Moving to Astoria
Contributors to this thread:Oregon
From: Kenai
Hey everyone I’m moving out to Astoria this coming spring/summer and was wondering if anyone else on the board is in that area, and could maybe give me some pointers. I currently live and hunt over here in Massachusetts and I know the terrain is gonna be completely different, so just looking to try and get a feel for how y’all get after em. You guys mostly spot and stalk, or do you guys hang stands out there too? Most everyone in mass hunts stands in thick nasty swamps. Anyhow thanks in advance and I look forward to getting out in those big woods!
From: ghost stalker
You're going to be in the Saddle Mountain unit. I personally haven't hunted it. Their is a lot of private timber land and they will shut down access real quick during fire season so pay attention to that. Also, most if not all Weyerhaeuser land in the unit you will have to buy a permit from them if you want to hunt their land and a lot of the other timber lands only allow walk in access or vehicle access from sun up to sun down. Its steep and thick. I'd spend most of my hunting near recently logged areas where the feed is good. check out the links. The second link you can get a copy of the unit map. Fishing and crabbing is good.
From: swede
The successful elk hunters I know that hunt near Astoria do a lot of scouting. They spot and stalk. Get in a place where you can glass clear cuts near and far and when you see them figure out how you will get close. There are a lot of roads you can use for access.
From: Kenai
I really appreciate the feedback guys! Yeah I have no experience dealing with fire season stuff so I’ll really have to pay attention to that! I Will for sure have to get out and scout a bunch, it’s gonna be a whole different ballgame than what I’m used to!
From: swede
That spot and stalk hunt works best in the early season before they get pushed off into the canyons and brush. Calling works best early too for Roosies. Tree stands over well used trails can be deadly, but you will need patience and persistence.
From: tlingit
I live outside Astoria about 6 miles and have hunted elk about 40 years. There is a lot of state land on the eastern part of the Saddle Mt. unit. The roads there are open during the season unless fire danger is high. I used to spot and stalk but am now past 80 and hunt from stands. My success is about the same as earlier. I have taken two bulls in the last 4 years. I am the treasurer of the local bowhunters club and suggest you become a member. We have a nice 3D range and a lot of local knowledge.
From: RJ Hunt
If you want to hunt deer (blacktail) I would suggest buying the book Blacktail Trophy Tactics 2 by Boyd Iverson and reading before going out for deer. Also that country is THICK! Can’t walk though thick in many areas. Don’t get discouraged and stick to it as the coast (saddle mountain WMU especially) hold many animals.
From: muskeg
Take time to learn how the draw & point system works ... Also just remember rain is only water. You will eventually get dry.
From: Greg S
You got a bunch of great advice above. Curious how it has gone for you since i just found this thread?