Sitka Gear
I will be heard
Contributors to this thread:
Shawn 05-Jan-24
VTHunter 05-Jan-24
Big Dog 05-Jan-24
steve 05-Jan-24
nehunter 05-Jan-24
Brian M. 05-Jan-24
UWShunter 05-Jan-24
Notme 05-Jan-24
Shawn 05-Jan-24
Shawn 05-Jan-24
Big Dog 06-Jan-24
Tall 1 06-Jan-24
Huntfishroll 06-Jan-24
nehunter 07-Jan-24
Sparky 07-Jan-24
Wayniac 08-Jan-24
N8tureBoy 09-Jan-24
Shawn 11-Jan-24
Blood 11-Jan-24
Tall 1 11-Jan-24
steve 11-Jan-24
Brian M. 11-Jan-24
UWShunter 11-Jan-24
VTHunter 12-Jan-24
Big Dog 12-Jan-24
Notme 12-Jan-24
UWShunter 12-Jan-24
Sparky 30-Jan-24
From: Shawn
January 12th at 2pm I will be in new London court, 112 broad street. I will be voicing from a victim standpoint in the case. The da told me today that it’s his word against mine and there’s really no “evidence”. lol. She told me because of his age and never being in trouble before he falls into the 6 month deferred rehabilitation program. That means in 6 months upon him completing this class it will be off his record. No gun removal what so ever. She told me that even though I’m voicing myself not to be upset if the judge does grant him this. Another words this is what he’s getting and that’s it. I don’t know guys. Just totally lost for words here. January 12th I won’t be.

From: VTHunter
Give em hell Shawn, good luck.

From: Big Dog
I would think his bizarre behavior in advanced years and misuse of a firearm would be exactly why the court should take this case seriously. IGood luck .

From: steve
Tell the judge how it has changed you life!!! Good luck!!

From: nehunter
steve is correct, its definitely changed your life. What if you got some media involved? Local TV, local pro-gun activist?

From: Brian M.
Good luck Shawn, maybe you will get a pro discipline judge.

From: UWShunter
Put your Victim statement in writing. Focus on the trauma you experienced, how you, your family have been impaired by this ba$tard. Ask that your written Victim Statement becomes a part of the record. You also can ask the court to order him to pay you restitution $ for what you’ve experienced - but that’s a long shot. You may also want to ask for an order of protection from him. Good luck!

From: Notme
I don't remember, did you have any of that call to your wife recorded? I guess they're gonna say he said he said,but I hope the judge recognizes that you've taken it this far for a reason..Good luck bud

From: Shawn
Guys I’m trying to get as many people involved as I can. Any help or appearances from anyone who wants to support me would be absolutely amazing!

From: Shawn
Notme unfortunately the call wasn’t recorded. I brought up the fact that he approached me in the woods with no gun and proceeded to scream at me. Left and got a gun. Fired it at me within 50 yards and let me guess. He missed the animal? What a joke

From: Big Dog
Shawn, H.L. Menken put it best : " A judge is a law student who grades his own papers."

From: Tall 1
Like I told you on FB, if they go light, then there’s not much you can do. I would go heavy on him in a civil lawsuit for damages ranging from PTSD, anxiety, fear of the woods, fear of a recurrence, nightmares, loss of interest in a lifelong activity etc…. Make him be held responsible for what he did psychologically to you. Write out your points on paper and practice ( you’ll be nervous) and remember to read slowly, with emotion and breathe. Seriously! Good luck Friday.

From: Huntfishroll
Unfortunately, the criminal justice system in CT is beyond repair. You take an already broken system and then add in years of delays due to Covid (think right to a speedy trial appeals that will be forthcoming) and the need to clear cases, it is a foregone conclusion that this guy will get AR (accelerated rehabilitation). Trust me, people get AR for a lot more serious crimes (not to diminish what happened to you).

Not many people put forth the effort to make a victim impact statement and I commend you for that. While it will help you to gain closure, it will not affect the sentencing. (Unfortunately).

If people truly understood how dysfunctional the court system in CT is, they would be beyond disgusted.

There is a reason crime is as rampant as it is in CT, it is because there is virtually no repercussions for one’s actions.

Hopefully this incident hasn’t dampened your enthusiasm for hunting and the outdoors. I truly enjoy reading your posts and how excited you are for every hunt.

Good luck Shawn, hope it all goes well!

good luck on friday shawn. as others have stated write down what you want to say, then practice actually saying it in front if a mirror. speak slowly, clearly and concise. Make them know thr pain this had cause you and your family.

From: nehunter
Bring those pics all blown up to fill the page. Make copies and ask if you can pass them around.

I would mention the RED flag law and say this isn't a true red flag mental situation then what is?

Best of luck

From: Sparky
good luck

From: Wayniac
It's horse s&&t. They're going way to easy on this guy. Good luck in court

From: N8tureBoy
Good luck Shawn. Have you spoken with an attorney about a civil case?

From: Shawn
Big day tomorrow! Nervous as shit! Got my full statement written down and have read it probably 100 times. lol. Tomorrow at 2. Got a few from here coming to support me. Thanks guys!! Say a prayer..

From: Blood
Go get em!

From: Tall 1
Good luck Shawn! Take your time and remember to breathe.

From: steve
Good Luck!!!

From: Brian M.
And hydrate Shawn. Last time I took a customer to small claims court, my mouth was dry as a desert. After court I stopped at McDonald's and downed an xl lemonade in one sip. At least bring a water with you.

From: UWShunter
Dress like you’re going to a funeral. Not a time to be angry at the ba$tard. Genuine sadness will work more in your favor. Good luck.

From: VTHunter
Good luck Shawn!

From: Big Dog
UWS.....great suggestion

From: Notme
UWS,you ever see the way they dress at funerals now a

From: UWShunter
Good point Notme… Thx BD!

From: Sparky
The law is against you, the law is for the aggressor,

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