Sitka Gear
Why is Benghazi important?
Contributors to this thread:
Houndstooth 14-Nov-12
Anony Mouse 14-Nov-12
RK 14-Nov-12
Shuteye 15-Nov-12
Owl 15-Nov-12
Houndstooth 15-Nov-12
Pat C. 15-Nov-12
TD 15-Nov-12
Hunting555 15-Nov-12
Norseman 15-Nov-12
WildmanSC 15-Nov-12
Iktomi 15-Nov-12
GeneJockey 15-Nov-12
Iktomi 15-Nov-12
Iktomi 15-Nov-12
HA2/KS 15-Nov-12
Norseman 16-Nov-12
Carpshooter 16-Nov-12
Iktomi 16-Nov-12
Pat C. 16-Nov-12
Hunting555 16-Nov-12
From: Houndstooth
There was inadequate security at Benghazi, regardless of whether the attach was planned, opportunistic or spontaneous. What's gained from lying about who did it and whether it was planned? Why is presidential culpability different from other blindside hits like Lebanon '83, Yemen '00, NYC '01, all of which were planned?

From: Anony Mouse

Obama lied...Americans died.

From: RK
Obama is an absolue joke. But he is now our joke and none of what follows will be very funny.

From: Shuteye
I agree with Woods Walker. There is no way that anyone can do anything about Obama and he can lie, steal and cheat and nothing will be done.

From: Owl
"You guys still don't get it. It doesn't matter anymore. THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS DON'T long as the "free bennies" keep coming."

-WW, I disagree about the motivation. 'Free bennies' only explain a small portion of the motivation. More so, people do not care because they expect everything to run just fine without much of their attention. But you are absolutely correct, the majority just do not care enough to push the issue.

From: Houndstooth
Judging by the responses, Benghazi is not important. Was it just an eleventh hour issue in an election that is now over (for some, anyway)?

From: Pat C.
Houndstooth Benghazi is inportant but the sad truth is it will be lied away!!

From: TD
Owl x2

Apathy. They would rather plug their ears and close their eyes than have to deal with anything. Those things that take their attention away from reality, American Idol, the latest Lohan rehab, Brad and Angelina.... anything not real in their lives. Living someone else's life in some ways.

Modern culture has made it easy to hide. Dig out your hole and pull the dirt back in with you.....

From: Hunting555
Although I too believe we have crossed the tipping point line, I also agree that apathy plays a big part in that.

Its our inherent self-centeredness. It's all about me, I'm all that matters, and nothing else is important enough to get my attention or my time to investigate.

Just ask people what Benghazi is or Fast & Furious and you'll be surprise that a majority of average Americans don't have a clue!

If its not being spoon fed to them by the MSM they don't have a clue and won't bother spending the time to find out. JMHO

From: Norseman
Where are the libs on these threads, supporting their TBVIEC?

From: WildmanSC
"There was inadequate security at Benghazi, regardless of whether the attach was planned, opportunistic or spontaneous. What's gained from lying about who did it and whether it was planned? Why is presidential culpability different from other blindside hits like Lebanon '83, Yemen '00, NYC '01, all of which were planned?" The main difference is our consolate in Benghazi was attacked in April and July, the British Consulate and the Red Cross shut down because the area was too dangerous. Additionally, our wise, tongue firmly planted in cheek, pulled the American Security forces out of Benghazi in August and it ignored numerous pleas from the Ambassador and his contingent for increased security forces due to the known terrorists that were active in the area. Yet our Administration said no! Furthermore, they didn't send help to the people in Benghazi while they were under attack for over 8 hours! Then they lied about what actually happened. There's a world of difference!!!


From: Iktomi
A few weeks ago I heard there was a sniff that the whole Benghazi operation might be part of a gun running operation to Syria. Has anyone heard anything else on that?

From: GeneJockey
That would seem a stretch. You'd have to traverse all of Egypt, and all of Israel to get to Syria.

OTOH, Turkey is an ally that is currently receiving a lot of refugees from Syria, and occasionally swapping light artillery fire, and they share a pretty long border.

From: Iktomi
From what I recall, it was said that Benghazi was not a actual transfer point for weapons, but rather a contact location for coordinating the arms deals. It was posited that the actual transfers took place through Turkey. Whether or not any of this is actually the case, I don't know, but it certainly wouldn't be unprecedented. Our government has an ugly habit of doing this sort of thing.

From: Iktomi
"Oh, Rick, why do you hate America?"


From: HA2/KS
For a long time, many of us thought of obama as an immoral version of Jimmy Carter. I now realize that he is much more like an immoral version of Richard nixon.

From: Norseman
nothing to see here...move along...Look! I'm hugging a New Yorker.

From: Carpshooter
Because the Romney believers need something to whine about !

From: Iktomi
Spike, that's pretty much what I read. Now, how solid is this information, and can any of it be confirmed? Or is it an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory that is gathering steam?

From: Pat C.
Come on Carp even you have to see something is badly wrong here. Frist Gun walker And then Benghazi, Open your eyes Brother!!

From: Hunting555
Sounds like Petreas just testified that the CIA knew it was a terrorist attack almost immediately. He testified that his talking points to the White House said that, but someone changed that before Rice went on the talk show circuit.

Supposedly he revealed several other "bombshells" to the committee this morning.

And Yes, Benghazi is most likely related to a weapons running operation. At first there were several theories, but that is the one the "insiders" have finally stayed with. In fact, they are saying something like 20,000 to 30,000 surface to air missiles are involved and possibly unaccounted for. Supposedly, Stevens was the broker.

Insiders say this is WAY BIGGER than Water Gate or Iran Contra. Saying we've only scratched the surface of whats involved.

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