Mathews Inc.
Where to get deer hide tanned?
Contributors to this thread:
Gregor 06-Oct-09
ElkHuntr 06-Oct-09
DL 06-Oct-09
ORARCHER 06-Oct-09
ORARCHER 06-Oct-09
cornbread 06-Oct-09
shorty 06-Oct-09
Gregor 14-Oct-09
Gregor 28-Nov-09
Snag 28-Nov-09
WilliamMorrison 16-Feb-22
From: Gregor
My son would like to have his deer hide tanned - who is good, what are your recommendations?

From: ElkHuntr
i could be mistaken but i did not think there was anywhere in-state to get professional tanning done. taxi's send them out of state to a place in california or utah i think.

i have an antelope that is going to a tannery in california via a local taxi.

From: DL
I send my my skins to Wildlife fur dressings, 3415 Harold St, Ceres, ca 95307


1. get as much fat and meat as you can off 2. salt with non iodized salt, very heavy 3. 24 hours latter shake off salt and remove any more flesh or fat. 4. salt again with new salt until dry. Do this in a dry area. the first 24 hours a lot of liquid will come out of the skin and create a mess wherever you do it. Once the skin is dry shake the salt off, fold it up and it is ready for shipping. DO NOT put it in a plastic bag. They will send you shipping labels and forms.

There is a guy in the valley who does it and he is very good. I will try and find it


Ok that was quick here is a link to his website. I know he is very good.

From: cornbread
I second Angelos he has amazing prices too considering what you get and how much work goes into it. Remember though you are getting back a fur most times not a rug looking skin and there is a difference between the two. Also I think he can do it as leather if you ask for it, be sure you specify exactly what you want as there are several ways he can return it to you e.g. a piece of leather, a fur, a cape etc. I use him for the better pelts I take when predator calling and consider it cheap at the price for what I get back for sure.

From: shorty
gregor im a taxidermist here in bend and i use bruce at high desert tannery in lapine exclusively, he does a great job and is reasonably priced,search the web and you can find him.

From: Gregor
Thanks guys - I ended up talking with a few and sent it off to Angelo. I'll keep you posted on how it turns out.

From: Gregor
Got the hide back from Angelo's - I gotta say it is simply outstanding. Very impressive hide - nice clean edges and soft. And what suprised me is that it doesn't smell at all - I mean I thought it would smell a little chemically or something, but there is no smell at all. That is just really impressive.

From: Snag
15 hides per order for Angelo's????


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