2016 Stolen Bull Mt Emily
Contributors to this thread:Oregon
From: DJs6x8
Stolen bull??
Stolen bull??
Well the anger hasn’t passed, it was a bad year other than a draw on Mt Emily any Bull tag. I was diagnosed with cancer. Mid season the Elk were in full rut Bugleing like crazy. I spent 2 hours stalking a heard, had perfect wind finally in a pocket I watched this bull bread a cow she made squealing noise while others watched it was quick , she squatted he got off Made Squeal bugle, turned at 20 yards broadside I launch my arrow lung shot as he spun I could see all but my fletching sticking out the other side he baled with the heard. It was 6:03 pm got my hunting partner and waited, we started to track the heard torethe ground up and dived off the ridge, we looked past dark. Dang so first light noticed the bull had broke away from the heard, about 125 yards from where i shot is a guy dressing out my bull?? well apparently when my ball broke from the herd he stuck it in the hind quarter and it fell down, even tho it had a arrow that had lung shot, he claim he killed it, at this point he had massive dirt all over the meat. ?? well crap, got some info he was (so he said) from baKer city, wearing all KUIU gear drove a blue late 2009+- ford f350 he was very nervous. I grabbed a picture it was as decribed to my hunting partner the night before, 6 point dark on one side, 8 point other side light beam kinda crowned, what happened to hunter Ethics this person has to look at that bowl the rest of his life and no he didn’t really kill it. Ruined my hunt of a life time at least my cance is in remission maybe I can draw this tag again probably not that I’m too old
From: swede
Best wishes for the cancer to stay in remission. I hope you are cured. Here is my take on your elk story. It is too bad you lost a big, once in a lifetime bull. What I don't understand is: How a bull you "lung shot" was standing the next day? I have never observed an arrow that was just hanging in the body by the fletch, stay there for any distance, or time. You probably could have found the arrow somewhere close to where you shot the bull. Certainly there was no broadhead left in the animal. The other hunter must have seen the bull at first light, or you were very negligent in going after it. At first light you and your friend should have been where you left off the evening before. You probably should have stayed on the bull and tracked it in the dark if you were certain it was lung hit. They don't go far with that kind of wound. Did the hunter from Baker City know the bull had an arrow pass through the lungs? It is interesting that the other hunter had the elk nearly butchered when you arrived. It takes me a couple of hours after I get to one when I am by myself. You were late arriving at the place you shot the animal. He must have seen it fall over from the ham shot, or he took a big chance it would leave the area and make for an impossible tracking job. If I saw a standing bull in the early morning I too would have shot it. If after seeing it up close, I believed it was mine, I would take my pictures then start butchering. If you came along and claimed it, I would ask where you hit it, and you would be asked to show me the location on the hide. If you could do it, and the hit was where you said, I would just say congratulations. It is your animal. I thought it was fair game when I shot it. I am sorry about your loss.
From: DJs6x8
Well guess I didnt describe Correctly, that He had a small heard that he apparently broke from the heard unfortunately we didnt see his tracks, the heard dove into steep canyon. After dark we decided to come back first light witch we did. Retraced where I shot and found his tracks shortly after found this hunter cutting up the Elk, tempers raised he said it ran in front of him last night shortly after 6 pm, he had only one shot and stuck it in the rear ham and fell down. He gutted left For the am. He caped it out but the hole in the ribs on the right side he said his knife slipped, the elk was a mess with dirt with all of us wearing side arms it was best to back out after a few words. I did have a week left and Elk were going crazy but ended up eating my tag with no more close good shots.
From: swede
It sounds like he knew it was really not his bull and he disguised his skullduggery. That is a tragedy, as you will probably not be able to go there again. I am 73 with 11 points. I have tried for years to go to Mt. Emily, but should have started much earlier. Years ago I was satisfied with my OTC hunts and had good success. That area is not overrun with bow hunters. I doubt I will get a tag for Mt. Emily in time to give it a fair effort.