg 29-Dec-23
From: Big Dog
The season is waning and as the full moon bathes my kitchen floor with a silver sheen my mind too reflects on this past season . I'll admit some of my lust for the hunt was stolen by the autumn beauty around me; perhaps a deer or two got by , I dunno. But as I age, hunting seems more of an aesthetic decision . I do it now because the woods and swamps are beautiful places, the maples never more red, the sky never more blue. If you're young and disagree , give yourself some time on planet earth. Looking back over years with stick 'n string it seems bow hunting is cued by an ancient pull I can't really comprehend, a turn of the heart and mind we all share. Without going into detail, hunting has saved me many times in my life. 'Nuff said there. Lastly and with no slick literary segue, I'd like to touch on the overemotional, and uninformed Anti's we contend with. Some of these self styled upwardly mobile folks tend to have a "monoethic" , a supposedly right way of living that excludes hunting. Maybe they should all listen to Woody Gutherie's song " This Land Is Your Land". Happy new year and God bless. Big Dog

From: BAT
Nicely said Big Dog..

Beautifully put… without hunting nick wouldn’t be Nick.. aka the mapster per Lunker

From: Will

Will's embedded Photo
Will's embedded Photo
Nicely said BD. Ill share a favorite painting of mine, done by a local artist. Not sure it has a name, it's just a watercolor of an amazing sky reflecting on calm waters. I love it. Your title made me think of it.

From: Pi
I think it's upside down will. Or maybe I am.

From: Will
You are :)... Little sky, lotta water...

From: Lunker
As I reflect on this past year I recall 0 snow. We usually have at least 1 snow hunt. Heck the rivers didn't even freeze. Now the meat and potatoes. I failed to reach my goal for the second year in a row. The goal being big deer. As hard as I worked in the off season wasn't enough. I'll have to do better starting Jan 1st. I think one of my problems was looking at late season sign and focusing there and making or trying to make that a zone where they wanna b. It didn't work. I have to look for seasonal sign. I will incorporate more boot rubber and cams for 2024. Locating big deer will b priority for 2024. Reflection

From: Shanation
Well said bd. Hard to believe the seasons almost over. In years past I feel like I was trying to prove something to myself with hunting season and feeling like I have to get a deer to fill the void. With so much going on this year I really just went out to enjoy my time in the woods and not feel pressured to shoot a big one. I don't think I had one time during the season where I thought this sucks. Couldn't ask for anything more then that! Looking like a chance for snow Friday night, if I could cap off the season with finally tracking one down in snow I would lose my sh!t lol good luck out there guys!

From: fisherick
Nicely said BD, words of wisdom.

From: Tmachado37
As always big dog, great reflection on the things that mean so much to us!

From: peterk1234
BD, you just get it. Thanks for sharing! Pete

From: Proline
Nice BD. As I sit here I think wow, you guys are still hunting! That’s great. It seems so long ago, just a couple weeks, the season closed here (NH). You touched on most everything ..the beauty of why we hunt for the non hunting things. But yes, as we age things do change…the spike at age 18 we would shoot without a thought that now gets a pass, the safety strap we never used back in ‘80’s I wouldn’t even think of climbing without now, the cellphone I hate while on stand but the AM in the dark text from my son and buddy saying the setup in their trees safely. That’s a txt I never get tired of seeing. But yup. The invincible years are behind us. Never know how many opening days are left but I appreciate every single sit and every new year that comes cuz at age 44 when the doc said “you have inoperable cancer “ at age 44 I never thought I’d see 60. Happy Healthly ‘24 to you all.

From: BC
I'm with Pro. The invincible years are behind me. Very well said. I passed on two this year because I didn't want the work that comes after the shot. I already filled tags but there was a day when that wouldn't happen. I also sat out some rain days, another sign of father time catching up. Must be getting soft. I had a great season and the freezer is full but I'm definitely slowing down. After we close I have one more hunt in January and then it's time for a long winter's nap. I'm tired, good night.

From: Mhg825
Some nice insight from all !! The struggle with father time is real.i passed a few deer which I haven't done very often, not because of the work.in most hunting situations the encounter is quick.it was nice to observe them doing deer things.happy new year !!

From: Big Dog
Mh, when I pass on deer I usually experiment with calls using my voice. Succeeded in calling in a doe with bleats. Can't do buck grunts however.

From: Arrownoob
Everyone has their own journey and enjoying the woods is an essential part. I wish everyone young and old could experience an exciting hunt but it’s not meant for everyone in this modern time. Maybe I will enjoy the serenity one day but currently the hunt and the chase is most important to me.

From: Dthfrmabove1
BD. As you get older you appreciate different aspects of the hunt. I think you captured that clearly in your post. There is a transformation on your priorities and expectations while afield. It is not until you get older you come to realize what the true meaning of hunting is all about. Sometimes it is not the end but the journey you take to get there Thank you for taking the time to write this and remind us all what hunting is all about

From: Big Dog
Dth, I appreciate your words of understanding. I guess my point is that no man's days afield are endless . Savor them in ways that are meaningful to you ....and you alone.

From: DanaC
I think I've gotten more out of sitting quietly in the woods than I ever did dragging something out. Time to think back on those I've lost, or about work, or relationships, or whatever else needed mental 'down time'.

That being said, it's nice just to get out now and maybe see something *move*. ;-)

From: Deerdawg
When you put the time into hunting, the chase mentality starts to wain, you will become a better HUNTER than chaser. You will be looking at things from a different perspective. Enjoy the chase , its how you learn deer behavior , the woods, the wind. I still have plenty in the tank, i think, but realize nothing is forever men, so cherish every time you Hunt like its your last time. You may never get to do it again!

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